Constant lmdb_zero::del::NODUPDATA []

pub const NODUPDATA: Flags = Flags{bits: ffi::MDB_NODUPDATA,}

Delete all of the data items for the current key instead of just the current item. This flag may only be specified if the database was opened with DUPSORT.


let db = lmdb::Database::open(
  &env, Some("reversed"),
let txn = lmdb::WriteTransaction::new(&env).unwrap();
  let mut access = txn.access();
  let f = lmdb::put::Flags::empty();
  access.put(&db, "Fruit", "Apple", f).unwrap();
  access.put(&db, "Fruit", "Orange", f).unwrap();
  access.put(&db, "Fruit", "Durian", f).unwrap();

  let mut cursor = txn.cursor(&db).unwrap();
  cursor.seek_kv("Fruit", "Durian").unwrap();
  // By default, only the current item is deleted.
  cursor.del(&mut access, lmdb::del::Flags::empty()).unwrap();
  cursor.seek_k::<str,str>(&access, "Fruit").unwrap();
  assert_eq!(2, cursor.count().unwrap());
  // But with `NODUPDATA`, they will all go away
  cursor.del(&mut access, lmdb::del::NODUPDATA).unwrap();
  assert!(cursor.seek_k::<str,str>(&access, "Fruit").is_err());