[][src]Function lightgbm_sys::LGBM_BoosterGetEval

pub unsafe extern "C" fn LGBM_BoosterGetEval(
    handle: BoosterHandle,
    data_idx: c_int,
    out_len: *mut c_int,
    out_results: *mut f64
) -> c_int

\brief Get evaluation for training data and validation data. \note

  1. You should call LGBM_BoosterGetEvalNames first to get the names of evaluation datasets.
  2. You should pre-allocate memory for out_results, you can get its length by LGBM_BoosterGetEvalCounts. \param handle Handle of booster \param data_idx Index of data, 0: training data, 1: 1st validation data, 2: 2nd validation data and so on \param[out] out_len Length of output result \param[out] out_results Array with evaluation results \return 0 when succeed, -1 when failure happens