Expand description

Contains the opcode mode, iteration count, and result offset (in RAM) and also launches the accelerator. Note: with CP version: CTRL0 and CRTL1 can be written in one go with MCRR.


Field CSKIP reader - Skip rules on Carry if needed. This operation will be skipped based on Carry value (from previous operation) if not 0:

Field CSKIP writer - Skip rules on Carry if needed. This operation will be skipped based on Carry value (from previous operation) if not 0:

Contains the opcode mode, iteration count, and result offset (in RAM) and also launches the accelerator. Note: with CP version: CTRL0 and CRTL1 can be written in one go with MCRR.

Field ITER reader - Iteration counter. Is number_cycles - 1. write 0 means Does one cycle - does not iterate.

Field ITER writer - Iteration counter. Is number_cycles - 1. write 0 means Does one cycle - does not iterate.

Field MODE reader - Operation mode to perform. write 0 means Accelerator is inactive. write others means accelerator is active.

Field MODE writer - Operation mode to perform. write 0 means Accelerator is inactive. write others means accelerator is active.

Register CTRL1 reader

Field RESBPAIR reader - Which bank-pair the offset RESOFF is within. This must be 0 if only 2-up. Ideally this is not the same bank as ABBPAIR (when 4-up supported)

Field RESBPAIR writer - Which bank-pair the offset RESOFF is within. This must be 0 if only 2-up. Ideally this is not the same bank as ABBPAIR (when 4-up supported)

Field RESOFF reader - Word or DWord Offset of result. Word offset only allowed if 32 bit operation. Ideally not in the same RAM as the AB and CD values

Field RESOFF writer - Word or DWord Offset of result. Word offset only allowed if 32 bit operation. Ideally not in the same RAM as the AB and CD values

Register CTRL1 writer


Skip rules on Carry if needed. This operation will be skipped based on Carry value (from previous operation) if not 0:

Which bank-pair the offset RESOFF is within. This must be 0 if only 2-up. Ideally this is not the same bank as ABBPAIR (when 4-up supported)