Expand description

CSS properties related to borders.


A value for the border-block-color shorthand property.
A value for the border-block-style shorthand property.
A value for the border-block-width shorthand property.
A value for the border-color shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline-color shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline-style shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline-width shorthand property.
A value for the border-style shorthand property.
A value for the border-width shorthand property.
A generic type that represents the border and outline shorthand properties.


A value for the border-width property.
A <line-style> value, used in the border-style property.

Type Definitions

A value for the border shorthand property.
A value for the border-block shorthand property.
A value for the border-block-end shorthand property.
A value for the border-block-start shorthand property.
A value for the border-bottom shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline-end shorthand property.
A value for the border-inline-start shorthand property.
A value for the border-left shorthand property.
A value for the border-right shorthand property.
A value for the border-top shorthand property.