Crate lucid_arena_sys

source ·


< Adaptive algorithm that uses directional data (slower, more accurate coloring)
< Algorithm that averages nearest neighbours (faster)
< Write to register, write to cache on read
< The notation if either scientific or fixed depending on what is shorter
< The notation is fixed, e.g. 123.4
< The notation is scientific, e.g. 1.234e2
< Function aborted
< Busy on anothe process
< Start adding custom error LIST here
< Invalid register address
< Null/incorrect parameter
< Input/output error
< Function not available
< Function not implemented
< Arena SDK not initialized
< No data available
< Error parsing chunk data
< Resource cannot perform more actions
< Resource already in use
< Success, no error
< The feature has a fix increment
< The feature has a list of valid values
< The feature has no increment
< Name resides in custom namespace
< Name resides in one of the standard namespaces
< Chunk data only; image data may be present as chunk
< Decimal number in an edit control
< default behaviour for the underlying transport layer
< Will try to start Gvsp 2.0 stream with 16bit block id if supported
< Visible for experts or gurus



@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBooleanGetValue(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBooleanSetValue(acNode hNode, bool8_t value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferDataLargerThanBuffer(acBuffer hBuffer, bool8_t* pDataLargerThanBuffer)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferGetFrameId(acBuffer hBuffer, uint64_t* pFrameId)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferGetPayloadSize(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pPayloadSize)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferGetPayloadType(acBuffer hBuffer, AC_PAYLOAD_TYPE* pPayloadType)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferGetSizeFilled(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pSizeFilled)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferGetSizeOfBuffer(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pSizeOfBuffer)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferHasChunkData(acBuffer hBuffer, bool8_t* pHasChunkData)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferHasImageData(acBuffer hBuffer, bool8_t* pHasImageData)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferIsIncomplete(acBuffer hBuffer, bool8_t* pIsIncomplete)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acBufferVerifyCRC(acBuffer hBuffer, bool8_t* pVerifyCRC)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCalculateCRC32(const uint8_t* pData, size_t pDataLen, size_t* pCRCValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCalculateMaximumNumberOfBuffers(size_t payloadSize, size_t* pMaxBufs);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCallbackDeregister(acCallback hCallback)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCallbackRegister(acCallback* phCallback, acNode hNode, acCallbackFunction callbackFunction, void* pUserData)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCategoryGetFeature(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* hFeatureNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCategoryGetFeatureAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* hFeatureNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCategoryGetNumFeatures(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumFeatures)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acChunkDataGetChunk(acBuffer hBuffer, const char* pName, acNode* phChunk)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acChunkDataGetChunkAndAccessMode(acBuffer hBuffer, const char* pName, acNode* phChunkNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCloseSystem(acSystem hSystem)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCommandExecute(acNode hNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acCommandIsDone(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsDone)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceDeinitializeEvents(acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceDeregisterImageCallback(acDevice hDevice, acCallback* phCallback);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceGetBuffer(acDevice hDevice, uint64_t timeout, acBuffer* phBuffer)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceGetNodeMap(acDevice hDevice, acNodeMap* phNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceGetTLDeviceNodeMap(acDevice hDevice, acNodeMap* phNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceGetTLInterfaceNodeMap(acDevice hDevice, acNodeMap* phNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceGetTLStreamNodeMap(acDevice hDevice, acNodeMap* phNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceInitializeEvents(acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceIsConnected(acDevice hDevice, bool8_t* pIsConnected)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceRegisterImageCallback(acDevice hDevice, acCallback* phCallback, acImageCallbackFunction callbackFn, void* pParam);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceRequeueBuffer(acDevice hDevice, acBuffer pBuffer)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceResetWaitForNextLeader(acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceStartStream(acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceStartStreamNumBuffersAndFlags(acDevice hDevice, size_t numBuffers)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceStopStream(acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceWaitForNextLeader(acDevice hDevice, int64_t timeout)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acDeviceWaitOnEvent(acDevice hDevice, int64_t timeout)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumEntryGetIntValue(acNode hNode, int64_t* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumEntryGetNumericValue(acNode hNode, double* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumEntryGetSymbolic(acNode hNode, char* pSymbolicBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumEntryIsSelfClearing(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsSelfClearing)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetCurrentEntry(acNode hNode, acNode* phEntryNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetCurrentEntryAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, acNode* phEntryNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetCurrentSymbolic(acNode hNode, char* pSymbolicBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetEntryAndAccessModeByIndex(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phEntryNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetEntryAndAccessModeByName(acNode hNode, const char* pEntryName, acNode* phEntryNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetEntryByIndex(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phEntryNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetEntryByName(acNode hNode, const char* pEntryName, acNode* phEntryNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetNumEntries(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumEntries)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetNumSymbolics(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumSymbolics)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationGetSymbolicByIndex(acNode hNode, size_t index, char* pSymbolicBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationSetByIntValue(acNode hNode, int64_t value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acEnumerationSetBySymbolic(acNode hNode, const char* pSymbolic)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamCreate(acNodeMap hNodeMap, acFeatureStream* phFeatureStream)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamDestroy(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamRead(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamReadFileName(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream, const char* pFileName)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamSelect(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream, const char* pFeatureName)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamWrite(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFeatureStreamWriteFileName(acFeatureStream hFeatureStream, const char* pFileName)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetDisplayNotation(acNode hNode, AC_DISPLAY_NOTATION* pDisplayNotation)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetDisplayPrecision(acNode hNode, int64_t* pDisplayPrecision)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetInc(acNode hNode, double* pIncrement)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetIncMode(acNode hNode, AC_INC_MODE* pIncMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetMax(acNode hNode, double* pMaximum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetMin(acNode hNode, double* pMinimum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetRepresentation(acNode hNode, AC_REPRESENTATION* pRepresentation)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetUnit(acNode hNode, char* pUnitBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatGetValue(acNode hNode, double* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatHasInc(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pHasInc)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatImposeMax(acNode hNode, double imposedMaximum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatImposeMin(acNode hNode, double imposedMinimum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acFloatSetValue(acNode hNode, double value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acGetBitsPerPixel(uint64_t pixelFormat, size_t* pBitsPerPixel)
AC_ERROR acGetLastErrorMessage(char* pMessageBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acGetVersion(char* pVersionBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageFactoryConvert(acBuffer hSrc, uint64_t pixelFormat, acBuffer* phDst)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageFactoryConvertBayerAlgorithm(acBuffer hSrc, uint64_t pixelFormat, AC_BAYER_ALGORITHM bayerAlgo, acBuffer* phDst)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageFactoryCopy(acBuffer hSrc, acBuffer* phDst)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageFactoryCreate(uint8_t* pData, size_t dataSize, size_t width, size_t height, uint64_t pixelFormat, acBuffer* phDst)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageFactoryDestroy(acBuffer hBuffer)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetBitsPerPixel(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pBitsPerPixel)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetData(acBuffer hBuffer, uint8_t** ppData)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetHeight(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pHeight)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetOffsetX(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pOffsetX)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetOffsetY(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pOffsetY)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetPaddingX(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pPaddingX)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetPaddingY(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pPaddingY)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetPixelEndianness(acBuffer hBuffer, AC_PIXEL_ENDIANNESS* pPixelEndianness)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetPixelFormat(acBuffer hBuffer, uint64_t* pPixelFormat)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetTimestamp(acBuffer hBuffer, uint64_t* pTimestamp)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetTimestampNs(acBuffer hBuffer, uint64_t* pTimestampNs)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acImageGetWidth(acBuffer hBuffer, size_t* pWidth)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetInc(acNode hNode, int64_t* pIncrement)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetIncMode(acNode hNode, AC_INC_MODE* pIncrementMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetMax(acNode hNode, int64_t* pMaximum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetMin(acNode hNode, int64_t* pMinimum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetRepresentation(acNode hNode, AC_REPRESENTATION* pRepresentation)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetUnit(acNode hNode, char* pUnitBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerGetValue(acNode hNode, int64_t* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerImposeMax(acNode hNode, int64_t imposedMaximum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerImposeMin(acNode hNode, int64_t imposedMinimum)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIntegerSetValue(acNode hNode, int64_t value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIsReadable(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsReadable)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acIsWritable(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsWritable)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetAccessMode(acNode hNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetAlias(acNode hNode, acNode* phAliasNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetCachingMode(acNode hNode, AC_CACHING_MODE* pCachingMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetCastAlias(acNode hNode, acNode* phAliasNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetChild(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phChildNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetChildAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phChildNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* accessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetDescription(acNode hNode, char* pDescription, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetDeviceName(acNode hNode, char* pDeviceName, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetDisplayName(acNode hNode, char* pDisplayName, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetDocuURL(acNode hNode, char* pDocuURL, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetEventID(acNode hNode, char* pEventIDBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetFullyQualifiedName(acNode hNode, char* pNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetName(acNode hNode, char* pNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetNamespace(acNode hNode, AC_NAMESPACE* pNameSpace)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetNumChildren(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumChildren)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetNumParents(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumParents)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetNumPropertyNames(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumPropertyNames)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetParent(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phParentNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetParentAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phParentNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetPollingTime(acNode hNode, int64_t* pPollingTime)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetPrincipalInterfaceType(acNode hNode, AC_INTERFACE_TYPE* pInterfaceType)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetProperty(acNode hNode, const char* pPropertyName, char* pPropertyValueBuf, size_t* pPropertyValueBufLen, char* pPropertyAttributeBuf, size_t* pPropertyAttributeBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetPropertyName(acNode hNode, size_t index, char* pPropertyNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetToolTip(acNode hNode, char* pToolTipBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeGetVisibility(acNode hNode, AC_VISIBILITY* pVisibility)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeImposeAccessMode(acNode hNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE imposedAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeImposeVisibility(acNode hNode, AC_VISIBILITY imposedVisibility)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeInvalidateNode(acNode hNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeIsCachable(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsCachable)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeIsDeprecated(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsDeprecated)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeIsFeature(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsFeature)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeIsStreamable(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsStreamable)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapExecute(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetBooleanValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, bool8_t* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetDeviceName(acNodeMap hNodeMap, char* pDeviceNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetEnumerationValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, char* pSymbolicBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetFloatValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, double* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetIntegerValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, int64_t* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetNode(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, acNode* phNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetNodeAndAccessMode(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, acNode* phNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pNodeAccess)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetNodeByIndex(acNodeMap hNodeMap, size_t index, acNode* phNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetNodeByIndexAndAccessMode(acNodeMap hNodeMap, size_t index, acNode* phNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pNodeAccess)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetNumNodes(acNodeMap hNodeMap, uint64_t* pNumNodes)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapGetStringValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, char* pValueBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapInvalidateNodes(acNodeMap hNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapLock(acNodeMap hNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapPoll(acNodeMap hNodeMap, int64_t elapsedTime)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapSetBooleanValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, bool8_t value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapSetEnumerationValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, const char* pSymbolic)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapSetFloatValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, double value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapSetIntegerValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, int64_t value)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapSetStringValue(acNodeMap hNodeMap, const char* pNodeName, const char* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapTryLock(acNodeMap hNodeMap, bool8_t* pLocked)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acNodeMapUnlock(acNodeMap hNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acOpenSystem(acSystem* phSystem)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acRegisterGet(acNode hNode, uint8_t* pBuf, int64_t bufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acRegisterSet(acNode hNode, const uint8_t* pBuf, int64_t bufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetNumSelectedFeatures(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumSelectedFeatures)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetNumSelectingFeatures(acNode hNode, size_t* pNumSelectingFeatures)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetSelectedFeature(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phSelectedFeatureNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetSelectedFeatureAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phSelectedFeatureNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetSelectingFeature(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phSelectingFeatureNode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorGetSelectingFeatureAndAccessMode(acNode hNode, size_t index, acNode* phSelectingFeatureNode, AC_ACCESS_MODE* pAccessMode)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSelectorIsSelector(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsSelector)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acStringGetMaxLength(acNode hNode, int64_t* pMaxLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acStringGetValue(acNode hNode, char* pValue, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acStringSetValue(acNode hNode, const char* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemAddUnicastDiscoveryDevice(acSystem hSystem, char* pUnicastDeviceIP)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemCreateDevice(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, acDevice* phDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemDeregisterAllDeviceDisconnectCallbacks(acSystem hSystem);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemDeregisterDeviceDisconnectCallback(acSystem hSystem, acCallback hDeviceDisconnectCallback);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemDestroyDevice(acSystem hSystem, acDevice hDevice)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemForceIpAddress(acSystem hSystem, uint64_t macAddress, uint64_t ipAddress, uint64_t subnetMask, uint64_t defaultGateway)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceDefaultGateway(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint32_t* pDefaultGateway)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceDefaultGatewayStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pDefaultGatewayStr, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceIpAddress(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint32_t* pIpAddress)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceIpAddressStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pIpAddressStr, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceMacAddress(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint64_t* pMacAddress)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceMacAddressStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pMacAddress, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceModel(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pModelNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceSerial(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pSerialNumberBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceSubnetMask(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint32_t* pSubnetMask)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceSubnetMaskStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pSubnetMaskStr, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceUserDefinedName(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pUserDefinedName, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetDeviceVendor(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pVendorNameBuf, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceIpAddress(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint32_t* pIpAddress)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceIpAddressStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pIpAddressStr, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceMacAddress(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint64_t* pMacAddress)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceMacAddressStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pMacAddress, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceSubnetMask(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, uint32_t* pSubnetMask)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetInterfaceSubnetMaskStr(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, char* pSubnetMaskStr, size_t* pBufLen)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetNumDevices(acSystem hSystem, size_t* pNumDevices)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetNumInterfaces(acSystem hSystem, size_t* pNumDevices)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemGetTLSystemNodeMap(acSystem hSystem, acNodeMap* phNodeMap)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemIsDeviceDHCPConfigurationEnabled(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, bool8_t* pIsDHCPConfigurationEnabled)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemIsDeviceLLAConfigurationEnabled(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, bool8_t* pIsLLAIpConfigurationEnabled)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemIsDevicePersistentIpConfigurationEnabled(acSystem hSystem, size_t index, bool8_t* pIsPersistentIpConfigurationEnabled)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemRegisterDeviceDisconnectCallback(acSystem hSystem, acDevice hDevice, acCallback* phDeviceDisconnectCallback, acDeviceDisconnectCallbackFunction callbackFn);
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemRemoveUnicastDiscoveryDevice(acSystem hSystem, char* pUnicastDeviceIP)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemUpdateDevices(acSystem hSystem, uint64_t timeout)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemUpdateDevicesHasChanged(acSystem hSystem, uint64_t timeout, bool8_t* pHasChanged)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acSystemUpdateDevicesOnInterface(acSystem hSystem, size_t interfaceIndex, uint64_t timeout, bool8_t* pHasChanged)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acValueFromString(acNode hNode, const char* pValue)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acValueIsValueCacheValid(acNode hNode, bool8_t* pIsValid)
@fn AC_ERROR AC_API acValueToString(acNode hNode, char* pValueBuf, size_t* pBufLen)

Type Definitions

@typedef AC_ACCESS_MODE;
@typedef AC_ERROR;
@typedef AC_INC_MODE;
@typedef AC_NAMESPACE;
@typedef acBuffer;
@typedef acCallback;
@typedef acCallbackFunction
@typedef acDevice;
@typedef acFeatureStream;
@typedef acNode;
@typedef acNodeMap;
@typedef acSystem;