
  • Module containing the convex hull calculations
  • A module containing boiler-plate implementations of standard traits such as Default, From etc etc
  • Module containing the intersection calculations but for indexed vertexes
  • Module containing the intersection calculations


  • A simple 2d AABB If min_max is none no data has not been assigned yet.
  • An iterator that treats the Vec as a set of disconnected points, giving an iterator to each Line2.
  • A 2d line
  • This is a simple but efficient affine transformation object. It can pan, zoom and flip points around center axis but not rotate. It does not handle vector transformation, only points.
  • A parabolic arc as used in This struct contains the parameters for the arc + the functionality to convert it to a LineString2 or LineString3.
  • An iterator that treats the Vec as a set of connected points, giving an iterator to each Line2.



  • A workaround for Rust’s limitations where external traits cannot be implemented for external types.
  • A 2D polyline representation with some operations.
