Macro live_reload::live_reload [] [src]

macro_rules! live_reload {
    (host: $Host:ty;
     state: $State:ty;
     init: $init:ident;
     reload: $reload:ident;
     update: $update:ident;
     unload: $unload:ident;
     deinit: $deinit:ident;) => { ... };

Declare the API functions for a live-reloadable library.

This generates wrappers around higher-level lifecycle functions, and then exports them in a struct that the reloader can find.

You need to to specify the host API type, define a struct that represents the state of your program, and then define methods for init, reload, update, unload, and deinit. init and deinit are called at the very beginning and end of the program, and reload and unload are called immediately after and before the library is loaded/reloaded. update is called by the wrapping application as needed.


live_reload! {
    host: host_api::Host;
    state: State;
    init: my_init;
    reload: my_reload;
    update: my_update;
    unload: my_unload;
    deinit: my_deinit;