Crate llist

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A Lisp-style singly linked list implementation with a bump allocator for efficient memory management.


  • The dolist! macro provides a convenient way to iterate over a singly-linked list.
  • The list! macro provides a convenient way to construct a singly-linked list.
  • The push! macro prepend item to stored in place by creating a new cons cell using the llist. Please note that, unlike Common Lisp, push! does not return the list.


  • A cons cell representing a node in the linked list.
  • A reference to a cons cell within a specific marker to arena
  • This LList structure provides a simple interface for creating and manipulating cons cells in a linked lst fashion. It utilizes a bump allocator to allocate memory for cons cells avoiding the overhead of system memory allocation.


  • append_2 appends two lists non-destructively
  • Count elements of a list
  • Create a vector from a list
  • reverse function creates new list with reverse order