lookout 0.1.1

👀 Declarative, asynchronous scraper utility.
lookout-0.1.1 is not a library.


An asynchronous scraper utility. Given a TOML file describing sites, selectors, regex, and expected regex matches, this will continuously scrape and call/text your phone using Twilio when expected matches are not met (if configured).

For example, this could scrape for product stock and call you when the expected 'out of stock' elements on the page are no longer found.

lookout screenshot


cargo install lookout


By default, lookout will load lookout.toml from the directory from which it is run.


You can optionally pass a single argument specifying a path to the config file.

lookout ~/my-lookout.toml

If you are deploying on a server and would like to print logs, set the environment variable RUST_LOG=lookout.

RUST_LOG=lookout lookout

In order to debug the scrapers, turn on log in the configuration and run with RUST_LOG=lookout.

DISCLAIMER: Always abide by limits/regulations when scraping. The example below is for illustrative purposes only.


log = false

# in seconds
error_delay = 300 # timeout 5 minutes after error
alert_delay = 300 # timeout 5 minutes after an alert

# upper bound on errors to prevent unbounded retries
allowed_errors = 20 

# twilio configuration
enable_call = true
enable_text = true
to_phone = "+10123456789"
from_phone = "+10123456789"
default_callback = "https://<callback-url>"

# define a [[lookout]] block for each scraper
# required:
# - name
# - url
# - regex to search for
# - number of expected matches
# - timeout after each request
# optional:
# - list of selectors which will be used to filter the html
# - headers (see below)
name = "newegg"
url = "https://www.newegg.com/product"
regex = "OUT OF STOCK|SOLD OUT|Sold Out"
expected_matches = 3
selectors = [ "#app > div.page-content > div.page-section > div > div > div.row-side > div.product-buy-box",
              "#app > div.page-content > div.page-section > div > div > div.row-body > div.product-main.display-flex > div" ]
timeout = 180

name = "b&h"
url = "https://www.bhphotovideo.com/some/cool/product"
regex = "Notify When Available"
expected_matches = 1
timeout = 180

name = "bestbuy"
url = "https://www.bestbuy.com/site/something/"
regex = "Sold Out"
expected_matches = 2
timeout = 180

# optionally, add custom request headers for the scraper above
"User-Agent" = "Wget/1.20.1 (linux-gnu)"
"Accept-Encoding" = "identity"
"ACCEPT" = "*/*"
"Connection" = "Keep-Alive"