loki-cli 0.7.4

Loki: 🚀 A Git productivity tool
loki-cli-0.7.4 is not a library.

loki-cli A Git Productivity CLI

Cargo Test

Git is a pretty great tool on it's own. After some time common patterns emerge. lk is here to make those patterns fast.


  1. First, install cargo by visiting https://rustup.rs.

  2. Install with cargo (📦 loki-cli ):

    cargo install loki-cli


Get Help

Loki: 🚀 A Git productivity tool

Usage: lk <COMMAND>

  new       Create a new branch from HEAD and push it to origin. Set a prefix for all new branch names with the env var LOKI_NEW_PREFIX [aliases: n]
  push      Push the current branch to origin with --set-upstream [aliases: p]
  pull      Pull with --prune deleting local branches pruned from the remote
  fetch     Fetch with --prune deleting local branches pruned from the remote
  save      Add, commit, and push using a timestamp based commit message
  rebase    Rebase the current branch onto the target branch after fetching
  no-hooks  Run any command without triggering any hooks [aliases: x]
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version



Alias: n

  • Make creating a new branch easier to type by joining all given args with a dash (-).
  • Automatically push and setup tracking to origin.
  • Set a prefix to always prepend with the LOKI_NEW_PREFIX environment variable.


❯ lk new readme updates

Creates and pushes readme-updates to origin with --set-upstream. (The command git will tell you to run if you simply run git push after creating a new local branch.)


Alias: p

  • Pushes the current branch to origin with --set-upstream.
  • -f|--force flag uses --force-with-lease under the hood for better force push safety.
  • Only works if HEAD is on a branch (not in a dettached state).


Alias: none (the alias p is for push)

  • Run git pull --prune and remove any local branches that have also been pruned on the remote.


Alias: none

  • Run git fetch --prune and remove any local branches that have also been pruned on the remote.