Module llhd::ir[][src]

Expand description

Representation of LLHD functions, processes, and entitites.

This module implements the intermediate representation around which the rest of the framework is built.


Re-exports of commonly used IR items.


An argument of a Function, Process, or Entity.

A basic block.

Internal table storage for blocks.

Temporary object to dump a Block in human-readable form for debugging.

A unit declaration.

A unit declaration in a module.

An external Function, Process or Entity.

Another unit referenced within a Function, Process, or Entity.

An instruction.

A temporary object used to construct a single instruction.

Temporary object to dump an Inst in human-readable form for debugging.

A module.

Temporary object to dump a Module in human-readable form for debugging.

The trigger for register data acquisition.

A description of the input and output arguments of a unit.

Temporary object to dump a Signature in human-readable form for debugging.

An immutable function, process, or entity.

A mutable function, process, or entity.

A function, process, or entity.

A set of flags identifying a unit.

A unit definition in a module.

A value.

Temporary object to dump a Value in human-readable form for debugging.


Any one of the table keys in this module.

An instruction format.

A linked unit.

An instruction opcode.

The trigger modes for register data acquisition.

The three different units that may appear in LLHD IR.

A name of a function, process, or entity.

Internal table storage for values.