[][src]Macro lucet_runtime_internals::lucet_hostcall_terminate

macro_rules! lucet_hostcall_terminate {
    () => { ... };
    ( $payload:expr ) => { ... };
    ( $payload:expr, ) => { ... };
    ( $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+ ) => { ... };

Terminate an instance from within a hostcall, returning an optional value as an error.

Use this instead of panic! when you want the instance to terminate, but not the entire host program. Like panic!, you can pass a format string with arguments, a value that implements Any, or nothing to return a default message.

Upon termination, the call to Instance::run() will return with an Err(Error::RuntimeTerminated) value containing the value you pass to this macro.

This macro safely unwinds the hostcall stack out to the entrypoint of the hostcall, so any resources that may have been acquired will be properly dropped.