var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["lru_time_cache"] = {"doc":"# Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache","items":[[3,"VacantEntry","lru_time_cache","A vacant Entry.",null,null],[3,"OccupiedEntry","","An occupied Entry.",null,null],[3,"LruCache","","Implementation of [LRU cache](index.html#least-recently-used-lru-cache).",null,null],[4,"Entry","","A view into a single entry in an LRU cache, which may either be vacant or occupied.",null,null],[13,"Vacant","","A vacant Entry",0,null],[13,"Occupied","","An occupied Entry",0,null],[11,"with_capacity","","Constructor for capacity based `LruCache`.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"lrucache"}}],[11,"with_expiry_duration","","Constructor for time based `LruCache`.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"duration"}],"output":{"name":"lrucache"}}],[11,"with_expiry_duration_and_capacity","","Constructor for dual-feature capacity and time based `LruCache`.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"duration"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"lrucache"}}],[11,"insert","","Inserts a key-value pair into the cache.",1,null],[11,"remove","","Removes a key-value pair from the cache.",1,null],[11,"get","","Retrieves a reference to the value stored under `key`, or `None` if the key doesn't exist.\nAlso removes expired elements and updates the time.",1,null],[11,"get_mut","","Retrieves a mutable reference to the value stored under `key`, or `None` if the key doesn't\nexist. Also removes expired elements and updates the time.",1,null],[11,"contains_key","","Returns whether `key` exists in the cache or not. Also removes expired elements.",1,null],[11,"len","","Returns the size of the cache, i.e. the number of cached key-value pairs. Also removes\nexpired elements.",1,null],[11,"entry","","Gets the given key's corresponding entry in the map for in-place manipulation.",1,null],[11,"retrieve_all","","Returns a clone of all elements as an unordered vector of key-value tuples. Also removes\nexpired elements and updates the time.",1,null],[11,"retrieve_all_ordered","","Returns a clone of all elements as a vector of key-value tuples ordered by most to least\nrecently updated. Also removes expired elements and updates the time.",1,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"insert","","Inserts a value",2,null],[11,"into_mut","","Converts the entry into a mutable reference to its value.",3,null],[11,"or_insert","","Ensures a value is in the entry by inserting the default if empty, and returns\na mutable reference to the value in the entry.",0,null],[11,"or_insert_with","","Ensures a value is in the entry by inserting the result of the default function if empty,\nand returns a mutable reference to the value in the entry.",0,null]],"paths":[[4,"Entry"],[3,"LruCache"],[3,"VacantEntry"],[3,"OccupiedEntry"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);