[][src]Function lightgbm_sys::LGBM_BoosterPredictForMatSingleRowFastInit

pub unsafe extern "C" fn LGBM_BoosterPredictForMatSingleRowFastInit(
    handle: BoosterHandle,
    predict_type: c_int,
    start_iteration: c_int,
    num_iteration: c_int,
    data_type: c_int,
    ncol: i32,
    parameter: *const c_char,
    out_fastConfig: *mut FastConfigHandle
) -> c_int

\brief Initialize and return a FastConfigHandle for use with LGBM_BoosterPredictForMatSingleRowFast.

Release the FastConfig by passing its handle to LGBM_FastConfigFree when no longer needed.

\param handle Booster handle \param predict_type What should be predicted

  • C_API_PREDICT_NORMAL: normal prediction, with transform (if needed);
  • C_API_PREDICT_RAW_SCORE: raw score;
  • C_API_PREDICT_LEAF_INDEX: leaf index;
  • C_API_PREDICT_CONTRIB: feature contributions (SHAP values) \param start_iteration Start index of the iteration to predict \param num_iteration Number of iterations for prediction, <= 0 means no limit \param data_type Type of data pointer, can be C_API_DTYPE_FLOAT32 or C_API_DTYPE_FLOAT64 \param ncol Number of columns \param parameter Other parameters for prediction, e.g. early stopping for prediction \param[out] out_fastConfig FastConfig object with which you can call LGBM_BoosterPredictForMatSingleRowFast \return 0 when it succeeds, -1 when failure happens