Module libvips::ops[][src]


Options for affine operation

Options for analyzeload operation

Options for arrayjoin operation

Options for autorot operation

Options for bandfold operation

Options for bandrank operation

Options for bandunfold operation

Options for black operation

Options for cache operation

Options for canny operation

Options for cast operation

Options for colourspace operation

Options for compass operation

Options for composite_2 operation

Options for composite operation

Options for conv operation

Options for conva operation

Options for convasep operation

Options for convsep operation

Options for copy operation

Options for csvload operation

Options for csvload_source operation

Options for csvsave operation

Options for csvsave_target operation

Options for draw_circle operation

Options for draw_flood operation

Options for draw_image operation

Options for draw_rect operation

Options for dzsave operation

Options for embed operation

Options for extract_band operation

Options for eye operation

Options for fill_nearest operation

Options for find_trim operation

Options for flatten operation

Options for gamma operation

Options for gaussblur operation

Options for gaussmat operation

Options for gaussnoise operation

Options for gifload_buffer operation

Options for gifload operation

Options for gifload_source operation

Options for globalbalance operation

Options for gravity operation

Options for grey operation

Options for heifload_buffer operation

Options for heifload operation

Options for heifload_source operation

Options for heifsave_buffer operation

Options for heifsave operation

Options for heifsave_target operation

Options for hist_equal operation

Options for hist_find_indexed operation

Options for hist_find_ndim operation

Options for hist_find operation

Options for hist_local operation

Options for hough_circle operation

Options for hough_line operation

Options for icc_export operation

Options for icc_import operation

Options for icc_transform operation

Options for identity operation

Options for ifthenelse operation

Options for insert operation

Options for invertlut operation

Options for invfft operation

Options for join operation

Options for jpegload_buffer operation

Options for jpegload operation

Options for jpegsave_buffer operation

Options for jpegsave_mime operation

Options for jpegsave operation

Options for jpegsave_target operation

Options for lab_2xyz operation

Options for labelregions operation

Options for linear operation

Options for linecache operation

Options for logmat operation

Options for mapim operation

Options for maplut operation

Options for mask_butterworth_band operation

Options for mask_butterworth operation

Options for mask_butterworth_ring operation

Options for mask_fractal operation

Options for mask_gaussian_band operation

Options for mask_gaussian operation

Options for mask_gaussian_ring operation

Options for mask_ideal_band operation

Options for mask_ideal operation

Options for mask_ideal_ring operation

Options for matches operation

Options for matrixload operation

Options for matrixload_source operation

Options for matrixprint operation

Options for matrixsave operation

Options for matrixsave_target operation

Options for max operation

Options for measure operation

Options for merge operation

Options for min operation

Options for mosaic_1 operation

Options for mosaic operation

Options for msb operation

Options for perlin operation

Options for pngload_buffer operation

Options for pngload operation

Options for pngload_source operation

Options for pngsave_buffer operation

Options for pngsave operation

Options for pngsave_target operation

Options for ppmload operation

Options for ppmload_source operation

Options for ppmsave operation

Options for ppmsave_target operation

Options for premultiply operation

Options for quadratic operation

Options for radload_buffer operation

Options for radload operation

Options for radload_source operation

Options for radsave_buffer operation

Options for radsave operation

Options for radsave_target operation

Options for rawload operation

Options for rawsave_fd operation

Options for rawsave operation

Options for reduce operation

Options for reduceh operation

Options for reducev operation

Options for resize operation

Options for rot_45 operation

Options for rotate operation

Options for sc_rgb2bw operation

Options for sc_rgb_2s_rgb operation

Options for scale operation

Options for sequential operation

Options for sharpen operation

Options for similarity operation

Options for sines operation

Options for smartcrop operation

Options for stdif operation

Options for subsample operation

Options for svgload_buffer operation

Options for svgload operation

Options for system operation

Options for text operation

Options for thumbnail_buffer operation

Options for thumbnail_image operation

Options for thumbnail operation

Options for thumbnail_source operation

Options for tiffload_buffer operation

Options for tiffload operation

Options for tiffload_source operation

Options for tiffsave_buffer operation

Options for tiffsave operation

Options for tilecache operation

Options for tonelut operation

Options for transpose_3d operation

Options for unpremultiply operation

Options for vipsload operation

Options for vipssave operation

Options for webpload_buffer operation

Options for webpload operation

Options for webpload_source operation

Options for webpsave_buffer operation

Options for webpsave operation

Options for webpsave_target operation

Options for worley operation

Options for wrap operation

Options for xyz2_lab operation

Options for xyz operation

Options for zone operation



VipsAbs (abs), absolute value of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAdd (add), add two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAffine (affine), affine transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument a: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 b: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 c: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 d: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAffine (affine), affine transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument a: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 b: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 c: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 d: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 affine_options: &AffineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadAnalyze (analyzeload), load an Analyze6 image (.img, .hdr), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadAnalyze (analyzeload), load an Analyze6 image (.img, .hdr), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from analyzeload_options: &AnalyzeloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsArrayjoin (arrayjoin), join an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsArrayjoin (arrayjoin), join an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images arrayjoin_options: &ArrayjoinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAutorot (autorot), autorotate image by exif tag inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAutorot (autorot), autorotate image by exif tag inp: &VipsImage -> Input image autorot_options: &AutorotOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsAvg (avg), find image average inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value

VipsBandbool (bandbool), boolean operation across image bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument boolean: OperationBoolean -> boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandfold (bandfold), fold up x axis into bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandfold (bandfold), fold up x axis into bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image bandfold_options: &BandfoldOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandjoin (bandjoin), bandwise join a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandjoinConst (bandjoin_const), append a constant band to an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants to add returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandmean (bandmean), band-wise average inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandrank (bandrank), band-wise rank of a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandrank (bandrank), band-wise rank of a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images bandrank_options: &BandrankOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandunfold (bandunfold), unfold image bands into x axis inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBandunfold (bandunfold), unfold image bands into x axis inp: &VipsImage -> Input image bandunfold_options: &BandunfoldOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBlack (black), make a black image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBlack (black), make a black image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 black_options: &BlackOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBoolean (boolean), boolean operation on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument boolean: OperationBoolean -> boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBooleanConst (boolean_const), boolean operations against a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image boolean: OperationBoolean -> boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsBuildlut (buildlut), build a look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsByteswap (byteswap), byteswap an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCache (cache), cache an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCache (cache), cache an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image cache_options: &CacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCanny (canny), Canny edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCanny (canny), Canny edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image canny_options: &CannyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCase (case), use pixel values to pick cases from an array of images index: &VipsImage -> Index image cases: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of case images n: i32 -> number of case images returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCast (cast), cast an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image format: BandFormat -> Format to cast to Notset -> VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET = -1 Uchar -> VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Char -> VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR = 1 Ushort -> VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT = 2 Short -> VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT = 3 Uint -> VIPS_FORMAT_UINT = 4 Int -> VIPS_FORMAT_INT = 5 Float -> VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT = 6 Complex -> VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX = 7 Double -> VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 8 Dpcomplex -> VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX = 9 Last -> VIPS_FORMAT_LAST = 10 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCast (cast), cast an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image format: BandFormat -> Format to cast to Notset -> VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET = -1 Uchar -> VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Char -> VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR = 1 Ushort -> VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT = 2 Short -> VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT = 3 Uint -> VIPS_FORMAT_UINT = 4 Int -> VIPS_FORMAT_INT = 5 Float -> VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT = 6 Complex -> VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX = 7 Double -> VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 8 Dpcomplex -> VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX = 9 Last -> VIPS_FORMAT_LAST = 10 cast_options: &CastOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCMC2LCh (CMC2LCh), transform LCh to CMC inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCMYK2XYZ (CMYK2XYZ), transform CMYK to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image


VipsColourspace (colourspace), convert to a new colorspace inp: &VipsImage -> Input image space: Interpretation -> Destination color space Error -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_ERROR = -1 Multiband -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_MULTIBAND = 0 BW -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_B_W = 1 Histogram -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_HISTOGRAM = 10 Xyz -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_XYZ = 12 Lab -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAB = 13 Cmyk -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMYK = 15 Labq -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LABQ = 16 Rgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB = 17 Cmc -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMC = 18 Lch -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LCH = 19 Lab -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LABS = 21 Srgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB = 22 [DEFAULT] Yxy -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_YXY = 23 Fourier -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_FOURIER = 24 Rgb16 -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB16 = 25 Grey16 -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_GREY16 = 26 Matrix -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_MATRIX = 27 Scrgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_scRGB = 28 Hsv -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_HSV = 29 Last -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAST = 30 colourspace_options: &ColourspaceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCompass (compass), convolve with rotating mask inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCompass (compass), convolve with rotating mask inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image compass_options: &CompassOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComplex (complex), perform a complex operation on an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image cmplx: OperationComplex -> complex to perform Polar -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_POLAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Rect -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_RECT = 1 Conj -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_CONJ = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_LAST = 3 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComplex2 (complex2), complex binary operations on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument cmplx: OperationComplex2 -> binary complex operation to perform CrossPhase -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX2_CROSS_PHASE = 0 [DEFAULT] Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX2_LAST = 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComplexform (complexform), form a complex image from two real images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComplexget (complexget), get a component from a complex image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image get: OperationComplexget -> complex to perform Real -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_REAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Imag -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_IMAG = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComposite (composite), blend an array of images with an array of blend modes inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images mode: &mut [i32] -> Array of VipsBlendMode to join with returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComposite2 (composite2), blend a pair of images with a blend mode base: &VipsImage -> Base image overlay: &VipsImage -> Overlay image mode: BlendMode -> VipsBlendMode to join with Clear -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_CLEAR = 0 Source -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOURCE = 1 Over -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER = 2 [DEFAULT] In -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_IN = 3 Out -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OUT = 4 Atop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ATOP = 5 Dest -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST = 6 DestOver -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OVER = 7 DestIn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_IN = 8 DestOut -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OUT = 9 DestAtop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_ATOP = 10 Xor -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR = 11 Add -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 12 Saturate -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SATURATE = 13 Multiply -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 14 Screen -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 15 Overlay -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = 16 Darken -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 17 Lighten -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 18 ColourDodge -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_DODGE = 19 ColourBurn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_BURN = 20 HardLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT = 21 SoftLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT = 22 Difference -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE = 23 Exclusion -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION = 24 Last -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LAST = 25 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComposite2 (composite2), blend a pair of images with a blend mode base: &VipsImage -> Base image overlay: &VipsImage -> Overlay image mode: BlendMode -> VipsBlendMode to join with Clear -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_CLEAR = 0 Source -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOURCE = 1 Over -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER = 2 [DEFAULT] In -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_IN = 3 Out -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OUT = 4 Atop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ATOP = 5 Dest -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST = 6 DestOver -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OVER = 7 DestIn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_IN = 8 DestOut -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OUT = 9 DestAtop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_ATOP = 10 Xor -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR = 11 Add -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 12 Saturate -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SATURATE = 13 Multiply -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 14 Screen -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 15 Overlay -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = 16 Darken -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 17 Lighten -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 18 ColourDodge -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_DODGE = 19 ColourBurn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_BURN = 20 HardLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT = 21 SoftLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT = 22 Difference -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE = 23 Exclusion -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION = 24 Last -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LAST = 25 composite_2_options: &Composite2Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsComposite (composite), blend an array of images with an array of blend modes inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images mode: &mut [i32] -> Array of VipsBlendMode to join with composite_options: &CompositeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConv (conv), convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConv (conv), convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image conv_options: &ConvOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConva (conva), approximate integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConva (conva), approximate integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image conva_options: &ConvaOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvasep (convasep), approximate separable integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvasep (convasep), approximate separable integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image convasep_options: &ConvasepOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvf (convf), float convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvi (convi), int convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvsep (convsep), seperable convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsConvsep (convsep), seperable convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image convsep_options: &ConvsepOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCopy (copy), copy an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCopy (copy), copy an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image copy_options: &CopyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsCountlines (countlines), count lines in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument direction: Direction -> Countlines left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns f64 - Number of lines

VipsForeignLoadCsvFile (csvload), load csv (.csv), priority=0, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadCsvSource (csvload_source), load csv, priority=0, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadCsvSource (csvload_source), load csv, priority=0, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from csvload_source_options: &CsvloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadCsvFile (csvload), load csv (.csv), priority=0, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from csvload_options: &CsvloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveCsvFile (csvsave), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveCsvTarget (csvsave_target), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveCsvTarget (csvsave_target), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to csvsave_target_options: &CsvsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveCsvFile (csvsave), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to csvsave_options: &CsvsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsdE00 (dE00), calculate dE00 left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsdE76 (dE76), calculate dE76 left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsdECMC (dECMC), calculate dECMC left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsDeviate (deviate), find image standard deviation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value

VipsDivide (divide), divide two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsDrawCircle (draw_circle), draw a circle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels cx: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 cy: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 radius: i32 -> Radius in pixels min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawCircle (draw_circle), draw a circle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels cx: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 cy: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 radius: i32 -> Radius in pixels min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_circle_options: &DrawCircleOptions -> optional arguments

VipsDrawFlood (draw_flood), flood-fill an area image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawFlood (draw_flood), flood-fill an area image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_flood_options: &DrawFloodOptions -> optional arguments

VipsDrawImage (draw_image), paint an image into another image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawImage (draw_image), paint an image into another image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_image_options: &DrawImageOptions -> optional arguments

VipsDrawLine (draw_line), draw a line on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x_1: i32 -> Start of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y_1: i32 -> Start of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 x_2: i32 -> End of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y_2: i32 -> End of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawMask (draw_mask), draw a mask on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels mask: &VipsImage -> Mask of pixels to draw x: i32 -> Draw mask here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw mask here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawRect (draw_rect), paint a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsDrawRect (draw_rect), paint a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_rect_options: &DrawRectOptions -> optional arguments

VipsDrawSmudge (draw_smudge), blur a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0

VipsForeignSaveDzFile (dzsave), save image to deepzoom file (.dz), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveDzFile (dzsave), save image to deepzoom file (.dz), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to dzsave_options: &DzsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Left edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Left edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 embed_options: &EmbedOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsExtractArea (extract_area), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image left: i32 -> Left edge of extract area min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Top edge of extract area min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsExtractBand (extract_band), extract band from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image band: i32 -> Band to extract min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsExtractBand (extract_band), extract band from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image band: i32 -> Band to extract min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 extract_band_options: &ExtractBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsEye (eye), make an image showing the eye’s spatial response width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsEye (eye), make an image showing the eye’s spatial response width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 eye_options: &EyeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFalsecolour (falsecolour), false-color an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFastcor (fastcor), fast correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument refp: &VipsImage -> Input reference image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFillNearest (fill_nearest), fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Value of nearest non-zero pixel

VipsFillNearest (fill_nearest), fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument fill_nearest_options: &FillNearestOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Value of nearest non-zero pixel

VipsFindTrim (find_trim), search an image for non-edge areas inp: &VipsImage -> Image to find_trim Tuple ( i32 - Left edge of image i32 - Top edge of extract area i32 - Width of extract area i32 - Height of extract area )

VipsFindTrim (find_trim), search an image for non-edge areas inp: &VipsImage -> Image to find_trim find_trim_options: &FindTrimOptions -> optional arguments Tuple ( i32 - Left edge of image i32 - Top edge of extract area i32 - Width of extract area i32 - Height of extract area )

VipsFlatten (flatten), flatten alpha out of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFlatten (flatten), flatten alpha out of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image flatten_options: &FlattenOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFlip (flip), flip an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: Direction -> Direction to flip image Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFloat2rad (float2rad), transform float RGB to Radiance coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFractsurf (fractsurf), make a fractal surface width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFreqmult (freqmult), frequency-domain filtering inp: &VipsImage -> Input image mask: &VipsImage -> Input mask image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsFwfft (fwfft), forward FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGamma (gamma), gamma an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGamma (gamma), gamma an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image gamma_options: &GammaOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussblur (gaussblur), gaussian blur inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.01, max: 1000, default: 1.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussblur (gaussblur), gaussian blur inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.01, max: 1000, default: 1.5 gaussblur_options: &GaussblurOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussmat (gaussmat), make a gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussmat (gaussmat), make a gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 gaussmat_options: &GaussmatOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussnoise (gaussnoise), make a gaussnoise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGaussnoise (gaussnoise), make a gaussnoise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 gaussnoise_options: &GaussnoiseOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGetpoint (getpoint), read a point from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Point to read min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Point to read min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns Vec<f64> - Array of output values

VipsForeignLoadGifFile (gifload), load GIF with giflib (.gif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadGifBuffer (gifload_buffer), load GIF with giflib, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadGifBuffer (gifload_buffer), load GIF with giflib, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from gifload_buffer_options: &GifloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadGifSource (gifload_source), load GIF with giflib, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadGifSource (gifload_source), load GIF with giflib, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from gifload_source_options: &GifloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadGifFile (gifload), load GIF with giflib (.gif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from gifload_options: &GifloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGlobalbalance (globalbalance), global balance an image mosaic inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGlobalbalance (globalbalance), global balance an image mosaic inp: &VipsImage -> Input image globalbalance_options: &GlobalbalanceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGravity (gravity), place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: CompassDirection -> direction to place image within width/height Centre -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_CENTRE = 0 [DEFAULT] North -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH = 1 East -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_EAST = 2 South -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH = 3 West -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_WEST = 4 NorthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_EAST = 5 SouthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_EAST = 6 SouthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_WEST = 7 NorthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_WEST = 8 Last -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_LAST = 9 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGravity (gravity), place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: CompassDirection -> direction to place image within width/height Centre -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_CENTRE = 0 [DEFAULT] North -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH = 1 East -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_EAST = 2 South -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH = 3 West -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_WEST = 4 NorthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_EAST = 5 SouthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_EAST = 6 SouthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_WEST = 7 NorthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_WEST = 8 Last -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_LAST = 9 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 gravity_options: &GravityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGrey (grey), make a grey ramp image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGrey (grey), make a grey ramp image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 grey_options: &GreyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsGrid (grid), grid an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image tile_height: i32 -> chop into tiles this high min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 128 across: i32 -> number of tiles across min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 down: i32 -> number of tiles down min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifFile (heifload), load a HEIF image (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifBuffer (heifload_buffer), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifBuffer (heifload_buffer), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from heifload_buffer_options: &HeifloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifSource (heifload_source), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifSource (heifload_source), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from heifload_source_options: &HeifloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadHeifFile (heifload), load a HEIF image (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from heifload_options: &HeifloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveHeifFile (heifsave), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from

VipsForeignSaveHeifBuffer (heifsave_buffer), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveHeifBuffer (heifsave_buffer), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save heifsave_buffer_options: &HeifsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveHeifTarget (heifsave_target), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveHeifTarget (heifsave_target), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to heifsave_target_options: &HeifsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveHeifFile (heifsave), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from heifsave_options: &HeifsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsHistCum (hist_cum), form cumulative histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistEntropy (hist_entropy), estimate image entropy inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram image returns f64 - Output value

VipsHistEqual (hist_equal), histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistEqual (hist_equal), histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_equal_options: &HistEqualOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistFind (hist_find), find image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistFindIndexed (hist_find_indexed), find indexed image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image index: &VipsImage -> Index image returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistFindIndexed (hist_find_indexed), find indexed image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image index: &VipsImage -> Index image hist_find_indexed_options: &HistFindIndexedOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistFindNDim (hist_find_ndim), find n-dimensional image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistFindNDim (hist_find_ndim), find n-dimensional image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_find_ndim_options: &HistFindNdimOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistFind (hist_find), find image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_find_options: &HistFindOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram

VipsHistIsmonotonic (hist_ismonotonic), test for monotonicity inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram image returns bool - true if in is monotonic

VipsHistLocal (hist_local), local histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistLocal (hist_local), local histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 hist_local_options: &HistLocalOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistMatch (hist_match), match two histograms inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram refp: &VipsImage -> Reference histogram returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistNorm (hist_norm), normalise histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHistPlot (hist_plot), plot histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHoughCircle (hough_circle), find hough circle transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHoughCircle (hough_circle), find hough circle transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hough_circle_options: &HoughCircleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHoughLine (hough_line), find hough line transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHoughLine (hough_line), find hough line transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hough_line_options: &HoughLineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsHSV2sRGB (HSV2sRGB), transform HSV to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccExport (icc_export), output to device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccExport (icc_export), output to device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image icc_export_options: &IccExportOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccImport (icc_import), import from device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccImport (icc_import), import from device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image icc_import_options: &IccImportOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccTransform (icc_transform), transform between devices with ICC profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image output_profile: &str -> Filename to load output profile from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIccTransform (icc_transform), transform between devices with ICC profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image output_profile: &str -> Filename to load output profile from icc_transform_options: &IccTransformOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIdentity (identity), make a 1D image where pixel values are indexes returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIdentity (identity), make a 1D image where pixel values are indexes identity_options: &IdentityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIfthenelse (ifthenelse), ifthenelse an image cond: &VipsImage -> Condition input image in_1: &VipsImage -> Source for TRUE pixels in_2: &VipsImage -> Source for FALSE pixels returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsIfthenelse (ifthenelse), ifthenelse an image cond: &VipsImage -> Condition input image in_1: &VipsImage -> Source for TRUE pixels in_2: &VipsImage -> Source for FALSE pixels ifthenelse_options: &IfthenelseOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y main: &VipsImage -> Main input image sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Left edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y main: &VipsImage -> Main input image sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Left edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 insert_options: &InsertOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInvert (invert), invert an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInvertlut (invertlut), build an inverted look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInvertlut (invertlut), build an inverted look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates invertlut_options: &InvertlutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInvfft (invfft), inverse FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsInvfft (invfft), inverse FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image invfft_options: &InvfftOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images in_1: &VipsImage -> First input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image direction: Direction -> Join left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images in_1: &VipsImage -> First input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image direction: Direction -> Join left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 join_options: &JoinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadJpegFile (jpegload), load jpeg from file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadJpegBuffer (jpegload_buffer), load jpeg from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadJpegBuffer (jpegload_buffer), load jpeg from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from jpegload_buffer_options: &JpegloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadJpegFile (jpegload), load jpeg from file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from jpegload_options: &JpegloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveJpegFile (jpegsave), save image to jpeg file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveJpegBuffer (jpegsave_buffer), save image to jpeg buffer (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveJpegBuffer (jpegsave_buffer), save image to jpeg buffer (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jpegsave_buffer_options: &JpegsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveJpegMime (jpegsave_mime), save image to jpeg mime (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save

VipsForeignSaveJpegMime (jpegsave_mime), save image to jpeg mime (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jpegsave_mime_options: &JpegsaveMimeOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveJpegTarget (jpegsave_target), save image to jpeg target (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveJpegTarget (jpegsave_target), save image to jpeg target (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to jpegsave_target_options: &JpegsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveJpegFile (jpegsave), save image to jpeg file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to jpegsave_options: &JpegsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsLCh2Lab (LCh2Lab), transform LCh to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLCh2CMC (LCh2CMC), transform LCh to CMC inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLab2LabQ (Lab2LabQ), transform float Lab to LabQ coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLab2LabS (Lab2LabS), transform float Lab to signed short inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLab2LCh (Lab2LCh), transform Lab to LCh inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLab2XYZ (Lab2XYZ), transform CIELAB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLab2XYZ (Lab2XYZ), transform CIELAB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lab_2xyz_options: &Lab2XyzOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabQ2Lab (LabQ2Lab), unpack a LabQ image to float Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabQ2LabS (LabQ2LabS), unpack a LabQ image to short Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabQ2sRGB (LabQ2sRGB), convert a LabQ image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabS2Lab (LabS2Lab), transform signed short Lab to float inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabS2LabQ (LabS2LabQ), transform short Lab to LabQ coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLabelregions (labelregions), label regions in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Mask of region labels

VipsLabelregions (labelregions), label regions in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument labelregions_options: &LabelregionOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Mask of region labels

VipsLinear (linear), calculate (a * in + b) inp: &VipsImage -> Input image a: &[f64] -> Multiply by this. Must have equal len as b b: &[f64] -> Add this. Must have equal len as a returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLinear (linear), calculate (a * in + b) inp: &VipsImage -> Input image a: &[f64] -> Multiply by this. Must have equal len as b b: &[f64] -> Add this. Must have equal len as a linear_options: &LinearOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLineCache (linecache), cache an image as a set of lines inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLineCache (linecache), cache an image as a set of lines inp: &VipsImage -> Input image linecache_options: &LinecacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLogmat (logmat), make a laplacian of gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Radius of Logmatian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Logmatian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsLogmat (logmat), make a laplacian of gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Radius of Logmatian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Logmatian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 logmat_options: &LogmatOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMapim (mapim), resample with a map image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument index: &VipsImage -> Index pixels with this returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMapim (mapim), resample with a map image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument index: &VipsImage -> Index pixels with this mapim_options: &MapimOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaplut (maplut), map an image though a lut inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lut: &VipsImage -> Look-up table image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaplut (maplut), map an image though a lut inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lut: &VipsImage -> Look-up table image maplut_options: &MaplutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworth (mask_butterworth), make a butterworth filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworthBand (mask_butterworth_band), make a butterworth_band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworthBand (mask_butterworth_band), make a butterworth_band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_butterworth_band_options: &MaskButterworthBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworthRing (mask_butterworth_ring), make a butterworth ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworthRing (mask_butterworth_ring), make a butterworth ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 mask_butterworth_ring_options: &MaskButterworthRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskButterworth (mask_butterworth), make a butterworth filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_butterworth_options: &MaskButterworthOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskFractal (mask_fractal), make fractal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskFractal (mask_fractal), make fractal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 mask_fractal_options: &MaskFractalOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussian (mask_gaussian), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussianBand (mask_gaussian_band), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussianBand (mask_gaussian_band), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_band_options: &MaskGaussianBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussianRing (mask_gaussian_ring), make a gaussian ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussianRing (mask_gaussian_ring), make a gaussian ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_ring_options: &MaskGaussianRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskGaussian (mask_gaussian), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_options: &MaskGaussianOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdeal (mask_ideal), make an ideal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdealBand (mask_ideal_band), make an ideal band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdealBand (mask_ideal_band), make an ideal band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 mask_ideal_band_options: &MaskIdealBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdealRing (mask_ideal_ring), make an ideal ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdealRing (mask_ideal_ring), make an ideal ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_ideal_ring_options: &MaskIdealRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMaskIdeal (mask_ideal), make an ideal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_ideal_options: &MaskIdealOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMatch (match), first-order match of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMatch (match), first-order match of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 matches_options: &MatchOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMath (math), apply a math operation to an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image math: OperationMath -> math to perform Sin -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SIN = 0 [DEFAULT] Co -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_COS = 1 Tan -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_TAN = 2 Asin -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ASIN = 3 Aco -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ACOS = 4 Atan -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ATAN = 5 Log -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG = 6 Log10 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG10 = 7 Exp -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP = 8 Exp10 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP10 = 9 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LAST = 10 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMath2 (math2), binary math operations left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument math_2: OperationMath2 -> math to perform Pow -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_POW = 0 [DEFAULT] Wop -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_WOP = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMath2Const (math2_const), binary math operations with a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image math_2: OperationMath2 -> math to perform Pow -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_POW = 0 [DEFAULT] Wop -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_WOP = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_LAST = 2 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMatrixinvert (matrixinvert), invert an matrix inp: &VipsImage -> An square matrix returns VipsImage - Output matrix

VipsForeignLoadMatrixFile (matrixload), load matrix (.mat), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadMatrixSource (matrixload_source), load matrix, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadMatrixSource (matrixload_source), load matrix, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from matrixload_source_options: &MatrixloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadMatrixFile (matrixload), load matrix (.mat), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from matrixload_options: &MatrixloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignPrintMatrix (matrixprint), print matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save

VipsForeignPrintMatrix (matrixprint), print matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save matrixprint_options: &MatrixprintOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveMatrixFile (matrixsave), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveMatrixTarget (matrixsave_target), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveMatrixTarget (matrixsave_target), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to matrixsave_target_options: &MatrixsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveMatrixFile (matrixsave), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to matrixsave_options: &MatrixsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsMax (max), find image maximum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value

VipsMax (max), find image maximum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image max_options: &MaxOptions -> optional arguments returns f64 - Output value

VipsMeasure (measure), measure a set of patches on a color chart inp: &VipsImage -> Image to measure h: i32 -> Number of patches across chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 v: i32 -> Number of patches down chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics

VipsMeasure (measure), measure a set of patches on a color chart inp: &VipsImage -> Image to measure h: i32 -> Number of patches across chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 v: i32 -> Number of patches down chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 measure_options: &MeasureOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics

VipsMerge (merge), merge two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical merge Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 dx: i32 -> Horizontal displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 dy: i32 -> Vertical displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMerge (merge), merge two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical merge Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 dx: i32 -> Horizontal displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 dy: i32 -> Vertical displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 merge_options: &MergeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMin (min), find image minimum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value

VipsMin (min), find image minimum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image min_options: &MinOptions -> optional arguments returns f64 - Output value

VipsMorph (morph), morphology operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image morph: OperationMorphology -> Morphological operation to perform Erode -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_ERODE = 0 [DEFAULT] Dilate -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_DILATE = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMosaic (mosaic), mosaic two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xsec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ysec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMosaic1 (mosaic1), first-order mosaic of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMosaic1 (mosaic1), first-order mosaic of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 mosaic_1_options: &Mosaic1Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMosaic (mosaic), mosaic two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xsec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ysec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 mosaic_options: &MosaicOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMsb (msb), pick most-significant byte from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMsb (msb), pick most-significant byte from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image msb_options: &MsbOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsMultiply (multiply), multiply two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsPercent (percent), find threshold for percent of pixels inp: &VipsImage -> Input image percent: f64 -> Percent of pixels min: 0, max: 100, default: 50 returns i32 - Threshold above which lie percent of pixels

VipsPerlin (perlin), make a perlin noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsPerlin (perlin), make a perlin noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 perlin_options: &PerlinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsPhasecor (phasecor), calculate phase correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngFile (pngload), load png from file (.png), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngBuffer (pngload_buffer), load png from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngBuffer (pngload_buffer), load png from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from pngload_buffer_options: &PngloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngSource (pngload_source), load png from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngSource (pngload_source), load png from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from pngload_source_options: &PngloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPngFile (pngload), load png from file (.png), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from pngload_options: &PngloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSavePngFile (pngsave), save image to png file (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSavePngBuffer (pngsave_buffer), save image to png buffer (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSavePngBuffer (pngsave_buffer), save image to png buffer (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save pngsave_buffer_options: &PngsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSavePngTarget (pngsave_target), save image to target as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSavePngTarget (pngsave_target), save image to target as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to pngsave_target_options: &PngsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSavePngFile (pngsave), save image to png file (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to pngsave_options: &PngsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignLoadPpmFile (ppmload), load ppm from file (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPpmSource (ppmload_source), load ppm base class (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=200, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPpmSource (ppmload_source), load ppm base class (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=200, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from ppmload_source_options: &PpmloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadPpmFile (ppmload), load ppm from file (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from ppmload_options: &PpmloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSavePpmFile (ppmsave), save image to ppm file (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSavePpmTarget (ppmsave_target), save to ppm (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSavePpmTarget (ppmsave_target), save to ppm (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to ppmsave_target_options: &PpmsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSavePpmFile (ppmsave), save image to ppm file (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pfm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to ppmsave_options: &PpmsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsPremultiply (premultiply), premultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsPremultiply (premultiply), premultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image premultiply_options: &PremultiplyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsProfile (profile), find image profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image Tuple ( VipsImage - First non-zero pixel in column VipsImage - First non-zero pixel in row )

VipsProfileLoad (profile_load), load named ICC profile name: &str -> Profile name returns Vec<u8> - Loaded profile

VipsProject (project), find image projections inp: &VipsImage -> Input image Tuple ( VipsImage - Sums of columns VipsImage - Sums of rows )

VipsQuadratic (quadratic), resample an image with a quadratic transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument coeff: &VipsImage -> Coefficient matrix returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsQuadratic (quadratic), resample an image with a quadratic transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument coeff: &VipsImage -> Coefficient matrix quadratic_options: &QuadraticOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRad2float (rad2float), unpack Radiance coding to float RGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadFile (radload), load a Radiance image from a file (.hdr), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadBuffer (radload_buffer), load rad from buffer, priority=-50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadBuffer (radload_buffer), load rad from buffer, priority=-50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from radload_buffer_options: &RadloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadSource (radload_source), load rad from source, priority=-50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadSource (radload_source), load rad from source, priority=-50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from radload_source_options: &RadloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRadFile (radload), load a Radiance image from a file (.hdr), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from radload_options: &RadloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveRadFile (radsave), save image to Radiance file (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveRadBuffer (radsave_buffer), save image to Radiance buffer (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveRadBuffer (radsave_buffer), save image to Radiance buffer (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save radsave_buffer_options: &RadsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveRadTarget (radsave_target), save image to Radiance target (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveRadTarget (radsave_target), save image to Radiance target (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to radsave_target_options: &RadsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveRadFile (radsave), save image to Radiance file (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to radsave_options: &RadsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsRank (rank), rank filter inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 100000, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 100000, default: 11 index: i32 -> Select pixel at index min: 0, max: 100000000, default: 50 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRaw (rawload), load raw data from a file, priority=0, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 bands: i32 -> Number of bands in image min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadRaw (rawload), load raw data from a file, priority=0, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 bands: i32 -> Number of bands in image min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 rawload_options: &RawloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveRaw (rawsave), save image to raw file (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveRawFd (rawsave_fd), write raw image to file descriptor (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save fd: i32 -> File descriptor to write to min: 0, max: 10000, default: 0

VipsForeignSaveRawFd (rawsave_fd), write raw image to file descriptor (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save fd: i32 -> File descriptor to write to min: 0, max: 10000, default: 0 rawsave_fd_options: &RawsaveFdOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveRaw (rawsave), save image to raw file (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to rawsave_options: &RawsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsRecomb (recomb), linear recombination with matrix inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument m: &VipsImage -> matrix of coefficients returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReduce (reduce), reduce an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReduce (reduce), reduce an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reduce_options: &ReduceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReduceh (reduceh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReduceh (reduceh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reduceh_options: &ReducehOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReducev (reducev), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReducev (reducev), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reducev_options: &ReducevOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRelational (relational), relational operation on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument relational: OperationRelational -> relational to perform Equal -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Noteq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ = 1 Less -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS = 2 Lesseq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ = 3 More -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE = 4 Moreeq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ = 5 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LAST = 6 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRelationalConst (relational_const), relational operations against a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image relational: OperationRelational -> relational to perform Equal -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Noteq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ = 1 Less -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS = 2 Lesseq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ = 3 More -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE = 4 Moreeq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ = 5 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LAST = 6 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRemainder (remainder), remainder after integer division of two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRemainderConst (remainder_const), remainder after integer division of an image and a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsReplicate (replicate), replicate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image across: i32 -> Repeat this many times horizontally min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 down: i32 -> Repeat this many times vertically min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsResize (resize), resize an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument scale: f64 -> Scale image by this factor min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsResize (resize), resize an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument scale: f64 -> Scale image by this factor min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 resize_options: &ResizeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRot (rot), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image angle: Angle -> Angle to rotate image D0 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D0 = 0 D90 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D90 = 1 [DEFAULT] D180 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D180 = 2 D270 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D270 = 3 Last -> VIPS_ANGLE_LAST = 4 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRot45 (rot45), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRot45 (rot45), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image rot_45_options: &Rot45Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRotate (rotate), rotate an image by a number of degrees inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument angle: f64 -> Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRotate (rotate), rotate an image by a number of degrees inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument angle: f64 -> Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 rotate_options: &RotateOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsRound (round), perform a round function on an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image round: OperationRound -> rounding operation to perform Rint -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_RINT = 0 [DEFAULT] Ceil -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_CEIL = 1 Floor -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_FLOOR = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_LAST = 3 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipssRGB2HSV (sRGB2HSV), transform sRGB to HSV inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipssRGB2scRGB (sRGB2scRGB), convert an sRGB image to scRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsscRGB2BW (scRGB2BW), convert scRGB to BW inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsscRGB2BW (scRGB2BW), convert scRGB to BW inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sc_rgb2bw_options: &ScRgb2BwOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsscRGB2XYZ (scRGB2XYZ), transform scRGB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsscRGB2sRGB (scRGB2sRGB), convert an scRGB image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsscRGB2sRGB (scRGB2sRGB), convert an scRGB image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sc_rgb_2s_rgb_options: &ScRgb2SRgbOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsScale (scale), scale an image to uchar inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsScale (scale), scale an image to uchar inp: &VipsImage -> Input image scale_options: &ScaleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSequential (sequential), check sequential access inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSequential (sequential), check sequential access inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sequential_options: &SequentialOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSharpen (sharpen), unsharp masking for print inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSharpen (sharpen), unsharp masking for print inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sharpen_options: &SharpenOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsShrink (shrink), shrink an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsShrinkh (shrinkh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: i32 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsShrinkv (shrinkv), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: i32 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSign (sign), unit vector of pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSimilarity (similarity), similarity transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSimilarity (similarity), similarity transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument similarity_options: &SimilarityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSines (sines), make a 2D sine wave width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSines (sines), make a 2D sine wave width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 sines_options: &SineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSmartcrop (smartcrop), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSmartcrop (smartcrop), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 smartcrop_options: &SmartcropOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSobel (sobel), Sobel edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSpcor (spcor), spatial correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument refp: &VipsImage -> Input reference image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSpectrum (spectrum), make displayable power spectrum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsStats (stats), find many image stats inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics

VipsStdif (stdif), statistical difference inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsStdif (stdif), statistical difference inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 stdif_options: &StdifOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSubsample (subsample), subsample an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSubsample (subsample), subsample an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 subsample_options: &SubsampleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSubtract (subtract), subtract two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSum (sum), sum an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadSvgFile (svgload), load SVG with rsvg (.svg, .svgz, .svg.gz), priority=-5, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadSvgBuffer (svgload_buffer), load SVG with rsvg, priority=-5, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadSvgBuffer (svgload_buffer), load SVG with rsvg, priority=-5, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from svgload_buffer_options: &SvgloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadSvgFile (svgload), load SVG with rsvg (.svg, .svgz, .svg.gz), priority=-5, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from svgload_options: &SvgloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSwitch (switch), find the index of the first non-zero pixel in tests tests: &mut [VipsImage] -> Table of images to test returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsSystem (system), run an external command cmd_format: &str -> Command to run

VipsSystem (system), run an external command cmd_format: &str -> Command to run system_options: &SystemOptions -> optional arguments

VipsText (text), make a text image text: &str -> Text to render returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsText (text), make a text image text: &str -> Text to render text_options: &TextOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailFile (thumbnail), generate thumbnail from file filename: &str -> Filename to read from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailBuffer (thumbnail_buffer), generate thumbnail from buffer buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailBuffer (thumbnail_buffer), generate thumbnail from buffer buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_buffer_options: &ThumbnailBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailImage (thumbnail_image), generate thumbnail from image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailImage (thumbnail_image), generate thumbnail from image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_image_options: &ThumbnailImageOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailSource (thumbnail_source), generate thumbnail from source source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailSource (thumbnail_source), generate thumbnail from source source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_source_options: &ThumbnailSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsThumbnailFile (thumbnail), generate thumbnail from file filename: &str -> Filename to read from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_options: &ThumbnailOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffFile (tiffload), load tiff from file (.tif, .tiff), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffBuffer (tiffload_buffer), load tiff from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffBuffer (tiffload_buffer), load tiff from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from tiffload_buffer_options: &TiffloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffSource (tiffload_source), load tiff from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffSource (tiffload_source), load tiff from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from tiffload_source_options: &TiffloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadTiffFile (tiffload), load tiff from file (.tif, .tiff), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from tiffload_options: &TiffloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveTiffFile (tiffsave), save image to tiff file (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveTiffBuffer (tiffsave_buffer), save image to tiff buffer (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveTiffBuffer (tiffsave_buffer), save image to tiff buffer (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save tiffsave_buffer_options: &TiffsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveTiffFile (tiffsave), save image to tiff file (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to tiffsave_options: &TiffsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image tilecache_options: &TilecacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsTonelut (tonelut), build a look-up table returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsTonelut (tonelut), build a look-up table tonelut_options: &TonelutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsTranspose3d (transpose3d), transpose3d an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsTranspose3d (transpose3d), transpose3d an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image transpose_3d_options: &Transpose3DOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsUnpremultiply (unpremultiply), unpremultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsUnpremultiply (unpremultiply), unpremultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image unpremultiply_options: &UnpremultiplyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadVips (vipsload), load vips from file (.v, .vips), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadVips (vipsload), load vips from file (.v, .vips), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from vipsload_options: &VipsloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveVips (vipssave), save image to vips file (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveVips (vipssave), save image to vips file (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to vipssave_options: &VipssaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignLoadWebpFile (webpload), load webp from file (.webp), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadWebpBuffer (webpload_buffer), load webp from buffer, priority=-50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadWebpBuffer (webpload_buffer), load webp from buffer, priority=-50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from webpload_buffer_options: &WebploadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadWebpSource (webpload_source), load webp from source, priority=-50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadWebpSource (webpload_source), load webp from source, priority=-50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from webpload_source_options: &WebploadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignLoadWebpFile (webpload), load webp from file (.webp), priority=-50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from webpload_options: &WebploadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsForeignSaveWebpFile (webpsave), save image to webp file (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to

VipsForeignSaveWebpBuffer (webpsave_buffer), save image to webp buffer (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveWebpBuffer (webpsave_buffer), save image to webp buffer (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save webpsave_buffer_options: &WebpsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to

VipsForeignSaveWebpTarget (webpsave_target), save image to webp target (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to

VipsForeignSaveWebpTarget (webpsave_target), save image to webp target (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to webpsave_target_options: &WebpsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments

VipsForeignSaveWebpFile (webpsave), save image to webp file (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to webpsave_options: &WebpsaveOptions -> optional arguments

VipsWorley (worley), make a worley noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsWorley (worley), make a worley noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 worley_options: &WorleyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsWrap (wrap), wrap image origin inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsWrap (wrap), wrap image origin inp: &VipsImage -> Input image wrap_options: &WrapOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXyz (xyz), make an image where pixel values are coordinates width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXYZ2Lab (XYZ2Lab), transform XYZ to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXYZ2Lab (XYZ2Lab), transform XYZ to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image xyz2_lab_options: &Xyz2LabOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXYZ2Yxy (XYZ2Yxy), transform XYZ to Yxy inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXYZ2CMYK (XYZ2CMYK), transform XYZ to CMYK inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXYZ2scRGB (XYZ2scRGB), transform XYZ to scRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsXyz (xyz), make an image where pixel values are coordinates width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 xyz_options: &XyzOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsYxy2XYZ (Yxy2XYZ), transform Yxy to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsZone (zone), make a zone plate width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsZone (zone), make a zone plate width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 zone_options: &ZoneOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image

VipsZoom (zoom), zoom an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal zoom factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical zoom factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image