[][src]Function lightgbm_sys::LGBM_BoosterFreePredictSparse

pub unsafe extern "C" fn LGBM_BoosterFreePredictSparse(
    indptr: *mut c_void,
    indices: *mut i32,
    data: *mut c_void,
    indptr_type: c_int,
    data_type: c_int
) -> c_int

\brief Method corresponding to LGBM_BoosterPredictSparseOutput to free the allocated data. \param indptr Pointer to output row headers or column headers to be deallocated \param indices Pointer to sparse indices to be deallocated \param data Pointer to sparse data space to be deallocated \param indptr_type Type of indptr, can be C_API_DTYPE_INT32 or C_API_DTYPE_INT64 \param data_type Type of data pointer, can be C_API_DTYPE_FLOAT32 or C_API_DTYPE_FLOAT64 \return 0 when succeed, -1 when failure happens