Trait linxal::types::LinxalMatrixInto [] [src]

pub trait LinxalMatrixInto<F: LinxalScalar> {
    fn eigenvalues_into(self) -> Result<Array<F::Complex, Ix1>, EigenError>;
    fn eigenvalues_vectors_into(
        compute_left: bool,
        compute_right: bool
    ) -> Result<Solution<F, F::Complex>, EigenError>; fn symmetric_eigenvalues_into(
        uplo: Symmetric
    ) -> Result<Array<F::RealPart, Ix1>, EigenError>; fn solve_linear_into<D1: DataMut<Elem = F> + DataOwned<Elem = F>>(
        b: ArrayBase<D1, Ix1>
    ) -> Result<ArrayBase<D1, Ix1>, SolveError>; fn solve_symmetric_linear_into<D1: DataMut<Elem = F> + DataOwned<Elem = F>>(
        b: ArrayBase<D1, Ix1>,
        uplo: Symmetric
    ) -> Result<ArrayBase<D1, Ix1>, SolveError>; fn solve_multi_linear_into<D1: DataMut<Elem = F> + DataOwned<Elem = F>>(
        b: ArrayBase<D1, Ix2>
    ) -> Result<ArrayBase<D1, Ix2>, SolveError>; fn solve_symmetric_multi_linear_into<D1: DataMut<Elem = F> + DataOwned<Elem = F>>(
        b: ArrayBase<D1, Ix2>,
        uplo: Symmetric
    ) -> Result<ArrayBase<D1, Ix2>, SolveError>; fn svd_full_into(self) -> Result<SVDSolution<F>, SVDError>; fn svd_econ_into(self) -> Result<SVDSolution<F>, SVDError>; fn singular_values_into(self) -> Result<Array<F::RealPart, Ix1>, SVDError>; fn conj_into(self) -> Self; }

All-encompassing matrix trait, supporting all of the linear algebra operations defined for any LinxalScalar.

Required Methods

Compute the eigenvalues of a matrix.

Compute the eigenvalues and the right and/or left eigenvectors of a generic matrix.

Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.

Solve a single system of linear equations.

Solve a single system of linear equations with a symmetrix coefficient matrix.

Solve a system of linear equations with multiple RHS vectors.

Solve a system of linear equations with a symmetrix coefficient matrix for multiple RHS vectors.

Each column of b is a RHS vector to be solved for.

Return the full singular value decomposition of the matrix.

The SVDSolution contains full size matrices u (m x m) and vt (n x n).

Return the economic singular value decomposition of the matrix.

The SVDSolution contains sufficient matrices u (m x p) and vt (p x n), where p is the minimum of m and n.

Return the full singular value decomposition of the matrix.

The SVDSolution contains full size matrices u (m x m) and vt (n x n).

Return the conjugate of the matrix.
