Module lolraft::process

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  • Ballot in election.
  • Clock of log entry. If two entries have the same clock, they should be the same entry. It is like the hash of the git commit.
  • Log entry.
  • RaftProcess is a implementation of Raft process in RaftNode. RaftProcess is unaware of the gRPC and the network but just focuses on the Raft algorithm.


  • RaftApp is the representation of state machine in Raft. Beside the application state, it also contains the snapshot store where snapshot data is stored with a snapshot index as a key.
  • RaftBallotStore is the representation of the ballot store in Raft. Conceptually, it is like RwLock<Ballot>.
  • RaftLogStore is the representation of the log store in Raft. Conceptually, it is like RwLock<BTreeMap<Index, Entry>>.

Type Aliases§

  • Log index.
  • Snapshot is transferred as stream of bytes. SnapshotStream is converted to gRPC streaming outside of the RaftProcess.`
  • Election term. In Raft, only one leader can be elected per a term.