Macro lol_html::end

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macro_rules! end {
    ($handler:expr) => { ... };
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A convenience macro to construct a rewriting handler for the end of the document.

This handler will only be called after the rewriter has finished processing the final chunk.


use lol_html::{rewrite_str, element, end, RewriteStrSettings};
use lol_html::html_content::ContentType;

let html = rewrite_str(
    RewriteStrSettings {
        element_content_handlers: vec![
            element!("span", |el| {
                el.append("bar", ContentType::Text);

        document_content_handlers: vec![
            end!(|end| {
                end.append("<div>baz</div>", ContentType::Html);


assert_eq!(html, r#"<span>foobar</span><div>baz</div>"#);