[][src]Function lms::file_ops::compare_and_copy_files

pub fn compare_and_copy_files<'a, T, S, H>(
    files_to_compare: T,
    src: &str,
    dest: &str,
    flags: HashSet<Flag, H>
) where
    T: ParallelIterator<Item = &'a S>,
    S: FileOps + Sync + 'a,
    H: BuildHasher + Sync + Send

Compares all files in files_to_compare in src with all files in files_to_compare in dest and copies them over if they are different, in parallel


  • files_to_compare: files to compare
  • src: base directory of the files to copy from, such that for all file in files_to_compare, src + file.path() is the absolute path of the source file
  • dest: base directory of the files to copy to, such that for all file in files_to_compare, dest + file.path() is the absolute path of the destination file
  • flags: set for Flag's