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All things pertaining to log4rs config. See the docs root for examples.


pub use runtime::Appender;
pub use runtime::Config;
pub use runtime::Logger;
pub use runtime::Root;


log4rs configuration


A container of Deserializers.

A raw deserializable log4rs configuration.


The various types of formatting errors that can be generated.

Errors found when initializing.


A trait implemented by traits which are deserializable.

A trait for objects that can deserialize log4rs components out of a config.


Initializes the global logger as a log4rs logger with the provided config.

Initializes the global logger as a log4rs logger with the provided config and error handler.

Initializes the global logger as a log4rs logger configured via a file.

Initializes the global logger as a log4rs logger using the provided raw config.

Loads a log4rs logger configuration from a file.