Crate llm_samplers

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LLM Samplers

Rusty samplers for large language models.


You probably won’t usually want to use individual crate::types::Samplers. The most typical use case is going to be chaining a number of samplers together. For reference, here’s a link to the crate::samplers module.

A simple example of constructing a crate::prelude::SamplerChain:

use anyhow::Result;

use llm_samplers::prelude::*;

pub fn test_chain1() -> Result<()> {

    let mut logits = Logits::try_from_iter([0.1f32, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].into_iter())?;

    // Demonstrating the different ways you can build a SamplerChain.
    // These are all equivalent.
    let mut sc = SamplerChain::new()
        + SampleFlatBias::new([(3, f32::NEG_INFINITY)]);
    sc += SampleTemperature::new(0.8);

            // These samplers don't actually need any resources.
            &mut NilSamplerResources::default(),
            &mut logits)?,

    // () also implements HasSamplerResources<TokenId = u32>
    // so you could use &mut () here.
    assert_eq!(sc.sample_token(&mut (), &mut logits)?, Some(1));

Now let’s look at something a bit more complicated:

use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};

use anyhow::Result;
use rand::{SeedableRng, rngs::StdRng};

use llm_samplers::prelude::*;

fn test_chain2() -> Result<()> {
    let example_logits = vec![0.1f32, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4];
    let mut res = SimpleSamplerResources::new(
        // Optionally include an RNG resource.
        // Optionally include a last tokens resource.
    let mut logits = Logits::try_from_iter(example_logits.into_iter())?;
    let mut logits2 = logits.clone();

    // SamplerChain with u32 token id type and f32 logit type.
    let mut sc = SamplerChain::new()
        // Bias logits (this example sets bias for token id 3 to -inf)
        + SampleFlatBias::new([(3, f32::NEG_INFINITY)])
        // Apply a repetition penalty.
        + SampleRepetition::new(1.1, 64)
        // Apply frequency and presence penalties.
        + SampleFreqPresence::new(0.05, 0.1, 64)
        // Apply temperature to logits.
        + SampleTemperature::new(0.8)
        // Sample a token using Mirostat1
        + SampleMirostat1::new(4, 5.0, 0.1);

    // Put a value into `last_tokens`, this simulates us having already picked
    // that token (3) previously.
    res.with_last_tokens_mut(&mut |tokens| tokens.push(3u32))?;

    assert_eq!(sc.sample_token(&mut res, &mut logits)?, Some(2));

    // Now add the last selected token to the list.
    res.with_last_tokens_mut(&mut |tokens| tokens.push(2u32))?;

    // And pick the next one. *Important*: Note that we don't reuse `logits`.
    // This is because `logits` already has all the filtering/sorting/permutation
    // from the previous sample call applied to it.
    assert_eq!(sc.sample_token(&mut res, &mut logits2)?, Some(1));

Suggested chains/ordering

Suggestions based on the way llama.cpp does it.

Note that you may not get meaningful results if you do weird stuff like chaining multiple token selecting samplers. Based on available information, it also seems like combining Mirostat samplers with top-K, top-P, etc will not work.

Temperature sampling

  1. SampleFlatBias (optional)
  2. SampleRepetition (optional)
  3. SampleFreqPresence (optional)
  4. SampleTopK (optional)
  5. SampleTailFree (optional)
  6. SampleLocallyTypical (optional)
  7. SampleTopP (optional)
  8. SampleMinP (optional)
  9. SampleTemperature (optional)
  10. SampleRandDistrib

Mirostat V1/V2

  1. SampleFlatBias (optional)
  2. SampleRepetition (optional)
  3. SampleFreqPresence (optional)
  4. SampleTemperature (optional)
  5. SampleMirostat1 or SampleMirostat2


  • Configuring sampler options This module implements configurable samplers based on keys and values and also parsing strings to configure a sampler.
  • Convenient rexports. The simplest way to use the crate is to just throw a use llm_samplers::prelude::*; into your project.
  • Samplers live here!
  • Types and traits.