Crate lite_session[][src]

LiteSession is a token generator for secure tokens that can be used in HTTP auth headers, cookies, in place of Json Web Tokens, in IoT and anywhere else where secure tokens are needed for communication between clients and servers. It provides Keyed-Hash Message authentication codes with associated client data in either encrypted (default settings) or unencrypted form.

The general form of the algorithm is

identifier | issued | expiry | (data)k | nonce | ConfidentialityMode | Blake3HMAC( username | issued | expiration | data | session key, k)
            where `k = Blake3HMAC(user | issued | expiry | ConfidentialityMode, sk)`

The steps involved include:

  1. Generate a random identifier

  2. Generate an issued time and expiry time in nanoseconds accuracy

  3. generate the encryption key to encrypt the data portion of the token. using algorithm k = Blake3HMAC(identifier | issued | expiry | ConfidentialityMode, sk)

    • Create an empty string encryption_key
    • Append identifier to encryption_key
    • Append issued to encryption_key
    • Append expiry to encryption_key
    • Append ConfidentialityMode to encryption_key
    • Perform a HMAC function to the encryption_key using Blake3 in keyed mode and the server_key as the key
    • Return the result of the Blake3 operation above in hex or as a string
  4. Encrypt the data using ChaCha8 encryption using the Blake3Hash above as the encryption key

  5. Return the encrypted data and nonce

  6. Perform a Blake3Hmac on identifier | issued | expiry | (data)k | nonce | ConfidentialityMode

  7. Generate the token:

    • Create an empty string called token
    • Append identifier to token
    • Append issued to token
    • Append expiry to token
    • Append encrypted data to token
    • Append nonce to token
    • Append ConfidentialityMode to token
    • Append Blake3Hmac to token
    • Return the token as a string or hex The token generated is in the format identifier⊕issued⊕expiry⊕ciphertext⊕nonce⊕confidentiality⊕hmac

Verifying the token takes the following steps

  1. Check if the token structure is valid
  2. Destructure the token into its component fields
  3. Compare the expiry to the server's current time and return SessionExpired as the TokenOutcome
  4. Compute the encryption key as follows: k=HMAC(identifier | issued | expiry | ConfidentialityMode, sk)
  5. Decrypt the encrypted data using k.
  6. Compute Blake3HMAC(identifier |issued | expiry | ciphertext | nonce | ConfidentialityMode | session key, k),
  7. Return TokenOutcome::TokenAuthetic if the token matches or TokenOutcome::TokenRejected if the token does not match

The Blake3 algorithm is used in keyed mode where the key is a 32byte/256bit in length The ChaCha8 algorithm takes a 32byte/256bit key and 12byte/96bit nonce International Atomic Time(TAI) is used for nanosecond accuracy and not having to deal with leap seconds and timezones Using the session key prevents volume and Denning-Sacco attacks


Creating a token

use lite_session::{LiteSessionToken, LiteSessionError, ConfidentialityMode, LiteSessionData, Role, LiteSessionMode};
use core::time::Duration;

fn main() -> Result<(), LiteSessionError> {
    let mut token = LiteSessionToken::default();

    let expiry = 60*60_u64;

    let mut data = LiteSessionData::default();

    let server_key = [0_u8; 32];
    let session_token = token.build_secure(&server_key)?;


Verifying a token

use lite_session::{LiteSessionToken, LiteSessionError, ConfidentialityMode, LiteSessionData, LiteSessionMode};
fn main() -> Result<(), LiteSessionError> {
    let server_key = [0_u8; 32];

    let mut destructured = LiteSessionToken::default();
    let session_token = "5tl726krvgmhoe1pyc4jadqs3fw09bi8⊕40000000602e51ab3a8e2d17⊕40000000603013ab3a8e2d17⊕3cf157bed212d5b34122a713ea860ec373800e5004bff1a195d603305bd5b7921d1017e70ef599bc1f7ed949bd3c66c696d74a16487f95a3f6fd⊕jrzapflsi618⊕ConfidentialityMode::High⊕4faab373d7247dfb2d50e213e5cb66e415afc22066f71c2b966fdeabb11cac64";
    let outcome = destructured.from_string(&server_key, &session_token)?;



Holds the generated ChaCha8 cipher text and random generated nonce


The data part of the token which contains additional client identifying data


The token strucuture that performs token operations


A CSPRNG random string generator using the nanorand crate using its ChaCha mode



The securoty mode of the data field in the token


Error handling for the library


This describes which mode to use for the authentication/authorization. Use LiteSessionMode::Passive to bypass session ID pinning of the user session to the token. This is vulnerable to Denning-Sacco Attack


The client/server roles


Shows the outcome of verifying the validity of a token