[][src]Module lnpbp::dbc::spk



PubkeyScript containing LNPBP-2 commitment




Structure keeping the minimum of information (bytewise) required to verify deterministic bitcoin commitment given only the transaction source, its fee and protocol-specific constants. It is a part of the Proof data.


Enum defining how given scriptPubkey is constructed from the script data or a public key. It is similar to Bitcoin Core descriptors, however it does provide additional variants required for RGB, in particular - OpReturn variant with a requirement of public key presence (this key will contain commitment). Because of this we can't use miniscript descriptors as well; also in miniscript, descriptor contains a script source, while here the script source is kept separately and is a part of the Proof, while [DescriptorInfo] is not included into the proof (it can be guessed from a given proof and scriptPubkey and we'd like to preserve space with client-validated data).