initSidebarItems({"macro":[["read_lines!","Provides a convenient way to iterate over all lines through a `LineReader`. For an example, refer to the documentation of `LineReader`. The identifier representing the read line will be of type `Result<&[u8]>`."],["try_read_lines!","Provides a convenient way to iterate over all lines through a `LineReader` wrapping the invocation to `LineReader::read_line` with a `try!`. Hence, the identifer representing the read line will be directly of type `&[u8]`."]],"mod":[["linemapper","Implements line-by-line iteration over a given reader by mapping a user defined function over each line."],["linereader","Iterates over lines of a given reader by keeping an internal buffer which client code is handed a reference to for consumption of the line."]]});