Crate lincheck

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Lincheck is a Rust library for testing concurrent data structures for linearizability. Simply put, it checks whether a concurrent data structure behaves similarly to a simpler sequential implementation. It is inspired by Lincheck for Kotlin and is built on top of loom, a model-checker for concurrency.


  • Lincheck uses proptest to generate random concurrent scenarios and automatically shrink them to a minimal failing scenario.
  • Lincheck runs every scenario inside loom model-checker to check every possible interleaving of operations.
  • Lincheck provides a simple API for defining concurrent data structures and their sequential counterparts.
  • Recording of execution traces is made to introduce as little additional synchronization between threads as possible.


use lincheck::{ConcurrentSpec, Lincheck, SequentialSpec};
use loom::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use proptest::prelude::*;

// Let's implement a simple concurrent data structure:
// a pair of boolean flags `x` and `y`
// that can be read and written by multiple threads.
// The flags are initialized to `false` and can be switched to `true`.

// We start by defining the operations:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Op {
    WriteX, // set x to true
    WriteY, // set y to true
    ReadX, // get the value of x
    ReadY, // get the value of y

// ... and their results:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Ret {
    Write, // the result of a write operation
    Read(bool), // the result of a read operation

// We need to implement the `Arbitrary` trait for our operations
// to be able to generate them randomly:
impl Arbitrary for Op {
    type Parameters = ();
    type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Self>;

    fn arbitrary_with(_: Self::Parameters) -> Self::Strategy {

// We then define the sequential implementation which we test against.
// This type must be default-constructible:
struct TwoSlotsSequential {
    x: bool,
    y: bool,

// We implement the `SequentialSpec` trait for our implementation:
impl SequentialSpec for TwoSlotsSequential {
    type Op = Op;
    type Ret = Ret;

    fn exec(&mut self, op: Op) -> Ret {
        match op {
            Op::WriteX => {
                self.x = true;
            Op::WriteY => {
                self.y = true;
            Op::ReadX => Ret::Read(self.x),
            Op::ReadY => Ret::Read(self.y),

// We then define the concurrent implementation that we want to test.
// This type must be default-constructible too:
struct TwoSlotsParallel {
    x: AtomicBool,
    y: AtomicBool,

// We implement the `ConcurrentSpec` trait for our implementation:
impl ConcurrentSpec for TwoSlotsParallel {
    // We declare which sequential specification
    // this data structure implements
    type Seq = TwoSlotsSequential;

    // We must be able to execute an operation on our implementation.
    // Note that we reuse `Op` and `Ret` types from the sequential spec.
    fn exec(&self, op: Op) -> Ret {
        match op {
            Op::WriteX => {
      , Ordering::Relaxed);
            Op::WriteY => {
      , Ordering::Relaxed);
            Op::ReadX => Ret::Read(self.x.load(Ordering::Relaxed)),
            Op::ReadY => Ret::Read(self.y.load(Ordering::Relaxed)),

// Notice that the concurrent specification receives a shared reference to itself (`&self`)
// while the sequential specification receives an exclusive reference to itself (`&mut self`).
// This is because the concurrent specification is shared between threads
// while the sequential specification is not.

// We are now ready to write our test:
fn two_slots() {
    Lincheck {
        num_threads: 2,
        num_ops: 5,

If we run the test, we get a failure along with a trace of the execution:

running 1 test
test two_slots ... FAILED


---- two_slots stdout ----
thread 'two_slots' panicked at 'Non-linearizable execution:

|                |
| WriteX : Write |
|                |

|      THREAD 0       |    THREAD 1    |
|                     |                |
|                     |----------------|
|                     |                |
| ReadY : Read(false) | WriteY : Write |
|                     |                |
|                     |----------------|
|                     |                |
|---------------------|                |
|                     |                |
| ReadY : Read(false) |                |
|                     |                |

|                |
| WriteX : Write |
|                |


  • Lincheck runner sets its own panic hook. This doesn’t play well with parallel test execution. To fix this, you can run your tests with the --test-threads=1 flag like this:
$ cargo test -- --test-threads=1
  • loom can’t model all weak memory models effects. This means that some executions that may arise on the real hardware may not be explored by loom. This is why the concurrent data structures should be additionally fuzzed on the real hardware. The support for fuzzing in Lincheck is planned.
  • proptest only explores a random sample of all possible scenarios. This means that some failing executions may not be explored.


  • The module with the linearizability checker implementation.
  • Recorders that are used to record the execution of a concurrent program.
  • The Scenario and how to execute and check it.


  • An execution trace of a concurrent program. The trace is divided into three parts:
  • A test runner for Lincheck. It is used to configure the test.


Type Definitions

  • Type alias not to have always write down FQP.
  • Type alias not to have always write down FQP.