[][src]Function lsl_sys::lsl_pull_sample_f

pub unsafe extern "C" fn lsl_pull_sample_f(
    in_: lsl_inlet,
    buffer: *mut f32,
    buffer_elements: i32,
    timeout: f64,
    ec: *mut i32
) -> f64

Pull a sample from the inlet and read it into a pointer to values. Handles type checking & conversion. @param in The #lsl_inlet object to act on. @param[out] buffer A pointer to hold the resulting values. @param buffer_elements The number of samples allocated in the buffer. @attention It is the responsibility of the user to allocate enough memory. @param timeout The timeout for this operation, if any. Use #LSL_FOREVER to effectively disable it. It is also permitted to use 0.0 here; in this case a sample is only returned if one is currently buffered. @param[out] ec Error code: can be either no error or #lsl_lost_error (if the stream source has been lost).
@note If the timeout expires before a new sample was received the function returns 0.0; ec is not set to #lsl_timeout_error (because this case is not considered an error condition). @return The capture time of the sample on the remote machine, or 0.0 if no new sample was available. To remap this time stamp to the local clock, add the value returned by lsl_time_correction() to it. @{