Module lifxi::http

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Control LIFX lights over the internet.


Contains useful utilities for working with the LIFX HTTP API.


A configurable request for activating a specified scene.
Specifies a “breathe” effect, wherein the light color fades smoothly to transition.
A scoped request to uniformly change the state for all selected bulbs.
The crux of the HTTP API. Start here.
Specifies a list of effects to cycle through. Each request causes the cycle to advance.
Specifies a “pulse” effect, wherein the light color abruptly changes.
Represents a terminal request.
A waypoint in working with scenes.
A scoped request that can be used to get or set light states.
A struct representing an aggregate of selectors.
A scoped request to uniformly set the state for all selected bulbs.
A scoped request to uniformly set the state for all selected bulbs.
Encodes a desired final state.
Encodes a desired state change.
A scoped request to toggle specific lights which may be further customized.


Specifies the desired color setting of a light.
Represents an error encountered while deserializing a color.
Represents a (local) color validation error.
Represents an error encountered when sending a request.
Selectors are used to identify one or more lights belonging to a particular account.
Represents a selector deserialization error.


Trait enabling conversion of non-terminal request builders to requests.
Enables chaining of non-randomized selectors.
Enables randomization of non-randomized selectors.
Trait enabling retrying of failed requests.
Marker trait indicating the potential for use in identifying devices.
Trait for configurable (non-terminal) requests to be sent conveniently.

Type Definitions

The result type for all requests made with the client.