initSidebarItems({"enum":[["CubeFace","Faces of a cubemap."],["DepthComparison","Depth comparison to perform while depth test. `a` is the incoming fragment’s depth and b is the fragment’s depth that is already stored."],["Dim","Dimension of a texture."],["Filter","Minification and magnification filter."],["Layering","Texture layering. If a texture is layered, it has an extra coordinates to access the layer."],["Wrap","How to wrap texture coordinates while sampling textures?"]],"fn":[["dim_capacity",""]],"struct":[["Cubemap",""],["Dim1",""],["Dim2",""],["Dim3",""],["Flat",""],["Layered",""],["Sampler","A `Sampler` object gives hint on how a `Texture` should be sampled."],["Texture","Texture."]],"trait":[["Dimensionable","Reify a type into a `Dim`."],["HasTexture","Trait to implement to provide texture features."],["Layerable","Reify a type into a `Layering`."]]});