Attribute Macro lockjaw::module_attributes::into_map[][src]

Expand description

Denotes the return value of the binding should be collected into a HashMap<K,V>.

HashMap<K,V> can then be depended on to access all bindings.

The value type of the map is determined by the return type. The key type is determined by additional metadata on the attribute in the form of #[into_map(metadata_key: metadata_value)].

Keys must be compile time constant.

If a #[into_map] binding is also #[qualified(Q)], the result is collected into #[qualified(Q)] HashMap<K,V>.

Metadata key string_key

The map type is be HashMap<String, V>. The metadata should have a string value which will be used as the key for the binding.

Metadata key i32_key

The map type is be HashMap<i32, V>. The metadata should have a i32 integer value which will be used as the key for the binding.

Metadata key enum_key

The map type is be HashMap<E, V> where E is the type of the enum. The metadata be a path to the enum value which wil be used as the key for the binding. The enum must be a simple enum (with no structs, etc.), and must implement Eq and Hash

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum E {

pub struct MyModule {}

impl MyModule {

    #[into_map(string_key: "1")]
    pub fn provide_string1() -> String {

    #[into_map(string_key: "2")]
    pub fn provide_string2() -> String {

    #[into_map(i32_key: 1)]
    pub fn provide_i32_string1() -> String {

    #[into_map(i32_key: 2)]
    pub fn provide_i32_string2() -> String {

    #[into_map(enum_key: E::Foo)]
    pub fn provide_enum_string1() -> String {

    #[into_map(enum_key: E::Bar)]
    pub fn provide_enum_string2() -> String {

#[component(modules: [MyModule])]
pub trait MyComponent {
    fn string_map(&self) -> std::collections::HashMap<String, String>;
    fn i32_map(&self) -> std::collections::HashMap<i32, String>;
    fn enum_map(&self) -> std::collections::HashMap<E, String>;

pub fn main() {
    let component: Box<dyn MyComponent> = <dyn MyComponent>::new();
    let string_map = component.string_map();
    assert_eq!(string_map.get("1").unwrap(), "string1");
    assert_eq!(string_map.get("2").unwrap(), "string2");
    let i32_map = component.i32_map();
    assert_eq!(i32_map.get(&1).unwrap(), "i32_string1");
    assert_eq!(i32_map.get(&2).unwrap(), "i32_string2");
    let enum_map = component.enum_map();
    assert_eq!(enum_map.get(&E::Foo).unwrap(), "Foo");
    assert_eq!(enum_map.get(&E::Bar).unwrap(), "Bar");
