Crate lox

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A polygon mesh library with different data structures and traits to abstract over those.

lox can be used to create, generate, process, and analyze polygon meshes. This is part of the field “geometry processing”, relevant for developing real-time 3D applications, simulations, 3D-printing, and much more.

Main features:

  • Multiple optimized and well tested mesh data structures, including half edge mesh and directed edge mesh.
  • Ability to abstract over different data structures without overhead.
  • BlAzInGlY fAsT. Ok no actually, it’s pretty fast and I have benchmarks to prove it.
  • Prop maps as flexible solution for storing and managing additional mesh properties (e.g. vertex positions, face colors, …).
  • Built-in algorithms (only very few right now).
  • Notably missing: IO. Explanation.

Quick start

Important facts:

  • lox offers multiple data structures to store mesh connectivity information. It has traits to abstract over those. You can chose the one that best fits your needs.

  • Data associated with mesh elements (e.g. vertex positions, face colors, …) are called “props”. Props are stored separately from the connectivity information, in prop maps. Yes, even the vertex positions.

  • To refer to mesh elements, use VertexHandle, FaceHandle and EdgeHandle.

  • You can find some provided algorithms in algo.

  • You likely want to use lox::prelude::*; to import all important traits.


Basic creation and usage of some mesh methods:

use lox::{

let mut mesh = <DirectedEdgeMesh>::empty();

let v0 = mesh.add_vertex();
let v1 = mesh.add_vertex();
let v2 = mesh.add_vertex();
let v3 = mesh.add_vertex();

let f0 = mesh.add_triangle([v0, v1, v2]);
let f1 = mesh.add_triangle([v0, v2, v3]);

let v_center = mesh.split_face(f0);

for neighbor in mesh.vertices_around_vertex(v_center) {
    assert!(neighbor == v0 || neighbor == v1 || neighbor == v2);

assert_eq!(mesh.num_faces(), 4);

Creation of a mesh with vertex positions, then subdividing it, finally printing the positions of all boundary vertices.

use lox::{
    core::{HalfEdgeMesh, half_edge::TriConfig},

let (mut mesh, mut positions) = lox::mesh! {
    type: HalfEdgeMesh<TriConfig>,
    vertices: [
        v0: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        v1: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        v2: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        v3: [1.0, 1.0, 0.5],
    faces: [
        [v0, v2, v1],
        [v3, v1, v2],

algo::subdivision::sqrt3(&mut mesh, &mut positions, 2);

for v in mesh.vertices().filter(|v| v.is_boundary()) {
    println!("{:?}", positions[v.handle()]);

Working with a non-triangular mesh:

use lox::{
    core::{HalfEdgeMesh, half_edge::PolyConfig},

let mesh = lox::mesh! {
    type: HalfEdgeMesh<PolyConfig>,
    vertices: [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6],
    faces: [
        [v0, v3, v2, v1],
        [v0, v5, v3, v3],
        [v0, v1, v6, v5],
        [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6],

for face in mesh.faces() {
    for vertex in face.adjacent_vertices() {
        println!("{:?} is a vertex of {:?}", vertex.handle(), face.handle());


The library was specifically designed with performance in mind, trying to beat or at least meet the performance of existing C++ libraries like OpenMesh. This was evaluated constantly with benchmarks as part of my master’s thesis. See chapter 5.1 in the rendered PDF for details.

The benchmarks are in need of updating (see the next section) and the benchmark results are 4 years old. But I am pretty confident that not much has changed since then.

Background and missing features

This library started as part of my master’s thesis which I finished in summer 2019. Thesis title: “Designing and Implementing a Polygon Mesh Library: Can Rust Improve the Status Quo in the Domain of Geometry Processing?” The chapter “Background: Geometry processing” might be useful to read, if you are not very familiar with the field. It also explains the data structures implemented in lox in some detail.

Anyway, the plan was to just polish the library and then release it. Naturally, that didn’t happen. I started multiple attempts over the years to finish the work and get it out the door, but until 2023 I failed. To be fair, only with Rust’s stabilization of GATs, was I able to create a somewhat nice API.

In 2023 I looked at the crate again and made the decision to cut down its scope for the initial release, to finally get it released at all. So I threw out all IO-related code as it added a whole lot of complexity. That’s why IO is completely missing from lox right now.

Of course, I plan on adding all that functionality back. I already did lots of API design and implementation work. Well, it was working already. But polishing the API and making it maintainable is a different beast. So let’s see what the future brings. If you have interest in this, feel free to reach out, I’m happy to hear from you!

Crate features

  • large-handle: makes the crate us 64 bit integers instead of 32 bit integers for handles.



  • Various algorithms related to meshes.
  • Casting between different number types.
  • Polygon mesh data structures for storing connectivity information (the “core” of a mesh).
  • Map data structures: associating a property (some data) with a vertex, face, or edge.
  • Reexports of all important traits of this library for convenience.
  • Various helper traits and types.


  • Convenience macro to quickly create a small mesh.



  • Types that can be used to refer to some data.

Type Definitions