Module libvips_rs::bindings

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Type Aliases§

  • GAppInfoCreateFlags: @G_APP_INFO_CREATE_NONE: No flags. @G_APP_INFO_CREATE_NEEDS_TERMINAL: Application opens in a terminal window. @G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_URIS: Application supports URI arguments. @G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION: Application supports startup notification. Since 2.26
  • GAppInfoIface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @dup: Copies a #GAppInfo. @equal: Checks two #GAppInfos for equality. @get_id: Gets a string identifier for a #GAppInfo. @get_name: Gets the name of the application for a #GAppInfo. @get_description: Gets a short description for the application described by the #GAppInfo. @get_executable: Gets the executable name for the #GAppInfo. @get_icon: Gets the #GIcon for the #GAppInfo. @launch: Launches an application specified by the #GAppInfo. @supports_uris: Indicates whether the application specified supports launching URIs. @supports_files: Indicates whether the application specified accepts filename arguments. @launch_uris: Launches an application with a list of URIs. @should_show: Returns whether an application should be shown (e.g. when getting a list of installed applications). FreeDesktop.Org Startup Notification Specification. @set_as_default_for_type: Sets an application as default for a given content type. @set_as_default_for_extension: Sets an application as default for a given file extension. @add_supports_type: Adds to the #GAppInfo information about supported file types. @can_remove_supports_type: Checks for support for removing supported file types from a #GAppInfo. @remove_supports_type: Removes a supported application type from a #GAppInfo. @can_delete: Checks if a #GAppInfo can be deleted. Since 2.20 @do_delete: Deletes a #GAppInfo. Since 2.20 @get_commandline: Gets the commandline for the #GAppInfo. Since 2.20 @get_display_name: Gets the display name for the #GAppInfo. Since 2.24 @set_as_last_used_for_type: Sets the application as the last used. See g_app_info_set_as_last_used_for_type(). @get_supported_types: Retrieves the list of content types that @app_info claims to support. @launch_uris_async: Asynchronously launches an application with a list of URIs. (Since: 2.60) @launch_uris_finish: Finishes an operation started with @launch_uris_async. (Since: 2.60)
  • GAppLaunchContext:
  • GApplicationFlags: @G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE: Default. Deprecated in 2.74, use %G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS instead @G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS: Default flags. Since: 2.74 @G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE: Run as a service. In this mode, registration fails if the service is already running, and the application will initially wait up to 10 seconds for an initial activation message to arrive. @G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER: Don’t try to become the primary instance. @G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN: This application handles opening files (in the primary instance). Note that this flag only affects the default implementation of local_command_line(), and has no effect if %G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE is given. See g_application_run() for details. @G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE: This application handles command line arguments (in the primary instance). Note that this flag only affect the default implementation of local_command_line(). See g_application_run() for details. @G_APPLICATION_SEND_ENVIRONMENT: Send the environment of the launching process to the primary instance. Set this flag if your application is expected to behave differently depending on certain environment variables. For instance, an editor might be expected to use the GIT_COMMITTER_NAME environment variable when editing a git commit message. The environment is available to the #GApplication::command-line signal handler, via g_application_command_line_getenv(). @G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE: Make no attempts to do any of the typical single-instance application negotiation, even if the application ID is given. The application neither attempts to become the owner of the application ID nor does it check if an existing owner already exists. Everything occurs in the local process. Since: 2.30. @G_APPLICATION_CAN_OVERRIDE_APP_ID: Allow users to override the application ID from the command line with --gapplication-app-id. Since: 2.48 @G_APPLICATION_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT: Allow another instance to take over the bus name. Since: 2.60 @G_APPLICATION_REPLACE: Take over from another instance. This flag is usually set by passing --gapplication-replace on the commandline. Since: 2.60
  • GAskPasswordFlags: @G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_PASSWORD: operation requires a password. @G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_USERNAME: operation requires a username. @G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_DOMAIN: operation requires a domain. @G_ASK_PASSWORD_SAVING_SUPPORTED: operation supports saving settings. @G_ASK_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_SUPPORTED: operation supports anonymous users. @G_ASK_PASSWORD_TCRYPT: operation takes TCRYPT parameters (Since: 2.58)
  • GAsyncInitable:
  • GAsyncReadyCallback: @source_object: (nullable): the object the asynchronous operation was started with. @res: a #GAsyncResult. @data: user data passed to the callback.
  • GAsyncResult:
  • GBaseFinalizeFunc: @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The #GTypeClass structure to finalize
  • GBaseInitFunc: @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The #GTypeClass structure to initialize
  • GBinding:
  • GBindingFlags: @G_BINDING_DEFAULT: The default binding; if the source property changes, the target property is updated with its value. @G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL: Bidirectional binding; if either the property of the source or the property of the target changes, the other is updated. @G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE: Synchronize the values of the source and target properties when creating the binding; the direction of the synchronization is always from the source to the target. @G_BINDING_INVERT_BOOLEAN: If the two properties being bound are booleans, setting one to %TRUE will result in the other being set to %FALSE and vice versa. This flag will only work for boolean properties, and cannot be used when passing custom transformation functions to g_object_bind_property_full().
  • GBindingGroup:
  • GBindingTransformFunc: @binding: a #GBinding @from_value: the #GValue containing the value to transform @to_value: the #GValue in which to store the transformed value @user_data: data passed to the transform function
  • GBookmarkFile:
  • GBookmarkFileError: @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_URI: URI was ill-formed @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE: a requested field was not found @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_APP_NOT_REGISTERED: a requested application did not register a bookmark @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_URI_NOT_FOUND: a requested URI was not found @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_READ: document was ill formed @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING: the text being parsed was in an unknown encoding @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_WRITE: an error occurred while writing @G_BOOKMARK_FILE_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: requested file was not found
  • GBoxedCopyFunc: @boxed: (not nullable): The boxed structure to be copied.
  • GBoxedFreeFunc: @boxed: (not nullable): The boxed structure to be freed.
  • GBufferedInputStream:
  • GBufferedOutputStream:
  • GBusAcquiredCallback: @connection: The #GDBusConnection to a message bus. @name: The name that is requested to be owned. @user_data: User data passed to g_bus_own_name().
  • GBusNameAcquiredCallback: @connection: The #GDBusConnection on which to acquired the name. @name: The name being owned. @user_data: User data passed to g_bus_own_name() or g_bus_own_name_on_connection().
  • GBusNameAppearedCallback: @connection: The #GDBusConnection the name is being watched on. @name: The name being watched. @name_owner: Unique name of the owner of the name being watched. @user_data: User data passed to g_bus_watch_name().
  • GBusNameLostCallback: @connection: The #GDBusConnection on which to acquire the name or %NULL if the connection was disconnected. @name: The name being owned. @user_data: User data passed to g_bus_own_name() or g_bus_own_name_on_connection().
  • GBusNameOwnerFlags: @G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT: Allow another message bus connection to claim the name. @G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_REPLACE: If another message bus connection owns the name and have specified %G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, then take the name from the other connection. @G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_DO_NOT_QUEUE: If another message bus connection owns the name, immediately return an error from g_bus_own_name() rather than entering the waiting queue for that name. (Since 2.54)
  • GBusNameVanishedCallback: @connection: The #GDBusConnection the name is being watched on, or %NULL. @name: The name being watched. @user_data: User data passed to g_bus_watch_name().
  • GBusNameWatcherFlags: @G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_AUTO_START: If no-one owns the name when beginning to watch the name, ask the bus to launch an owner for the name.
  • GBusType: @G_BUS_TYPE_STARTER: An alias for the message bus that activated the process, if any. @G_BUS_TYPE_NONE: Not a message bus. @G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM: The system-wide message bus. @G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION: The login session message bus.
  • GCClosure: @closure: the #GClosure @callback: the callback function
  • GCallback:
  • GCancellable:
  • GCancellableSourceFunc: @cancellable: the #GCancellable @data: data passed in by the user.
  • GChecksum:
  • GChecksumType: @G_CHECKSUM_MD5: Use the MD5 hashing algorithm @G_CHECKSUM_SHA1: Use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm @G_CHECKSUM_SHA256: Use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm @G_CHECKSUM_SHA384: Use the SHA-384 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.51) @G_CHECKSUM_SHA512: Use the SHA-512 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.36)
  • GChildWatchFunc: @pid: the process id of the child process @wait_status: Status information about the child process, encoded in a platform-specific manner @user_data: user data passed to g_child_watch_add()
  • GClassFinalizeFunc: @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The #GTypeClass structure to finalize @class_data: The @class_data member supplied via the #GTypeInfo structure
  • GClassInitFunc: @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The #GTypeClass structure to initialize. @class_data: The @class_data member supplied via the #GTypeInfo structure.
  • GClearHandleFunc: @handle_id: the handle ID to clear
  • GClosure: @in_marshal: Indicates whether the closure is currently being invoked with g_closure_invoke() @is_invalid: Indicates whether the closure has been invalidated by g_closure_invalidate()
  • GClosureMarshal: @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs @return_value: (nullable): a #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL if the callback of @closure doesn’t return a value. @n_param_values: the length of the @param_values array @param_values: (array length=n_param_values): an array of #GValues holding the arguments on which to invoke the callback of @closure @invocation_hint: (nullable): the invocation hint given as the last argument to g_closure_invoke() @marshal_data: (nullable): additional data specified when registering the marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and g_closure_set_meta_marshal()
  • GClosureNotify: @data: data specified when registering the notification callback @closure: the #GClosure on which the notification is emitted
  • GConnectFlags: @G_CONNECT_DEFAULT: Default behaviour (no special flags). Since: 2.74 @G_CONNECT_AFTER: If set, the handler should be called after the default handler of the signal. Normally, the handler is called before the default handler. @G_CONNECT_SWAPPED: If set, the instance and data should be swapped when calling the handler; see g_signal_connect_swapped() for an example.
  • GConvertError: @G_CONVERT_ERROR_NO_CONVERSION: Conversion between the requested character sets is not supported. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE: Invalid byte sequence in conversion input; or the character sequence could not be represented in the target character set. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_FAILED: Conversion failed for some reason. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_PARTIAL_INPUT: Partial character sequence at end of input. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_BAD_URI: URI is invalid. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_NOT_ABSOLUTE_PATH: Pathname is not an absolute path. @G_CONVERT_ERROR_NO_MEMORY: No memory available. Since: 2.40 @G_CONVERT_ERROR_EMBEDDED_NUL: An embedded NUL character is present in conversion output where a NUL-terminated string is expected. Since: 2.56
  • GConverterFlags: @G_CONVERTER_NO_FLAGS: No flags. @G_CONVERTER_INPUT_AT_END: At end of input data @G_CONVERTER_FLUSH: Flush data
  • GConverter:
  • GConverterInputStream:
  • GConverterOutputStream:
  • GConverterResult: @G_CONVERTER_ERROR: There was an error during conversion. @G_CONVERTER_CONVERTED: Some data was consumed or produced @G_CONVERTER_FINISHED: The conversion is finished @G_CONVERTER_FLUSHED: Flushing is finished
  • GCopyFunc: @src: (not nullable): A pointer to the data which should be copied @data: Additional data
  • GCredentialsType: @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_INVALID: Indicates an invalid native credential type. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_LINUX_UCRED: The native credentials type is a struct ucred. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_FREEBSD_CMSGCRED: The native credentials type is a struct cmsgcred. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_OPENBSD_SOCKPEERCRED: The native credentials type is a struct sockpeercred. Added in 2.30. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SOLARIS_UCRED: The native credentials type is a ucred_t. Added in 2.40. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_NETBSD_UNPCBID: The native credentials type is a struct unpcbid. Added in 2.42. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_APPLE_XUCRED: The native credentials type is a struct xucred. Added in 2.66. @G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_WIN32_PID: The native credentials type is a PID DWORD. Added in 2.72.
  • GDBusAnnotationInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @key: The name of the annotation, e.g. “org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated”. @value: The value of the annotation. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusArgInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @name: Name of the argument, e.g. @unix_user_id. @signature: D-Bus signature of the argument (a single complete type). @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusCallFlags: @G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NO_AUTO_START: The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this method invocation. @G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION: the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization. Since 2.46.
  • GDBusCapabilityFlags: @G_DBUS_CAPABILITY_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_CAPABILITY_FLAGS_UNIX_FD_PASSING: The connection supports exchanging UNIX file descriptors with the remote peer.
  • GDBusConnectionFlags: @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT: Perform authentication against server. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER: Perform authentication against client. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: When authenticating as a server, allow the anonymous authentication method. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION: Pass this flag if connecting to a peer that is a message bus. This means that the Hello() method will be invoked as part of the connection setup. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING: If set, processing of D-Bus messages is delayed until g_dbus_connection_start_message_processing() is called. @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRE_SAME_USER: When authenticating as a server, require the UID of the peer to be the same as the UID of the server. (Since: 2.68) @G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_CROSS_NAMESPACE: When authenticating, try to use protocols that work across a Linux user namespace boundary, even if this reduces interoperability with older D-Bus implementations. This currently affects client-side EXTERNAL authentication, for which this flag makes connections to a server in another user namespace succeed, but causes a deadlock when connecting to a GDBus server older than 2.73.3. Since: 2.74
  • GDBusError: @G_DBUS_ERROR_FAILED: A generic error; “something went wrong” - see the error message for more. @G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY: There was not enough memory to complete an operation. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNKNOWN: The bus doesn’t know how to launch a service to supply the bus name you wanted. @G_DBUS_ERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER: The bus name you referenced doesn’t exist (i.e. no application owns it). @G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY: No reply to a message expecting one, usually means a timeout occurred. @G_DBUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Something went wrong reading or writing to a socket, for example. @G_DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS: A D-Bus bus address was malformed. @G_DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Requested operation isn’t supported (like ENOSYS on UNIX). @G_DBUS_ERROR_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: Some limited resource is exhausted. @G_DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: Security restrictions don’t allow doing what you’re trying to do. @G_DBUS_ERROR_AUTH_FAILED: Authentication didn’t work. @G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_SERVER: Unable to connect to server (probably caused by ECONNREFUSED on a socket). @G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Certain timeout errors, possibly ETIMEDOUT on a socket. Note that %G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY is used for message reply timeouts. Warning: this is confusingly-named given that %G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT also exists. We can’t fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful. @G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_NETWORK: No network access (probably ENETUNREACH on a socket). @G_DBUS_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE: Can’t bind a socket since its address is in use (i.e. EADDRINUSE). @G_DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED: The connection is disconnected and you’re trying to use it. @G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: Invalid arguments passed to a method call. @G_DBUS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Missing file. @G_DBUS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: Existing file and the operation you’re using does not silently overwrite. @G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD: Method name you invoked isn’t known by the object you invoked it on. @G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT: Object you invoked a method on isn’t known. Since 2.42 @G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE: Interface you invoked a method on isn’t known by the object. Since 2.42 @G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: Property you tried to access isn’t known by the object. Since 2.42 @G_DBUS_ERROR_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY: Property you tried to set is read-only. Since 2.42 @G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: Certain timeout errors, e.g. while starting a service. Warning: this is confusingly-named given that %G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT also exists. We can’t fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful. @G_DBUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_NOT_FOUND: Tried to remove or modify a match rule that didn’t exist. @G_DBUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_INVALID: The match rule isn’t syntactically valid. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_EXEC_FAILED: While starting a new process, the exec() call failed. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FORK_FAILED: While starting a new process, the fork() call failed. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CHILD_EXITED: While starting a new process, the child exited with a status code. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CHILD_SIGNALED: While starting a new process, the child exited on a signal. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FAILED: While starting a new process, something went wrong. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SETUP_FAILED: We failed to setup the environment correctly. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CONFIG_INVALID: We failed to setup the config parser correctly. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SERVICE_INVALID: Bus name was not valid. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: Service file not found in system-services directory. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_PERMISSIONS_INVALID: Permissions are incorrect on the setuid helper. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FILE_INVALID: Service file invalid (Name, User or Exec missing). @G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_NO_MEMORY: Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn’t available. @G_DBUS_ERROR_UNIX_PROCESS_ID_UNKNOWN: Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn’t available. @G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE: A type signature is not valid. @G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT: A file contains invalid syntax or is otherwise broken. @G_DBUS_ERROR_SELINUX_SECURITY_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN: Asked for SELinux security context and it wasn’t available. @G_DBUS_ERROR_ADT_AUDIT_DATA_UNKNOWN: Asked for ADT audit data and it wasn’t available. @G_DBUS_ERROR_OBJECT_PATH_IN_USE: There’s already an object with the requested object path.
  • GDBusErrorEntry: @error_code: An error code. @dbus_error_name: The D-Bus error name to associate with @error_code.
  • GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on. @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name for the property. @property_name: The name of the property to get the value of. @error: Return location for error. @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
  • GDBusInterface:
  • GDBusInterfaceInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @name: The name of the D-Bus interface, e.g. “org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties”. @methods: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusMethodInfo structures or %NULL if there are no methods. @signals: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusSignalInfo structures or %NULL if there are no signals. @properties: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusPropertyInfo structures or %NULL if there are no properties. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on. @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name the method was invoked on. @method_name: The name of the method that was invoked. @parameters: A #GVariant tuple with parameters. @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation object that must be used to return a value or error. @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
  • GDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on. @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name for the property. @property_name: The name of the property to get the value of. @value: The value to set the property to. @error: Return location for error. @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
  • GDBusInterfaceSkeleton:
  • GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass: @parent_class: The parent class. @get_info: Returns a #GDBusInterfaceInfo. See g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_info() for details. @get_vtable: Returns a #GDBusInterfaceVTable. See g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_vtable() for details. @get_properties: Returns a #GVariant with all properties. See g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_properties(). @flush: Emits outstanding changes, if any. See g_dbus_interface_skeleton_flush(). @g_authorize_method: Signal class handler for the #GDBusInterfaceSkeleton::g-authorize-method signal.
  • GDBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags: @G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_FLAGS_HANDLE_METHOD_INVOCATIONS_IN_THREAD: Each method invocation is handled in a thread dedicated to the invocation. This means that the method implementation can use blocking IO without blocking any other part of the process. It also means that the method implementation must use locking to access data structures used by other threads.
  • GDBusInterfaceVTable: @method_call: Function for handling incoming method calls. @get_property: Function for getting a property. @set_property: Function for setting a property.
  • GDBusMessageByteOrder: @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: The byte order is big endian. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: The byte order is little endian.
  • GDBusMessageFilterFunction: @connection: (transfer none): A #GDBusConnection. @message: (transfer full): A locked #GDBusMessage that the filter function takes ownership of. @incoming: %TRUE if it is a message received from the other peer, %FALSE if it is a message to be sent to the other peer. @user_data: User data passed when adding the filter.
  • GDBusMessageFlags: @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NO_REPLY_EXPECTED: A reply is not expected. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NO_AUTO_START: The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this message. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION: If set on a method call, this flag means that the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization. Since 2.46.
  • GDBusMessageHeaderField: @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_INVALID: Not a valid header field. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_PATH: The object path. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_INTERFACE: The interface name. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_MEMBER: The method or signal name. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_ERROR_NAME: The name of the error that occurred. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_REPLY_SERIAL: The serial number the message is a reply to. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_DESTINATION: The name the message is intended for. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_SENDER: Unique name of the sender of the message (filled in by the bus). @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_SIGNATURE: The signature of the message body. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_NUM_UNIX_FDS: The number of UNIX file descriptors that accompany the message.
  • GDBusMessageType: @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID: Message is of invalid type. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL: Method call. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN: Method reply. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR: Error reply. @G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL: Signal emission.
  • GDBusMethodInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @name: The name of the D-Bus method, e.g. @RequestName. @in_args: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusArgInfo structures or %NULL if there are no in arguments. @out_args: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusArgInfo structures or %NULL if there are no out arguments. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusNodeInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @path: The path of the node or %NULL if omitted. Note that this may be a relative path. See the D-Bus specification for more details. @interfaces: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusInterfaceInfo structures or %NULL if there are no interfaces. @nodes: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusNodeInfo structures or %NULL if there are no nodes. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusObjectIface: @parent_iface: The parent interface. @get_object_path: Returns the object path. See g_dbus_object_get_object_path(). @get_interfaces: Returns all interfaces. See g_dbus_object_get_interfaces(). @get_interface: Returns an interface by name. See g_dbus_object_get_interface(). @interface_added: Signal handler for the #GDBusObject::interface-added signal. @interface_removed: Signal handler for the #GDBusObject::interface-removed signal.
  • GDBusObjectManagerClient:
  • GDBusObjectManagerClientClass: @parent_class: The parent class. @interface_proxy_signal: Signal class handler for the #GDBusObjectManagerClient::interface-proxy-signal signal. @interface_proxy_properties_changed: Signal class handler for the #GDBusObjectManagerClient::interface-proxy-properties-changed signal.
  • GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags: @G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START: If not set and the manager is for a well-known name, then request the bus to launch an owner for the name if no-one owns the name. This flag can only be used in managers for well-known names.
  • GDBusObjectManagerIface: @parent_iface: The parent interface. @get_object_path: Virtual function for g_dbus_object_manager_get_object_path(). @get_objects: Virtual function for g_dbus_object_manager_get_objects(). @get_object: Virtual function for g_dbus_object_manager_get_object(). @get_interface: Virtual function for g_dbus_object_manager_get_interface(). @object_added: Signal handler for the #GDBusObjectManager::object-added signal. @object_removed: Signal handler for the #GDBusObjectManager::object-removed signal. @interface_added: Signal handler for the #GDBusObjectManager::interface-added signal. @interface_removed: Signal handler for the #GDBusObjectManager::interface-removed signal.
  • GDBusObjectManagerServer:
  • GDBusObjectManagerServerClass: @parent_class: The parent class.
  • GDBusObjectProxy:
  • GDBusObjectProxyClass: @parent_class: The parent class.
  • GDBusObjectSkeleton:
  • GDBusObjectSkeletonClass: @parent_class: The parent class. @authorize_method: Signal class handler for the #GDBusObjectSkeleton::authorize-method signal.
  • GDBusPropertyInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @name: The name of the D-Bus property, e.g. “SupportedFilesystems”. @signature: The D-Bus signature of the property (a single complete type). @flags: Access control flags for the property. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusPropertyInfoFlags: @G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE: Property is readable. @G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE: Property is writable.
  • GDBusProxy:
  • GDBusProxyClass: @g_properties_changed: Signal class handler for the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal. @g_signal: Signal class handler for the #GDBusProxy::g-signal signal.
  • GDBusProxyFlags: @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES: Don’t load properties. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS: Don’t connect to signals on the remote object. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START: If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization or a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES: If set, the property value for any invalidated property will be (asynchronously) retrieved upon receiving the PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal and the property will not cause emission of the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal. When the value is received the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal is emitted for the property along with the retrieved value. Since 2.32. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START_AT_CONSTRUCTION: If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization, but allow it to be autostarted by a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names, and only if %G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START is not also specified. @G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NO_MATCH_RULE: Don’t actually send the AddMatch D-Bus call for this signal subscription. This gives you more control over which match rules you add (but you must add them manually). (Since: 2.72)
  • GDBusProxyTypeFunc: @manager: A #GDBusObjectManagerClient. @object_path: The object path of the remote object. @interface_name: (nullable): The interface name of the remote object or %NULL if a #GDBusObjectProxy #GType is requested. @data: data passed in by the user.
  • GDBusSendMessageFlags: @G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_PRESERVE_SERIAL: Do not automatically assign a serial number from the #GDBusConnection object when sending a message.
  • GDBusServerFlags: @G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_RUN_IN_THREAD: All #GDBusServer::new-connection signals will run in separated dedicated threads (see signal for details). @G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: Allow the anonymous authentication method. @G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRE_SAME_USER: Require the UID of the peer to be the same as the UID of the server when authenticating. (Since: 2.68)
  • GDBusSignalCallback: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender_name: (nullable): The unique bus name of the sender of the signal, or %NULL on a peer-to-peer D-Bus connection. @object_path: The object path that the signal was emitted on. @interface_name: The name of the interface. @signal_name: The name of the signal. @parameters: A #GVariant tuple with parameters for the signal. @user_data: User data passed when subscribing to the signal.
  • GDBusSignalFlags: @G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NO_MATCH_RULE: Don’t actually send the AddMatch D-Bus call for this signal subscription. This gives you more control over which match rules you add (but you must add them manually). @G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_MATCH_ARG0_NAMESPACE: Match first arguments that contain a bus or interface name with the given namespace. @G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_MATCH_ARG0_PATH: Match first arguments that contain an object path that is either equivalent to the given path, or one of the paths is a subpath of the other.
  • GDBusSignalInfo: @ref_count: The reference count or -1 if statically allocated. @name: The name of the D-Bus signal, e.g. “NameOwnerChanged”. @args: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusArgInfo structures or %NULL if there are no arguments. @annotations: (array zero-terminated=1): A pointer to a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusAnnotationInfo structures or %NULL if there are no annotations.
  • GDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name that the method call or property access is for. @node: A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or %NULL for the root of the subtree. @out_user_data: (nullable) (not optional): Return location for user data to pass to functions in the returned #GDBusInterfaceVTable. @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
  • GDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
  • GDBusSubtreeFlags: @G_DBUS_SUBTREE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_DBUS_SUBTREE_FLAGS_DISPATCH_TO_UNENUMERATED_NODES: Method calls to objects not in the enumerated range will still be dispatched. This is useful if you want to dynamically spawn objects in the subtree.
  • GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc: @connection: A #GDBusConnection. @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller. @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). @node: A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or %NULL for the root of the subtree. @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
  • GDBusSubtreeVTable: @enumerate: Function for enumerating child nodes. @introspect: Function for introspecting a child node. @dispatch: Function for dispatching a remote call on a child node.
  • GDataInputStream:
  • GDataOutputStream:
  • GDataStreamByteOrder: @G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: Selects Big Endian byte order. @G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: Selects Little Endian byte order. @G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_HOST_ENDIAN: Selects endianness based on host machine’s architecture.
  • GDataStreamNewlineType: @G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_LF: Selects “LF” line endings, common on most modern UNIX platforms. @G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_CR: Selects “CR” line endings. @G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_CR_LF: Selects “CR, LF” line ending, common on Microsoft Windows. @G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_ANY: Automatically try to handle any line ending type.
  • GDatagramBased:
  • GDatagramBasedSourceFunc: @datagram_based: the #GDatagramBased @condition: the current condition at the source fired @data: data passed in by the user
  • GDateTime:
  • GDebugControllerDBusClass: @parent_class: The parent class. @authorize: Default handler for the #GDebugControllerDBus::authorize signal.
  • GDebugControllerInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface.
  • GDebugKey: @key: the string @value: the flag
  • GDrive:
  • GDriveIface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @changed: Signal emitted when the drive is changed. @disconnected: The removed signal that is emitted when the #GDrive have been disconnected. If the recipient is holding references to the object they should release them so the object can be finalized. @eject_button: Signal emitted when the physical eject button (if any) of a drive have been pressed. @get_name: Returns the name for the given #GDrive. @get_icon: Returns a #GIcon for the given #GDrive. @has_volumes: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive has mountable volumes. @get_volumes: Returns a list #GList of #GVolume for the #GDrive. @is_removable: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive and/or its media is considered removable by the user. Since 2.50. @is_media_removable: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive supports removal and insertion of media. @has_media: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive has media inserted. @is_media_check_automatic: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive is capable of automatically detecting media changes. @can_poll_for_media: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive is capable of manually polling for media change. @can_eject: Returns %TRUE if the #GDrive can eject media. @eject: Ejects a #GDrive. @eject_finish: Finishes an eject operation. @poll_for_media: Poll for media insertion/removal on a #GDrive. @poll_for_media_finish: Finishes a media poll operation. @get_identifier: Returns the identifier of the given kind, or %NULL if the #GDrive doesn’t have one. @enumerate_identifiers: Returns an array strings listing the kinds of identifiers which the #GDrive has. @get_start_stop_type: Gets a #GDriveStartStopType with details about starting/stopping the drive. Since 2.22. @can_stop: Returns %TRUE if a #GDrive can be stopped. Since 2.22. @stop: Stops a #GDrive. Since 2.22. @stop_finish: Finishes a stop operation. Since 2.22. @can_start: Returns %TRUE if a #GDrive can be started. Since 2.22. @can_start_degraded: Returns %TRUE if a #GDrive can be started degraded. Since 2.22. @start: Starts a #GDrive. Since 2.22. @start_finish: Finishes a start operation. Since 2.22. @stop_button: Signal emitted when the physical stop button (if any) of a drive have been pressed. Since 2.22. @eject_with_operation: Starts ejecting a #GDrive using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_with_operation_finish: Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @get_sort_key: Gets a key used for sorting #GDrive instances or %NULL if no such key exists. Since 2.32. @get_symbolic_icon: Returns a symbolic #GIcon for the given #GDrive. Since 2.34.
  • GDriveStartFlags: @G_DRIVE_START_NONE: No flags set.
  • GDriveStartStopType: @G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Unknown or drive doesn’t support start/stop. @G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_SHUTDOWN: The stop method will physically shut down the drive and e.g. power down the port the drive is attached to. @G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_NETWORK: The start/stop methods are used for connecting/disconnect to the drive over the network. @G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_MULTIDISK: The start/stop methods will assemble/disassemble a virtual drive from several physical drives. @G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_PASSWORD: The start/stop methods will unlock/lock the disk (for example using the ATA SECURITY UNLOCK DEVICE command)
  • GDtlsClientConnectionInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface.
  • GDtlsConnectionInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @accept_certificate: Check whether to accept a certificate. @handshake: Perform a handshake operation. @handshake_async: Start an asynchronous handshake operation. @handshake_finish: Finish an asynchronous handshake operation. @shutdown: Shut down one or both directions of the connection. @shutdown_async: Start an asynchronous shutdown operation. @shutdown_finish: Finish an asynchronous shutdown operation. @set_advertised_protocols: Set APLN protocol list (Since: 2.60) @get_negotiated_protocol: Get ALPN-negotiated protocol (Since: 2.60) @get_binding_data: Retrieve TLS channel binding data (Since: 2.66)
  • GDtlsServerConnection:
  • GEmblem:
  • GEmblemOrigin: @G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_UNKNOWN: Emblem of unknown origin @G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_DEVICE: Emblem adds device-specific information @G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_LIVEMETADATA: Emblem depicts live metadata, such as “readonly” @G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_TAG: Emblem comes from a user-defined tag, e.g. set by nautilus (in the future)
  • GEmblemedIcon:
  • GEnumClass: @g_type_class: the parent class @minimum: the smallest possible value. @maximum: the largest possible value. @n_values: the number of possible values. @values: an array of #GEnumValue structs describing the individual values.
  • GEnumValue: @value: the enum value @value_name: the name of the value @value_nick: the nickname of the value
  • GEqualFuncFull: @a: a value @b: a value to compare with @user_data: user data provided by the caller
  • GError: @domain: error domain, e.g. %G_FILE_ERROR @code: error code, e.g. %G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT @message: human-readable informative error message
  • GErrorClearFunc: @error: extended error to clear
  • GErrorCopyFunc: @src_error: source extended error @dest_error: destination extended error
  • GErrorInitFunc: @error: extended error
  • GFile:
  • GFileAttributeInfo: @name: the name of the attribute. @type: the #GFileAttributeType type of the attribute. @flags: a set of #GFileAttributeInfoFlags.
  • GFileAttributeInfoFlags: @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_NONE: no flags set. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_COPY_WITH_FILE: copy the attribute values when the file is copied. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_COPY_WHEN_MOVED: copy the attribute values when the file is moved.
  • GFileAttributeInfoList: @infos: an array of #GFileAttributeInfos. @n_infos: the number of values in the array.
  • GFileAttributeMatcher:
  • GFileAttributeStatus: @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_UNSET: Attribute value is unset (empty). @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_SET: Attribute value is set. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_ERROR_SETTING: Indicates an error in setting the value.
  • GFileAttributeType: @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID: indicates an invalid or uninitialized type. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING: a null terminated UTF8 string. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BYTE_STRING: a zero terminated string of non-zero bytes. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN: a boolean value. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32: an unsigned 4-byte/32-bit integer. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32: a signed 4-byte/32-bit integer. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64: an unsigned 8-byte/64-bit integer. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64: a signed 8-byte/64-bit integer. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_OBJECT: a #GObject. @G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRINGV: a %NULL terminated char **. Since 2.22
  • GFileCopyFlags: @G_FILE_COPY_NONE: No flags set. @G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE: Overwrite any existing files @G_FILE_COPY_BACKUP: Make a backup of any existing files. @G_FILE_COPY_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS: Don’t follow symlinks. @G_FILE_COPY_ALL_METADATA: Copy all file metadata instead of just default set used for copy (see #GFileInfo). @G_FILE_COPY_NO_FALLBACK_FOR_MOVE: Don’t use copy and delete fallback if native move not supported. @G_FILE_COPY_TARGET_DEFAULT_PERMS: Leaves target file with default perms, instead of setting the source file perms.
  • GFileCreateFlags: @G_FILE_CREATE_NONE: No flags set. @G_FILE_CREATE_PRIVATE: Create a file that can only be accessed by the current user. @G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION: Replace the destination as if it didn’t exist before. Don’t try to keep any old permissions, replace instead of following links. This is generally useful if you’re doing a “copy over” rather than a “save new version of” replace operation. You can think of it as “unlink destination” before writing to it, although the implementation may not be exactly like that. This flag can only be used with g_file_replace() and its variants, including g_file_replace_contents(). Since 2.20
  • GFileEnumerator:
  • GFileIOStream:
  • GFileIcon:
  • GFileIface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @dup: Duplicates a #GFile. @hash: Creates a hash of a #GFile. @equal: Checks equality of two given #GFiles. @is_native: Checks to see if a file is native to the system. @has_uri_scheme: Checks to see if a #GFile has a given URI scheme. @get_uri_scheme: Gets the URI scheme for a #GFile. @get_basename: Gets the basename for a given #GFile. @get_path: Gets the current path within a #GFile. @get_uri: Gets a URI for the path within a #GFile. @get_parse_name: Gets the parsed name for the #GFile. @get_parent: Gets the parent directory for the #GFile. @prefix_matches: Checks whether a #GFile contains a specified file. @get_relative_path: Gets the path for a #GFile relative to a given path. @resolve_relative_path: Resolves a relative path for a #GFile to an absolute path. @get_child_for_display_name: Gets the child #GFile for a given display name. @enumerate_children: Gets a #GFileEnumerator with the children of a #GFile. @enumerate_children_async: Asynchronously gets a #GFileEnumerator with the children of a #GFile. @enumerate_children_finish: Finishes asynchronously enumerating the children. @query_info: Gets the #GFileInfo for a #GFile. @query_info_async: Asynchronously gets the #GFileInfo for a #GFile. @query_info_finish: Finishes an asynchronous query info operation. @query_filesystem_info: Gets a #GFileInfo for the file system #GFile is on. @query_filesystem_info_async: Asynchronously gets a #GFileInfo for the file system #GFile is on. @query_filesystem_info_finish: Finishes asynchronously getting the file system info. @find_enclosing_mount: Gets a #GMount for the #GFile. @find_enclosing_mount_async: Asynchronously gets the #GMount for a #GFile. @find_enclosing_mount_finish: Finishes asynchronously getting the volume. @set_display_name: Sets the display name for a #GFile. @set_display_name_async: Asynchronously sets a #GFile’s display name. @set_display_name_finish: Finishes asynchronously setting a #GFile’s display name. @query_settable_attributes: Returns a list of #GFileAttributeInfos that can be set. @_query_settable_attributes_async: Asynchronously gets a list of #GFileAttributeInfos that can be set. @_query_settable_attributes_finish: Finishes asynchronously querying settable attributes. @query_writable_namespaces: Returns a list of #GFileAttributeInfo namespaces that are writable. @_query_writable_namespaces_async: Asynchronously gets a list of #GFileAttributeInfo namespaces that are writable. @_query_writable_namespaces_finish: Finishes asynchronously querying the writable namespaces. @set_attribute: Sets a #GFileAttributeInfo. @set_attributes_from_info: Sets a #GFileAttributeInfo with information from a #GFileInfo. @set_attributes_async: Asynchronously sets a file’s attributes. @set_attributes_finish: Finishes setting a file’s attributes asynchronously. @read_fn: Reads a file asynchronously. @read_async: Asynchronously reads a file. @read_finish: Finishes asynchronously reading a file. @append_to: Writes to the end of a file. @append_to_async: Asynchronously writes to the end of a file. @append_to_finish: Finishes an asynchronous file append operation. @create: Creates a new file. @create_async: Asynchronously creates a file. @create_finish: Finishes asynchronously creating a file. @replace: Replaces the contents of a file. @replace_async: Asynchronously replaces the contents of a file. @replace_finish: Finishes asynchronously replacing a file. @delete_file: Deletes a file. @delete_file_async: Asynchronously deletes a file. @delete_file_finish: Finishes an asynchronous delete. @trash: Sends a #GFile to the Trash location. @trash_async: Asynchronously sends a #GFile to the Trash location. @trash_finish: Finishes an asynchronous file trashing operation. @make_directory: Makes a directory. @make_directory_async: Asynchronously makes a directory. @make_directory_finish: Finishes making a directory asynchronously. @make_symbolic_link: (nullable): Makes a symbolic link. %NULL if symbolic links are unsupported. @make_symbolic_link_async: Asynchronously makes a symbolic link @make_symbolic_link_finish: Finishes making a symbolic link asynchronously. @copy: (nullable): Copies a file. %NULL if copying is unsupported, which will cause GFile to use a fallback copy method where it reads from the source and writes to the destination. @copy_async: Asynchronously copies a file. @copy_finish: Finishes an asynchronous copy operation. @move: Moves a file. @move_async: Asynchronously moves a file. Since: 2.72 @move_finish: Finishes an asynchronous move operation. Since: 2.72 @mount_mountable: Mounts a mountable object. @mount_mountable_finish: Finishes a mounting operation. @unmount_mountable: Unmounts a mountable object. @unmount_mountable_finish: Finishes an unmount operation. @eject_mountable: Ejects a mountable. @eject_mountable_finish: Finishes an eject operation. @mount_enclosing_volume: Mounts a specified location. @mount_enclosing_volume_finish: Finishes mounting a specified location. @monitor_dir: Creates a #GFileMonitor for the location. @monitor_file: Creates a #GFileMonitor for the location. @open_readwrite: Open file read/write. Since 2.22. @open_readwrite_async: Asynchronously opens file read/write. Since 2.22. @open_readwrite_finish: Finishes an asynchronous open read/write. Since 2.22. @create_readwrite: Creates file read/write. Since 2.22. @create_readwrite_async: Asynchronously creates file read/write. Since 2.22. @create_readwrite_finish: Finishes an asynchronous creates read/write. Since 2.22. @replace_readwrite: Replaces file read/write. Since 2.22. @replace_readwrite_async: Asynchronously replaces file read/write. Since 2.22. @replace_readwrite_finish: Finishes an asynchronous replace read/write. Since 2.22. @start_mountable: Starts a mountable object. Since 2.22. @start_mountable_finish: Finishes a start operation. Since 2.22. @stop_mountable: Stops a mountable. Since 2.22. @stop_mountable_finish: Finishes a stop operation. Since 2.22. @supports_thread_contexts: a boolean that indicates whether the #GFile implementation supports thread-default contexts. Since 2.22. @unmount_mountable_with_operation: Unmounts a mountable object using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @unmount_mountable_with_operation_finish: Finishes an unmount operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_mountable_with_operation: Ejects a mountable object using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_mountable_with_operation_finish: Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @poll_mountable: Polls a mountable object for media changes. Since 2.22. @poll_mountable_finish: Finishes a poll operation for media changes. Since 2.22. @measure_disk_usage: Recursively measures the disk usage of @file. Since 2.38 @measure_disk_usage_async: Asynchronously recursively measures the disk usage of @file. Since 2.38 @measure_disk_usage_finish: Finishes an asynchronous recursive measurement of the disk usage of @file. Since 2.38
  • GFileInfo:
  • GFileInputStream:
  • GFileMeasureFlags: @G_FILE_MEASURE_NONE: No flags set. @G_FILE_MEASURE_REPORT_ANY_ERROR: Report any error encountered while traversing the directory tree. Normally errors are only reported for the toplevel file. @G_FILE_MEASURE_APPARENT_SIZE: Tally usage based on apparent file sizes. Normally, the block-size is used, if available, as this is a more accurate representation of disk space used. Compare with du --apparent-size. Since GLib 2.78. and similarly to du since GNU Coreutils 9.2, this will ignore the sizes of file types other than regular files and links, as the sizes of other file types are not specified in a standard way. @G_FILE_MEASURE_NO_XDEV: Do not cross mount point boundaries. Compare with du -x.
  • GFileMeasureProgressCallback: @reporting: %TRUE if more reports will come @current_size: the current cumulative size measurement @num_dirs: the number of directories visited so far @num_files: the number of non-directory files encountered @data: the data passed to the original request for this callback
  • GFileMonitor:
  • GFileMonitorEvent: @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED: a file changed. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT: a hint that this was probably the last change in a set of changes. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED: a file was deleted. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED: a file was created. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED: a file attribute was changed. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_PRE_UNMOUNT: the file location will soon be unmounted. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_UNMOUNTED: the file location was unmounted. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED: the file was moved – only sent if the (deprecated) %G_FILE_MONITOR_SEND_MOVED flag is set @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_RENAMED: the file was renamed within the current directory – only sent if the %G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_IN: the file was moved into the monitored directory from another location – only sent if the %G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46. @G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_OUT: the file was moved out of the monitored directory to another location – only sent if the %G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46
  • GFileMonitorFlags: @G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE: No flags set. @G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOUNTS: Watch for mount events. @G_FILE_MONITOR_SEND_MOVED: Pair DELETED and CREATED events caused by file renames (moves) and send a single G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED event instead (NB: not supported on all backends; the default behaviour -without specifying this flag- is to send single DELETED and CREATED events). Deprecated since 2.46: use %G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES instead. @G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_HARD_LINKS: Watch for changes to the file made via another hard link. Since 2.36. @G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES: Watch for rename operations on a monitored directory. This causes %G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_RENAMED, %G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_IN and %G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_OUT events to be emitted when possible. Since: 2.46.
  • GFileOutputStream:
  • GFileProgressCallback: @current_num_bytes: the current number of bytes in the operation. @total_num_bytes: the total number of bytes in the operation. @data: user data passed to the callback.
  • GFileQueryInfoFlags: @G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE: No flags set. @G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS: Don’t follow symlinks.
  • GFileReadMoreCallback: @file_contents: the data as currently read. @file_size: the size of the data currently read. @callback_data: data passed to the callback.
  • GFileSetContentsFlags: @G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_NONE: No guarantees about file consistency or durability. The most dangerous setting, which is slightly faster than other settings. @G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_CONSISTENT: Guarantee file consistency: after a crash, either the old version of the file or the new version of the file will be available, but not a mixture. On Unix systems this equates to an fsync() on the file and use of an atomic rename() of the new version of the file over the old. @G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_DURABLE: Guarantee file durability: after a crash, the new version of the file will be available. On Unix systems this equates to an fsync() on the file (if %G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_CONSISTENT is unset), or the effects of %G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_CONSISTENT plus an fsync() on the directory containing the file after calling rename(). @G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_ONLY_EXISTING: Only apply consistency and durability guarantees if the file already exists. This may speed up file operations if the file doesn’t currently exist, but may result in a corrupted version of the new file if the system crashes while writing it.
  • GFileType: @G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: File’s type is unknown. @G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR: File handle represents a regular file. @G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY: File handle represents a directory. @G_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK: File handle represents a symbolic link (Unix systems). @G_FILE_TYPE_SPECIAL: File is a “special” file, such as a socket, fifo, block device, or character device. @G_FILE_TYPE_SHORTCUT: File is a shortcut (Windows systems). @G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE: File is a mountable location.
  • GFilenameCompleter:
  • GFilesystemPreviewType: @G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_IF_ALWAYS: Only preview files if user has explicitly requested it. @G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_IF_LOCAL: Preview files if user has requested preview of “local” files. @G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_NEVER: Never preview files.
  • GFilterInputStream:
  • GFilterOutputStream:
  • GFlagsClass: @g_type_class: the parent class @mask: a mask covering all possible values. @n_values: the number of possible values. @values: an array of #GFlagsValue structs describing the individual values.
  • GFlagsValue: @value: the flags value @value_name: the name of the value @value_nick: the nickname of the value
  • GFreeFunc: @data: a data pointer
  • GHmac:
  • GIConv: (skip)
  • GIOErrorEnum: @G_IO_ERROR_FAILED: Generic error condition for when an operation fails and no more specific #GIOErrorEnum value is defined. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: File not found. @G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS: File already exists. @G_IO_ERROR_IS_DIRECTORY: File is a directory. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_DIRECTORY: File is not a directory. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY: File is a directory that isn’t empty. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_REGULAR_FILE: File is not a regular file. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK: File is not a symbolic link. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE: File cannot be mounted. @G_IO_ERROR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG: Filename is too many characters. @G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_FILENAME: Filename is invalid or contains invalid characters. @G_IO_ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKS: File contains too many symbolic links. @G_IO_ERROR_NO_SPACE: No space left on drive. @G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid argument. @G_IO_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Operation (or one of its parameters) not supported @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED: File isn’t mounted. @G_IO_ERROR_ALREADY_MOUNTED: File is already mounted. @G_IO_ERROR_CLOSED: File was closed. @G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED: Operation was cancelled. See #GCancellable. @G_IO_ERROR_PENDING: Operations are still pending. @G_IO_ERROR_READ_ONLY: File is read only. @G_IO_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_BACKUP: Backup couldn’t be created. @G_IO_ERROR_WRONG_ETAG: File’s Entity Tag was incorrect. @G_IO_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: Operation timed out. @G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_RECURSE: Operation would be recursive. @G_IO_ERROR_BUSY: File is busy. @G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK: Operation would block. @G_IO_ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND: Host couldn’t be found (remote operations). @G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_MERGE: Operation would merge files. @G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED: Operation failed and a helper program has already interacted with the user. Do not display any error dialog. @G_IO_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: The current process has too many files open and can’t open any more. Duplicate descriptors do count toward this limit. Since 2.20 @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: The object has not been initialized. Since 2.22 @G_IO_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE: The requested address is already in use. Since 2.22 @G_IO_ERROR_PARTIAL_INPUT: Need more input to finish operation. Since 2.24 @G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA: The input data was invalid. Since 2.24 @G_IO_ERROR_DBUS_ERROR: A remote object generated an error that doesn’t correspond to a locally registered #GError error domain. Use g_dbus_error_get_remote_error() to extract the D-Bus error name and g_dbus_error_strip_remote_error() to fix up the message so it matches what was received on the wire. Since 2.26. @G_IO_ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE: Host unreachable. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: Network unreachable. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: Connection refused. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_FAILED: Connection to proxy server failed. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_AUTH_FAILED: Proxy authentication failed. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_NEED_AUTH: Proxy server needs authentication. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED: Proxy connection is not allowed by ruleset. Since 2.26 @G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: Broken pipe. Since 2.36 @G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: Connection closed by peer. Note that this is the same code as %G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE; before 2.44 some “connection closed” errors returned %G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, but others returned %G_IO_ERROR_FAILED. Now they should all return the same value, which has this more logical name. Since 2.44. @G_IO_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED: Transport endpoint is not connected. Since 2.44 @G_IO_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE: Message too large. Since 2.48. @G_IO_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE: No such device found. Since 2.74
  • GIOModule:
  • GIOModuleScopeFlags: @G_IO_MODULE_SCOPE_NONE: No module scan flags @G_IO_MODULE_SCOPE_BLOCK_DUPLICATES: When using this scope to load or scan modules, automatically block a modules which has the same base basename as previously loaded module.
  • GIOSchedulerJob:
  • GIOSchedulerJobFunc: @job: a #GIOSchedulerJob. @cancellable: optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore. @data: data passed to the callback function
  • GIOStream:
  • GIOStreamSpliceFlags: @G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_NONE: Do not close either stream. @G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_STREAM1: Close the first stream after the splice. @G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_STREAM2: Close the second stream after the splice. @G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_WAIT_FOR_BOTH: Wait for both splice operations to finish before calling the callback.
  • GIcon:
  • GInitable:
  • GObject:
  • GObjectClass: @g_type_class: the parent class @constructor: the @constructor function is called by g_object_new () to complete the object initialization after all the construction properties are set. The first thing a @constructor implementation must do is chain up to the @constructor of the parent class. Overriding @constructor should be rarely needed, e.g. to handle construct properties, or to implement singletons. @set_property: the generic setter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties. If implementations of @set_property don’t emit property change notification explicitly, this will be done implicitly by the type system. However, if the notify signal is emitted explicitly, the type system will not emit it a second time. @get_property: the generic getter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties. @dispose: the @dispose function is supposed to drop all references to other objects, but keep the instance otherwise intact, so that client method invocations still work. It may be run multiple times (due to reference loops). Before returning, @dispose should chain up to the @dispose method of the parent class. @finalize: instance finalization function, should finish the finalization of the instance begun in @dispose and chain up to the @finalize method of the parent class. @dispatch_properties_changed: emits property change notification for a bunch of properties. Overriding @dispatch_properties_changed should be rarely needed. @notify: the class closure for the notify signal @constructed: the @constructed function is called by g_object_new() as the final step of the object creation process. At the point of the call, all construction properties have been set on the object. The purpose of this call is to allow for object initialisation steps that can only be performed after construction properties have been set. @constructed implementors should chain up to the @constructed call of their parent class to allow it to complete its initialisation.
  • GInputMessage: @address: (optional) (out) (transfer full): return location for a #GSocketAddress, or %NULL @vectors: (array length=num_vectors) (out): pointer to an array of input vectors @num_vectors: the number of input vectors pointed to by @vectors @bytes_received: (out): will be set to the number of bytes that have been received @flags: (out): collection of #GSocketMsgFlags for the received message, outputted by the call @control_messages: (array length=num_control_messages) (optional) (out) (transfer full): return location for a caller-allocated array of #GSocketControlMessages, or %NULL @num_control_messages: (out) (optional): return location for the number of elements in @control_messages
  • GInputStream:
  • GInputVector: @buffer: Pointer to a buffer where data will be written. @size: the available size in @buffer.
  • GInstanceInitFunc: @instance: The instance to initialize @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The class of the type the instance is created for
  • GInterfaceFinalizeFunc: @g_iface: (type GObject.TypeInterface): The interface structure to finalize @iface_data: The @interface_data supplied via the #GInterfaceInfo structure
  • GInterfaceInfo: @interface_init: location of the interface initialization function @interface_finalize: location of the interface finalization function @interface_data: user-supplied data passed to the interface init/finalize functions
  • GInterfaceInitFunc: @g_iface: (type GObject.TypeInterface): The interface structure to initialize @iface_data: The @interface_data supplied via the #GInterfaceInfo structure
  • GLoadableIcon:
  • GLogField: @key: field name (UTF-8 string) @value: field value (arbitrary bytes) @length: length of @value, in bytes, or -1 if it is nul-terminated
  • GLogWriterFunc: @log_level: log level of the message @fields: (array length=n_fields): fields forming the message @n_fields: number of @fields @user_data: user data passed to g_log_set_writer_func()
  • GLogWriterOutput: @G_LOG_WRITER_HANDLED: Log writer has handled the log entry. @G_LOG_WRITER_UNHANDLED: Log writer could not handle the log entry.
  • GMainContext:
  • GMainContextFlags: @G_MAIN_CONTEXT_FLAGS_NONE: Default behaviour. @G_MAIN_CONTEXT_FLAGS_OWNERLESS_POLLING: Assume that polling for events will free the thread to process other jobs. That’s useful if you’re using g_main_context_{prepare,query,check,dispatch} to integrate GMainContext in other event loops.
  • GMainContextPusher:
  • GMainLoop:
  • GMarkupError: @G_MARKUP_ERROR_BAD_UTF8: text being parsed was not valid UTF-8 @G_MARKUP_ERROR_EMPTY: document contained nothing, or only whitespace @G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE: document was ill-formed @G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT: error should be set by #GMarkupParser functions; element wasn’t known @G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE: error should be set by #GMarkupParser functions; attribute wasn’t known @G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT: error should be set by #GMarkupParser functions; content was invalid @G_MARKUP_ERROR_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE: error should be set by #GMarkupParser functions; a required attribute was missing
  • GMarkupParseContext:
  • GMarkupParseFlags: @G_MARKUP_DEFAULT_FLAGS: No special behaviour. Since: 2.74 @G_MARKUP_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG: flag you should not use @G_MARKUP_TREAT_CDATA_AS_TEXT: When this flag is set, CDATA marked sections are not passed literally to the @passthrough function of the parser. Instead, the content of the section (without the <![CDATA[ and ]]>) is passed to the @text function. This flag was added in GLib 2.12 @G_MARKUP_PREFIX_ERROR_POSITION: Normally errors caught by GMarkup itself have line/column information prefixed to them to let the caller know the location of the error. When this flag is set the location information is also prefixed to errors generated by the #GMarkupParser implementation functions @G_MARKUP_IGNORE_QUALIFIED: Ignore (don’t report) qualified attributes and tags, along with their contents. A qualified attribute or tag is one that contains ‘:’ in its name (ie: is in another namespace). Since: 2.40.
  • GMarkupParser: @start_element: Callback to invoke when the opening tag of an element is seen. The callback’s @attribute_names and @attribute_values parameters are %NULL-terminated. @end_element: Callback to invoke when the closing tag of an element is seen. Note that this is also called for empty tags like <empty/>. @text: Callback to invoke when some text is seen (text is always inside an element). Note that the text of an element may be spread over multiple calls of this function. If the %G_MARKUP_TREAT_CDATA_AS_TEXT flag is set, this function is also called for the content of CDATA marked sections. @passthrough: Callback to invoke for comments, processing instructions and doctype declarations; if you’re re-writing the parsed document, write the passthrough text back out in the same position. If the %G_MARKUP_TREAT_CDATA_AS_TEXT flag is not set, this function is also called for CDATA marked sections. @error: Callback to invoke when an error occurs.
  • GMatchInfo:
  • GMemVTable: @malloc: function to use for allocating memory. @realloc: function to use for reallocating memory. @free: function to use to free memory. @calloc: function to use for allocating zero-filled memory. @try_malloc: function to use for allocating memory without a default error handler. @try_realloc: function to use for reallocating memory without a default error handler.
  • GMemoryInputStream:
  • GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel: @G_MEMORY_MONITOR_WARNING_LEVEL_LOW: Memory on the device is low, processes should free up unneeded resources (for example, in-memory caches) so they can be used elsewhere. @G_MEMORY_MONITOR_WARNING_LEVEL_MEDIUM: Same as @G_MEMORY_MONITOR_WARNING_LEVEL_LOW but the device has even less free memory, so processes should try harder to free up unneeded resources. If your process does not need to stay running, it is a good time for it to quit. @G_MEMORY_MONITOR_WARNING_LEVEL_CRITICAL: The system will soon start terminating processes to reclaim memory, including background processes.
  • GMemoryOutputStream:
  • GMenuModelClass::get_item_attributes: @model: the #GMenuModel to query @item_index: The #GMenuItem to query @attributes: (out) (element-type utf8 GLib.Variant): Attributes on the item
  • GModuleError: @G_MODULE_ERROR_FAILED: there was an error loading or opening a module file @G_MODULE_ERROR_CHECK_FAILED: a module returned an error from its g_module_check_init() function
  • GModuleFlags: @G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY: specifies that symbols are only resolved when needed. The default action is to bind all symbols when the module is loaded. @G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL: specifies that symbols in the module should not be added to the global name space. The default action on most platforms is to place symbols in the module in the global name space, which may cause conflicts with existing symbols. @G_MODULE_BIND_MASK: mask for all flags.
  • GMount:
  • GMountIface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @changed: Changed signal that is emitted when the mount’s state has changed. @unmounted: The unmounted signal that is emitted when the #GMount have been unmounted. If the recipient is holding references to the object they should release them so the object can be finalized. @pre_unmount: The ::pre-unmount signal that is emitted when the #GMount will soon be emitted. If the recipient is somehow holding the mount open by keeping an open file on it it should close the file. @get_root: Gets a #GFile to the root directory of the #GMount. @get_name: Gets a string containing the name of the #GMount. @get_icon: Gets a #GIcon for the #GMount. @get_uuid: Gets the UUID for the #GMount. The reference is typically based on the file system UUID for the mount in question and should be considered an opaque string. Returns %NULL if there is no UUID available. @get_volume: Gets a #GVolume the mount is located on. Returns %NULL if the #GMount is not associated with a #GVolume. @get_drive: Gets a #GDrive the volume of the mount is located on. Returns %NULL if the #GMount is not associated with a #GDrive or a #GVolume. This is convenience method for getting the #GVolume and using that to get the #GDrive. @can_unmount: Checks if a #GMount can be unmounted. @can_eject: Checks if a #GMount can be ejected. @unmount: Starts unmounting a #GMount. @unmount_finish: Finishes an unmounting operation. @eject: Starts ejecting a #GMount. @eject_finish: Finishes an eject operation. @remount: Starts remounting a #GMount. @remount_finish: Finishes a remounting operation. @guess_content_type: Starts guessing the type of the content of a #GMount. See g_mount_guess_content_type() for more information on content type guessing. This operation was added in 2.18. @guess_content_type_finish: Finishes a content type guessing operation. Added in 2.18. @guess_content_type_sync: Synchronous variant of @guess_content_type. Added in 2.18 @unmount_with_operation: Starts unmounting a #GMount using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @unmount_with_operation_finish: Finishes an unmounting operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_with_operation: Starts ejecting a #GMount using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_with_operation_finish: Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @get_default_location: Gets a #GFile indication a start location that can be use as the entry point for this mount. Since 2.24. @get_sort_key: Gets a key used for sorting #GMount instance or %NULL if no such key exists. Since 2.32. @get_symbolic_icon: Gets a symbolic #GIcon for the #GMount. Since 2.34.
  • GMountMountFlags: @G_MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE: No flags set.
  • GMountOperation:
  • GMountOperationResult: @G_MOUNT_OPERATION_HANDLED: The request was fulfilled and the user specified data is now available @G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED: The user requested the mount operation to be aborted @G_MOUNT_OPERATION_UNHANDLED: The request was unhandled (i.e. not implemented)
  • GMountUnmountFlags: @G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE: No flags set. @G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FORCE: Unmount even if there are outstanding file operations on the mount.
  • GMutexLocker:
  • GNetworkConnectivity: @G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LOCAL: The host is not configured with a route to the Internet; it may or may not be connected to a local network. @G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LIMITED: The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet, perhaps due to upstream network problems. @G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_PORTAL: The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet. @G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL: The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.
  • GNormalizeMode: @G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT: standardize differences that do not affect the text content, such as the above-mentioned accent representation @G_NORMALIZE_NFD: another name for %G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT @G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT_COMPOSE: like %G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT, but with composed forms rather than a maximally decomposed form @G_NORMALIZE_NFC: another name for %G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT_COMPOSE @G_NORMALIZE_ALL: beyond %G_NORMALIZE_DEFAULT also standardize the “compatibility” characters in Unicode, such as SUPERSCRIPT THREE to the standard forms (in this case DIGIT THREE). Formatting information may be lost but for most text operations such characters should be considered the same @G_NORMALIZE_NFKD: another name for %G_NORMALIZE_ALL @G_NORMALIZE_ALL_COMPOSE: like %G_NORMALIZE_ALL, but with composed forms rather than a maximally decomposed form @G_NORMALIZE_NFKC: another name for %G_NORMALIZE_ALL_COMPOSE
  • GNotificationPriority: @G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_LOW: for notifications that do not require immediate attention - typically used for contextual background information, such as contact birthdays or local weather @G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_NORMAL: the default priority, to be used for the majority of notifications (for example email messages, software updates, completed download/sync operations) @G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH: for events that require more attention, usually because responses are time-sensitive (for example chat and SMS messages or alarms) @G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_URGENT: for urgent notifications, or notifications that require a response in a short space of time (for example phone calls or emergency warnings)
  • GNumberParserError: @G_NUMBER_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID: String was not a valid number. @G_NUMBER_PARSER_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: String was a number, but out of bounds.
  • GObject:
  • GObjectClass: @g_type_class: the parent class @constructor: the @constructor function is called by g_object_new () to complete the object initialization after all the construction properties are set. The first thing a @constructor implementation must do is chain up to the @constructor of the parent class. Overriding @constructor should be rarely needed, e.g. to handle construct properties, or to implement singletons. @set_property: the generic setter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties. If implementations of @set_property don’t emit property change notification explicitly, this will be done implicitly by the type system. However, if the notify signal is emitted explicitly, the type system will not emit it a second time. @get_property: the generic getter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties. @dispose: the @dispose function is supposed to drop all references to other objects, but keep the instance otherwise intact, so that client method invocations still work. It may be run multiple times (due to reference loops). Before returning, @dispose should chain up to the @dispose method of the parent class. @finalize: instance finalization function, should finish the finalization of the instance begun in @dispose and chain up to the @finalize method of the parent class. @dispatch_properties_changed: emits property change notification for a bunch of properties. Overriding @dispatch_properties_changed should be rarely needed. @notify: the class closure for the notify signal @constructed: the @constructed function is called by g_object_new() as the final step of the object creation process. At the point of the call, all construction properties have been set on the object. The purpose of this call is to allow for object initialisation steps that can only be performed after construction properties have been set. @constructed implementors should chain up to the @constructed call of their parent class to allow it to complete its initialisation.
  • GObjectConstructParam: @pspec: the #GParamSpec of the construct parameter @value: the value to set the parameter to
  • GObjectFinalizeFunc: @object: the #GObject being finalized
  • GObjectGetPropertyFunc: @object: a #GObject @property_id: the numeric id under which the property was registered with g_object_class_install_property(). @value: a #GValue to return the property value in @pspec: the #GParamSpec describing the property
  • GObjectSetPropertyFunc: @object: a #GObject @property_id: the numeric id under which the property was registered with g_object_class_install_property(). @value: the new value for the property @pspec: the #GParamSpec describing the property
  • GOptionArg: @G_OPTION_ARG_NONE: No extra argument. This is useful for simple flags or booleans. @G_OPTION_ARG_STRING: The option takes a UTF-8 string argument. @G_OPTION_ARG_INT: The option takes an integer argument. @G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK: The option provides a callback (of type #GOptionArgFunc) to parse the extra argument. @G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME: The option takes a filename as argument, which will be in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8. @G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY: The option takes a string argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings. @G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY: The option takes a filename as argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings. @G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE: The option takes a double argument. The argument can be formatted either for the user’s locale or for the “C” locale. Since 2.12 @G_OPTION_ARG_INT64: The option takes a 64-bit integer. Like %G_OPTION_ARG_INT but for larger numbers. The number can be in decimal base, or in hexadecimal (when prefixed with 0x, for example, 0xffffffff). Since 2.12
  • GOptionArgFunc: @option_name: The name of the option being parsed. This will be either a single dash followed by a single letter (for a short name) or two dashes followed by a long option name. @value: The value to be parsed. @data: User data added to the #GOptionGroup containing the option when it was created with g_option_group_new() @error: A return location for errors. The error code %G_OPTION_ERROR_FAILED is intended to be used for errors in #GOptionArgFunc callbacks.
  • GOptionContext:
  • GOptionEntry: @long_name: The long name of an option can be used to specify it in a commandline as --long_name. Every option must have a long name. To resolve conflicts if multiple option groups contain the same long name, it is also possible to specify the option as --groupname-long_name. @short_name: If an option has a short name, it can be specified -short_name in a commandline. @short_name must be a printable ASCII character different from ‘-’, or zero if the option has no short name. @flags: Flags from #GOptionFlags @arg: The type of the option, as a #GOptionArg @arg_data: If the @arg type is %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, then @arg_data must point to a #GOptionArgFunc callback function, which will be called to handle the extra argument. Otherwise, @arg_data is a pointer to a location to store the value, the required type of the location depends on the @arg type: - %G_OPTION_ARG_NONE: %gboolean - %G_OPTION_ARG_STRING: %gchar* - %G_OPTION_ARG_INT: %gint - %G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME: %gchar* - %G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY: %gchar** - %G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY: %gchar** - %G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE: %gdouble If @arg type is %G_OPTION_ARG_STRING or %G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, the location will contain a newly allocated string if the option was given. That string needs to be freed by the callee using g_free(). Likewise if @arg type is %G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY or %G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, the data should be freed using g_strfreev(). @description: the description for the option in --help output. The @description is translated using the @translate_func of the group, see g_option_group_set_translation_domain(). @arg_description: The placeholder to use for the extra argument parsed by the option in --help output. The @arg_description is translated using the @translate_func of the group, see g_option_group_set_translation_domain().
  • GOptionError: @G_OPTION_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION: An option was not known to the parser. This error will only be reported, if the parser hasn’t been instructed to ignore unknown options, see g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options(). @G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE: A value couldn’t be parsed. @G_OPTION_ERROR_FAILED: A #GOptionArgFunc callback failed.
  • GOptionErrorFunc: @context: The active #GOptionContext @group: The group to which the function belongs @data: User data added to the #GOptionGroup containing the option when it was created with g_option_group_new() @error: The #GError containing details about the parse error
  • GOptionFlags: @G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE: No flags. Since: 2.42. @G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN: The option doesn’t appear in --help output. @G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN: The option appears in the main section of the --help output, even if it is defined in a group. @G_OPTION_FLAG_REVERSE: For options of the %G_OPTION_ARG_NONE kind, this flag indicates that the sense of the option is reversed. i.e. %FALSE will be stored into the argument rather than %TRUE. @G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG: For options of the %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the callback does not take any argument (like a %G_OPTION_ARG_NONE option). Since 2.8 @G_OPTION_FLAG_FILENAME: For options of the %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the argument should be passed to the callback in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8. Since 2.8 @G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG: For options of the %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the argument supply is optional. If no argument is given then data of %GOptionParseFunc will be set to NULL. Since 2.8 @G_OPTION_FLAG_NOALIAS: This flag turns off the automatic conflict resolution which prefixes long option names with groupname- if there is a conflict. This option should only be used in situations where aliasing is necessary to model some legacy commandline interface. It is not safe to use this option, unless all option groups are under your direct control. Since 2.8.
  • GOptionGroup:
  • GOptionParseFunc: @context: The active #GOptionContext @group: The group to which the function belongs @data: User data added to the #GOptionGroup containing the option when it was created with g_option_group_new() @error: A return location for error details
  • GOutputMessage: @address: (nullable): a #GSocketAddress, or %NULL @vectors: pointer to an array of output vectors @num_vectors: the number of output vectors pointed to by @vectors. @bytes_sent: initialize to 0. Will be set to the number of bytes that have been sent @control_messages: (array length=num_control_messages) (nullable): a pointer to an array of #GSocketControlMessages, or %NULL. @num_control_messages: number of elements in @control_messages.
  • GOutputStream:
  • GOutputStreamSpliceFlags: @G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_NONE: Do not close either stream. @G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE: Close the source stream after the splice. @G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET: Close the target stream after the splice.
  • GOutputVector: @buffer: Pointer to a buffer of data to read. @size: the size of @buffer.
  • GParamFlags: @G_PARAM_READABLE: the parameter is readable @G_PARAM_WRITABLE: the parameter is writable @G_PARAM_READWRITE: alias for %G_PARAM_READABLE | %G_PARAM_WRITABLE @G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT: the parameter will be set upon object construction @G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY: the parameter can only be set upon object construction @G_PARAM_LAX_VALIDATION: upon parameter conversion (see g_param_value_convert()) strict validation is not required @G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME: the string used as name when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 @G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK: the string used as nick when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 @G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB: the string used as blurb when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 @G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY: calls to g_object_set_property() for this property will not automatically result in a “notify” signal being emitted: the implementation must call g_object_notify() themselves in case the property actually changes. Since: 2.42. @G_PARAM_PRIVATE: internal @G_PARAM_DEPRECATED: the parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is used while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.26
  • GParamSpec: (ref-func g_param_spec_ref_sink) (unref-func g_param_spec_unref) (set-value-func g_value_set_param) (get-value-func g_value_get_param) @g_type_instance: private #GTypeInstance portion @name: name of this parameter: always an interned string @flags: #GParamFlags flags for this parameter @value_type: the #GValue type for this parameter @owner_type: #GType type that uses (introduces) this parameter
  • GParamSpecBoolean: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecBoxed: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
  • GParamSpecChar: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecClass: @g_type_class: the parent class @value_type: the #GValue type for this parameter @finalize: The instance finalization function (optional), should chain up to the finalize method of the parent class. @value_set_default: Resets a @value to the default value for this type (recommended, the default is g_value_reset()), see g_param_value_set_default(). @value_validate: Ensures that the contents of @value comply with the specifications set out by this type (optional), see g_param_value_validate(). @values_cmp: Compares @value1 with @value2 according to this type (recommended, the default is memcmp()), see g_param_values_cmp(). @value_is_valid: Checks if contents of @value comply with the specifications set out by this type, without modifying the value. This vfunc is optional. If it isn’t set, GObject will use @value_validate. Since 2.74
  • GParamSpecDouble: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified @epsilon: values closer than @epsilon will be considered identical by g_param_values_cmp(); the default value is 1e-90.
  • GParamSpecEnum: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @enum_class: the #GEnumClass for the enum @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecFlags: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @flags_class: the #GFlagsClass for the flags @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecFloat: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified @epsilon: values closer than @epsilon will be considered identical by g_param_values_cmp(); the default value is 1e-30.
  • GParamSpecGType: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @is_a_type: a #GType whose subtypes can occur as values
  • GParamSpecInt: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecInt64: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecLong: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecObject: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
  • GParamSpecOverride:
  • GParamSpecParam: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
  • GParamSpecPointer: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
  • GParamSpecString: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @default_value: default value for the property specified @cset_first: a string containing the allowed values for the first byte @cset_nth: a string containing the allowed values for the subsequent bytes @substitutor: the replacement byte for bytes which don’t match @cset_first or @cset_nth. @null_fold_if_empty: replace empty string by %NULL @ensure_non_null: replace %NULL strings by an empty string
  • GParamSpecTypeInfo: @instance_size: Size of the instance (object) structure. @n_preallocs: Prior to GLib 2.10, it specified the number of pre-allocated (cached) instances to reserve memory for (0 indicates no caching). Since GLib 2.10, it is ignored, since instances are allocated with the [slice allocator][glib-Memory-Slices] now. @instance_init: Location of the instance initialization function (optional). @value_type: The #GType of values conforming to this #GParamSpec @finalize: The instance finalization function (optional). @value_set_default: Resets a @value to the default value for @pspec (recommended, the default is g_value_reset()), see g_param_value_set_default(). @value_validate: Ensures that the contents of @value comply with the specifications set out by @pspec (optional), see g_param_value_validate(). @values_cmp: Compares @value1 with @value2 according to @pspec (recommended, the default is memcmp()), see g_param_values_cmp().
  • GParamSpecUChar: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecUInt: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecUInt64: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecULong: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @minimum: minimum value for the property specified @maximum: maximum value for the property specified @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecUnichar: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @default_value: default value for the property specified
  • GParamSpecValueArray: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @element_spec: a #GParamSpec describing the elements contained in arrays of this property, may be %NULL @fixed_n_elements: if greater than 0, arrays of this property will always have this many elements
  • GParamSpecVariant: @parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion @type: a #GVariantType, or %NULL @default_value: a #GVariant, or %NULL
  • GParameter: @name: the parameter name @value: the parameter value
  • GPasswordSave: @G_PASSWORD_SAVE_NEVER: never save a password. @G_PASSWORD_SAVE_FOR_SESSION: save a password for the session. @G_PASSWORD_SAVE_PERMANENTLY: save a password permanently.
  • GPathBuf: (copy-func g_path_buf_copy) (free-func g_path_buf_free)
  • GPollFD: @fd: the file descriptor to poll (or a HANDLE on Win32) @events: a bitwise combination from #GIOCondition, specifying which events should be polled for. Typically for reading from a file descriptor you would use %G_IO_IN | %G_IO_HUP | %G_IO_ERR, and for writing you would use %G_IO_OUT | %G_IO_ERR. @revents: a bitwise combination of flags from #GIOCondition, returned from the poll() function to indicate which events occurred.
  • GPollFunc: @ufds: an array of #GPollFD elements @nfsd: the number of elements in @ufds @timeout_: the maximum time to wait for an event of the file descriptors. A negative value indicates an infinite timeout.
  • GPollableInputStream:
  • GPollableOutputStream:
  • GPollableReturn: @G_POLLABLE_RETURN_FAILED: Generic error condition for when an operation fails. @G_POLLABLE_RETURN_OK: The operation was successfully finished. @G_POLLABLE_RETURN_WOULD_BLOCK: The operation would block.
  • GPollableSourceFunc: @pollable_stream: the #GPollableInputStream or #GPollableOutputStream @data: data passed in by the user.
  • GPrintFunc: @string: the message to output
  • GProxyAddressEnumerator:
  • GProxy:
  • GProxyResolver:
  • GQueue: @head: a pointer to the first element of the queue @tail: a pointer to the last element of the queue @length: the number of elements in the queue
  • GRWLockReaderLocker:
  • GRWLockWriterLocker:
  • GReallocFunc: @data: memory block to reallocate @size: size to reallocate @data to
  • GRecMutexLocker:
  • GRefString:
  • GRegex:
  • GRegexCompileFlags: @G_REGEX_DEFAULT: No special options set. Since: 2.74 @G_REGEX_CASELESS: Letters in the pattern match both upper- and lowercase letters. This option can be changed within a pattern by a “(?i)” option setting. @G_REGEX_MULTILINE: By default, GRegex treats the strings as consisting of a single line of characters (even if it actually contains newlines). The “start of line” metacharacter (“^”) matches only at the start of the string, while the “end of line” metacharacter (“$”) matches only at the end of the string, or before a terminating newline (unless %G_REGEX_DOLLAR_ENDONLY is set). When %G_REGEX_MULTILINE is set, the “start of line” and “end of line” constructs match immediately following or immediately before any newline in the string, respectively, as well as at the very start and end. This can be changed within a pattern by a “(?m)” option setting. @G_REGEX_DOTALL: A dot metacharacter (“.”) in the pattern matches all characters, including newlines. Without it, newlines are excluded. This option can be changed within a pattern by a (“?s”) option setting. @G_REGEX_EXTENDED: Whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class. Whitespace does not include the VT character (code 11). In addition, characters between an unescaped “#” outside a character class and the next newline character, inclusive, are also ignored. This can be changed within a pattern by a “(?x)” option setting. @G_REGEX_ANCHORED: The pattern is forced to be “anchored”, that is, it is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string that is being searched. This effect can also be achieved by appropriate constructs in the pattern itself such as the “^” metacharacter. @G_REGEX_DOLLAR_ENDONLY: A dollar metacharacter (“$”) in the pattern matches only at the end of the string. Without this option, a dollar also matches immediately before the final character if it is a newline (but not before any other newlines). This option is ignored if %G_REGEX_MULTILINE is set. @G_REGEX_UNGREEDY: Inverts the “greediness” of the quantifiers so that they are not greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by “?”. It can also be set by a “(?U)” option setting within the pattern. @G_REGEX_RAW: Usually strings must be valid UTF-8 strings, using this flag they are considered as a raw sequence of bytes. @G_REGEX_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE: Disables the use of numbered capturing parentheses in the pattern. Any opening parenthesis that is not followed by “?” behaves as if it were followed by “?:” but named parentheses can still be used for capturing (and they acquire numbers in the usual way). @G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE: Since 2.74 and the port to pcre2, requests JIT compilation, which, if the just-in-time compiler is available, further processes a compiled pattern into machine code that executes much faster. However, it comes at the cost of extra processing before the match is performed, so it is most beneficial to use this when the same compiled pattern is used for matching many times. Before 2.74 this option used the built-in non-JIT optimizations in pcre1. @G_REGEX_FIRSTLINE: Limits an unanchored pattern to match before (or at) the first newline. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_DUPNAMES: Names used to identify capturing subpatterns need not be unique. This can be helpful for certain types of pattern when it is known that only one instance of the named subpattern can ever be matched. @G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR: Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized. If this option is set, the only recognized newline character is ‘\r’. @G_REGEX_NEWLINE_LF: Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized. If this option is set, the only recognized newline character is ‘\n’. @G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CRLF: Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized. If this option is set, the only recognized newline character sequence is ‘\r\n’. @G_REGEX_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF: Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized. If this option is set, the only recognized newline character sequences are ‘\r’, ‘\n’, and ‘\r\n’. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_BSR_ANYCRLF: Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognised. If this option is set, then “\R” only recognizes the newline characters ‘\r’, ‘\n’ and ‘\r\n’. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT: Changes behaviour so that it is compatible with JavaScript rather than PCRE. Since GLib 2.74 this is no longer supported, as libpcre2 does not support it. Since: 2.34 Deprecated: 2.74
  • GRegexError: @G_REGEX_ERROR_COMPILE: Compilation of the regular expression failed. @G_REGEX_ERROR_OPTIMIZE: Optimization of the regular expression failed. @G_REGEX_ERROR_REPLACE: Replacement failed due to an ill-formed replacement string. @G_REGEX_ERROR_MATCH: The match process failed. @G_REGEX_ERROR_INTERNAL: Internal error of the regular expression engine. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_STRAY_BACKSLASH: “\” at end of pattern. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_CONTROL_CHAR: “\c” at end of pattern. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_ESCAPE: Unrecognized character follows “\”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_QUANTIFIERS_OUT_OF_ORDER: Numbers out of order in “{}” quantifier. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_QUANTIFIER_TOO_BIG: Number too big in “{}” quantifier. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_CHARACTER_CLASS: Missing terminating “]” for character class. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_ESCAPE_IN_CHARACTER_CLASS: Invalid escape sequence in character class. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_RANGE_OUT_OF_ORDER: Range out of order in character class. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_REPEAT: Nothing to repeat. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_CHARACTER: Unrecognized character after “(?”, “(?<” or “(?P”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_POSIX_NAMED_CLASS_OUTSIDE_CLASS: POSIX named classes are supported only within a class. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNMATCHED_PARENTHESIS: Missing terminating “)” or “)” without opening “(”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INEXISTENT_SUBPATTERN_REFERENCE: Reference to non-existent subpattern. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_COMMENT: Missing terminating “)” after comment. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_EXPRESSION_TOO_LARGE: Regular expression too large. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MEMORY_ERROR: Failed to get memory. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_VARIABLE_LENGTH_LOOKBEHIND: Lookbehind assertion is not fixed length. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MALFORMED_CONDITION: Malformed number or name after “(?(”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONDITIONAL_BRANCHES: Conditional group contains more than two branches. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_ASSERTION_EXPECTED: Assertion expected after “(?(”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_POSIX_CLASS_NAME: Unknown POSIX class name. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_POSIX_COLLATING_ELEMENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED: POSIX collating elements are not supported. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_HEX_CODE_TOO_LARGE: Character value in “\x{…}” sequence is too large. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_CONDITION: Invalid condition “(?(0)”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_SINGLE_BYTE_MATCH_IN_LOOKBEHIND: \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INFINITE_LOOP: Recursive call could loop indefinitely. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_SUBPATTERN_NAME_TERMINATOR: Missing terminator in subpattern name. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_DUPLICATE_SUBPATTERN_NAME: Two named subpatterns have the same name. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MALFORMED_PROPERTY: Malformed “\P” or “\p” sequence. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: Unknown property name after “\P” or “\p”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_SUBPATTERN_NAME_TOO_LONG: Subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters). Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SUBPATTERNS: Too many named subpatterns (maximum 10,000). Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_OCTAL_VALUE: Octal value is greater than “\377”. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_BRANCHES_IN_DEFINE: “DEFINE” group contains more than one branch. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_DEFINE_REPETION: Repeating a “DEFINE” group is not allowed. This error is never raised. Since: 2.16 Deprecated: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_NEWLINE_OPTIONS: Inconsistent newline options. Since 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_BACK_REFERENCE: “\g” is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name or number, or by a plain number. Since: 2.16 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_RELATIVE_REFERENCE: relative reference must not be zero. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB_ARGUMENT_FORBIDDEN: the backtracing control verb used does not allow an argument. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB: unknown backtracing control verb. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG: number is too big in escape sequence. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_SUBPATTERN_NAME: Missing subpattern name. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_DIGIT: Missing digit. Since 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_CHARACTER: In JavaScript compatibility mode, “[” is an invalid data character. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_EXTRA_SUBPATTERN_NAME: different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED: the backtracing control verb requires an argument. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROL_CHAR: “\c” must be followed by an ASCII character. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_MISSING_NAME: “\k” is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CLASS: “\N” is not supported in a class. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_FORWARD_REFERENCES: too many forward references. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_NAME_TOO_LONG: the name is too long in “(*MARK)”, “(*PRUNE)”, “(*SKIP)”, or “(*THEN)”. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_ERROR_CHARACTER_VALUE_TOO_LARGE: the character value in the \u sequence is too large. Since: 2.34
  • GRegexEvalCallback: @match_info: the #GMatchInfo generated by the match. Use g_match_info_get_regex() and g_match_info_get_string() if you need the #GRegex or the matched string. @result: a #GString containing the new string @user_data: user data passed to g_regex_replace_eval()
  • GRegexMatchFlags: @G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT: No special options set. Since: 2.74 @G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED: The pattern is forced to be “anchored”, that is, it is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string that is being searched. This effect can also be achieved by appropriate constructs in the pattern itself such as the “^” metacharacter. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTBOL: Specifies that first character of the string is not the beginning of a line, so the circumflex metacharacter should not match before it. Setting this without %G_REGEX_MULTILINE (at compile time) causes circumflex never to match. This option affects only the behaviour of the circumflex metacharacter, it does not affect “\A”. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEOL: Specifies that the end of the subject string is not the end of a line, so the dollar metacharacter should not match it nor (except in multiline mode) a newline immediately before it. Setting this without %G_REGEX_MULTILINE (at compile time) causes dollar never to match. This option affects only the behaviour of the dollar metacharacter, it does not affect “\Z” or “\z”. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY: An empty string is not considered to be a valid match if this option is set. If there are alternatives in the pattern, they are tried. If all the alternatives match the empty string, the entire match fails. For example, if the pattern “a?b?” is applied to a string not beginning with “a” or “b”, it matches the empty string at the start of the string. With this flag set, this match is not valid, so GRegex searches further into the string for occurrences of “a” or “b”. @G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL: Turns on the partial matching feature, for more documentation on partial matching see g_match_info_is_partial_match(). @G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR: Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new #GRegex, setting the ‘\r’ character as line terminator. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF: Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new #GRegex, setting the ‘\n’ character as line terminator. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF: Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new #GRegex, setting the ‘\r\n’ characters sequence as line terminator. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY: Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new #GRegex, any Unicode newline sequence is recognised as a newline. These are ‘\r’, ‘\n’ and ‘\rn’, and the single characters U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM FEED (FF), U+0085 NEXT LINE (NEL), U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR. @G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF: Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new #GRegex; any ‘\r’, ‘\n’, or ‘\r\n’ character sequence is recognized as a newline. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_MATCH_BSR_ANYCRLF: Overrides the newline definition for “\R” set when creating a new #GRegex; only ‘\r’, ‘\n’, or ‘\r\n’ character sequences are recognized as a newline by “\R”. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_MATCH_BSR_ANY: Overrides the newline definition for “\R” set when creating a new #GRegex; any Unicode newline character or character sequence are recognized as a newline by “\R”. These are ‘\r’, ‘\n’ and ‘\rn’, and the single characters U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM FEED (FF), U+0085 NEXT LINE (NEL), U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL_SOFT: An alias for %G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL_HARD: Turns on the partial matching feature. In contrast to to %G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL_SOFT, this stops matching as soon as a partial match is found, without continuing to search for a possible complete match. See g_match_info_is_partial_match() for more information. Since: 2.34 @G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART: Like %G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY, but only applied to the start of the matched string. For anchored patterns this can only happen for pattern containing “\K”. Since: 2.34
  • GResolverError: @G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: the requested name/address/service was not found @G_RESOLVER_ERROR_TEMPORARY_FAILURE: the requested information could not be looked up due to a network error or similar problem @G_RESOLVER_ERROR_INTERNAL: unknown error
  • GResolverNameLookupFlags: @G_RESOLVER_NAME_LOOKUP_FLAGS_DEFAULT: default behavior (same as g_resolver_lookup_by_name()) @G_RESOLVER_NAME_LOOKUP_FLAGS_IPV4_ONLY: only resolve ipv4 addresses @G_RESOLVER_NAME_LOOKUP_FLAGS_IPV6_ONLY: only resolve ipv6 addresses
  • GResolverRecordType: @G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SRV: look up DNS SRV records for a domain @G_RESOLVER_RECORD_MX: look up DNS MX records for a domain @G_RESOLVER_RECORD_TXT: look up DNS TXT records for a name @G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SOA: look up DNS SOA records for a zone @G_RESOLVER_RECORD_NS: look up DNS NS records for a domain
  • GResource:
  • GResourceError: @G_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no file was found at the requested path @G_RESOURCE_ERROR_INTERNAL: unknown error
  • GResourceFlags: @G_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_RESOURCE_FLAGS_COMPRESSED: The file is compressed.
  • GResourceLookupFlags: @G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.
  • GSeekable:
  • GSettingsBindFlags: @G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT: Equivalent to G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET|G_SETTINGS_BIND_SET @G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET: Update the #GObject property when the setting changes. It is an error to use this flag if the property is not writable. @G_SETTINGS_BIND_SET: Update the setting when the #GObject property changes. It is an error to use this flag if the property is not readable. @G_SETTINGS_BIND_NO_SENSITIVITY: Do not try to bind a “sensitivity” property to the writability of the setting @G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET_NO_CHANGES: When set in addition to %G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET, set the #GObject property value initially from the setting, but do not listen for changes of the setting @G_SETTINGS_BIND_INVERT_BOOLEAN: When passed to g_settings_bind(), uses a pair of mapping functions that invert the boolean value when mapping between the setting and the property. The setting and property must both be booleans. You cannot pass this flag to g_settings_bind_with_mapping().
  • GSettingsBindGetMapping: @value: return location for the property value @variant: the #GVariant @user_data: user data that was specified when the binding was created
  • GSettingsBindSetMapping: @value: a #GValue containing the property value to map @expected_type: the #GVariantType to create @user_data: user data that was specified when the binding was created
  • GSettingsGetMapping: @value: the #GVariant to map, or %NULL @result: (out): the result of the mapping @user_data: (closure): the user data that was passed to g_settings_get_mapped()
  • GSignalAccumulator: @ihint: Signal invocation hint, see #GSignalInvocationHint. @return_accu: Accumulator to collect callback return values in, this is the return value of the current signal emission. @handler_return: A #GValue holding the return value of the signal handler. @data: Callback data that was specified when creating the signal.
  • GSignalCMarshaller:
  • GSignalCVaMarshaller:
  • GSignalEmissionHook: @ihint: Signal invocation hint, see #GSignalInvocationHint. @n_param_values: the number of parameters to the function, including the instance on which the signal was emitted. @param_values: (array length=n_param_values): the instance on which the signal was emitted, followed by the parameters of the emission. @data: user data associated with the hook.
  • GSignalFlags: @G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST: Invoke the object method handler in the first emission stage. @G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST: Invoke the object method handler in the third emission stage. @G_SIGNAL_RUN_CLEANUP: Invoke the object method handler in the last emission stage. @G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE: Signals being emitted for an object while currently being in emission for this very object will not be emitted recursively, but instead cause the first emission to be restarted. @G_SIGNAL_DETAILED: This signal supports “::detail” appendices to the signal name upon handler connections and emissions. @G_SIGNAL_ACTION: Action signals are signals that may freely be emitted on alive objects from user code via g_signal_emit() and friends, without the need of being embedded into extra code that performs pre or post emission adjustments on the object. They can also be thought of as object methods which can be called generically by third-party code. @G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS: No emissions hooks are supported for this signal. @G_SIGNAL_MUST_COLLECT: Varargs signal emission will always collect the arguments, even if there are no signal handlers connected. Since 2.30. @G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED: The signal is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is connected while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.32. @G_SIGNAL_ACCUMULATOR_FIRST_RUN: Only used in #GSignalAccumulator accumulator functions for the #GSignalInvocationHint::run_type field to mark the first call to the accumulator function for a signal emission. Since 2.68.
  • GSignalGroup:
  • GSignalInvocationHint: @signal_id: The signal id of the signal invoking the callback @detail: The detail passed on for this emission @run_type: The stage the signal emission is currently in, this field will contain one of %G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, %G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST or %G_SIGNAL_RUN_CLEANUP and %G_SIGNAL_ACCUMULATOR_FIRST_RUN. %G_SIGNAL_ACCUMULATOR_FIRST_RUN is only set for the first run of the accumulator function for a signal emission.
  • GSignalMatchType: @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID: The signal id must be equal. @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DETAIL: The signal detail must be equal. @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_CLOSURE: The closure must be the same. @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC: The C closure callback must be the same. @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA: The closure data must be the same. @G_SIGNAL_MATCH_UNBLOCKED: Only unblocked signals may be matched.
  • GSignalQuery: @signal_id: The signal id of the signal being queried, or 0 if the signal to be queried was unknown. @signal_name: The signal name. @itype: The interface/instance type that this signal can be emitted for. @signal_flags: The signal flags as passed in to g_signal_new(). @return_type: The return type for user callbacks. @n_params: The number of parameters that user callbacks take. @param_types: (array length=n_params): The individual parameter types for user callbacks, note that the effective callback signature is: |[ @return_type callback (#gpointer data1, [param_types param_names,] gpointer data2); ]|
  • GSimpleActionGroup:
  • GSimpleAsyncResult:
  • GSimpleAsyncThreadFunc: @res: a #GSimpleAsyncResult. @object: a #GObject. @cancellable: optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore.
  • GSimpleProxyResolver:
  • GSocket:
  • GSocketAddressEnumerator:
  • GSocketClient:
  • GSocketClientEvent: @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_RESOLVING: The client is doing a DNS lookup. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_RESOLVED: The client has completed a DNS lookup. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_CONNECTING: The client is connecting to a remote host (either a proxy or the destination server). @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_CONNECTED: The client has connected to a remote host. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_PROXY_NEGOTIATING: The client is negotiating with a proxy to connect to the destination server. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_PROXY_NEGOTIATED: The client has negotiated with the proxy server. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_TLS_HANDSHAKING: The client is performing a TLS handshake. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_TLS_HANDSHAKED: The client has performed a TLS handshake. @G_SOCKET_CLIENT_COMPLETE: The client is done with a particular #GSocketConnectable.
  • GSocketConnectable:
  • GSocketConnection:
  • GSocketControlMessage:
  • GSocketControlMessageClass: @get_size: gets the size of the message. @get_level: gets the protocol of the message. @get_type: gets the protocol specific type of the message. @serialize: Writes out the message data. @deserialize: Tries to deserialize a message.
  • GSocketFamily: @G_SOCKET_FAMILY_INVALID: no address family @G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4: the IPv4 family @G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6: the IPv6 family @G_SOCKET_FAMILY_UNIX: the UNIX domain family
  • GSocketListener:
  • GSocketListenerClass: @changed: virtual method called when the set of socket listened to changes
  • GSocketListenerEvent: @G_SOCKET_LISTENER_BINDING: The listener is about to bind a socket. @G_SOCKET_LISTENER_BOUND: The listener has bound a socket. @G_SOCKET_LISTENER_LISTENING: The listener is about to start listening on this socket. @G_SOCKET_LISTENER_LISTENED: The listener is now listening on this socket.
  • GSocketMsgFlags: @G_SOCKET_MSG_NONE: No flags. @G_SOCKET_MSG_OOB: Request to send/receive out of band data. @G_SOCKET_MSG_PEEK: Read data from the socket without removing it from the queue. @G_SOCKET_MSG_DONTROUTE: Don’t use a gateway to send out the packet, only send to hosts on directly connected networks.
  • GSocketProtocol: @G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: The protocol type is unknown @G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT: The default protocol for the family/type @G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP: TCP over IP @G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP: UDP over IP @G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_SCTP: SCTP over IP
  • GSocketService:
  • GSocketServiceClass: @incoming: signal emitted when new connections are accepted
  • GSocketSourceFunc: @socket: the #GSocket @condition: the current condition at the source fired. @data: data passed in by the user.
  • GSocketType: @G_SOCKET_TYPE_INVALID: Type unknown or wrong @G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM: Reliable connection-based byte streams (e.g. TCP). @G_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM: Connectionless, unreliable datagram passing. (e.g. UDP) @G_SOCKET_TYPE_SEQPACKET: Reliable connection-based passing of datagrams of fixed maximum length (e.g. SCTP).
  • GSource:
  • GSourceCallbackFuncs: @ref: Called when a reference is added to the callback object @unref: Called when a reference to the callback object is dropped @get: Called to extract the callback function and data from the callback object.
  • GSourceDisposeFunc: @source: #GSource that is currently being disposed
  • GSourceDummyMarshal:
  • GSourceFunc: @user_data: data passed to the function, set when the source was created with one of the above functions
  • GSourceFuncs: @prepare: Called before all the file descriptors are polled. If the source can determine that it is ready here (without waiting for the results of the poll() call) it should return %TRUE. It can also return a @timeout_ value which should be the maximum timeout (in milliseconds) which should be passed to the poll() call. The actual timeout used will be -1 if all sources returned -1, or it will be the minimum of all the @timeout_ values returned which were >= 0. Since 2.36 this may be %NULL, in which case the effect is as if the function always returns %FALSE with a timeout of -1. If @prepare returns a timeout and the source also has a ready time set, then the lower of the two will be used. @check: Called after all the file descriptors are polled. The source should return %TRUE if it is ready to be dispatched. Note that some time may have passed since the previous prepare function was called, so the source should be checked again here. Since 2.36 this may be %NULL, in which case the effect is as if the function always returns %FALSE. @dispatch: Called to dispatch the event source, after it has returned %TRUE in either its @prepare or its @check function, or if a ready time has been reached. The @dispatch function receives a callback function and user data. The callback function may be %NULL if the source was never connected to a callback using g_source_set_callback(). The @dispatch function should call the callback function with @user_data and whatever additional parameters are needed for this type of event source. The return value of the @dispatch function should be %G_SOURCE_REMOVE if the source should be removed or %G_SOURCE_CONTINUE to keep it. @finalize: Called when the source is finalized. At this point, the source will have been destroyed, had its callback cleared, and have been removed from its #GMainContext, but it will still have its final reference count, so methods can be called on it from within this function.
  • GSourceOnceFunc: @user_data: data passed to the function, set when the source was created
  • GSpawnChildSetupFunc: @data: user data passed to the function.
  • GSpawnError: @G_SPAWN_ERROR_FORK: Fork failed due to lack of memory. @G_SPAWN_ERROR_READ: Read or select on pipes failed. @G_SPAWN_ERROR_CHDIR: Changing to working directory failed. @G_SPAWN_ERROR_ACCES: execv() returned EACCES @G_SPAWN_ERROR_PERM: execv() returned EPERM @G_SPAWN_ERROR_TOO_BIG: execv() returned E2BIG @G_SPAWN_ERROR_2BIG: deprecated alias for %G_SPAWN_ERROR_TOO_BIG (deprecated since GLib 2.32) @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NOEXEC: execv() returned ENOEXEC @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG: execv() returned ENAMETOOLONG @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NOENT: execv() returned ENOENT @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NOMEM: execv() returned ENOMEM @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NOTDIR: execv() returned ENOTDIR @G_SPAWN_ERROR_LOOP: execv() returned ELOOP @G_SPAWN_ERROR_TXTBUSY: execv() returned ETXTBUSY @G_SPAWN_ERROR_IO: execv() returned EIO @G_SPAWN_ERROR_NFILE: execv() returned ENFILE @G_SPAWN_ERROR_MFILE: execv() returned EMFILE @G_SPAWN_ERROR_INVAL: execv() returned EINVAL @G_SPAWN_ERROR_ISDIR: execv() returned EISDIR @G_SPAWN_ERROR_LIBBAD: execv() returned ELIBBAD @G_SPAWN_ERROR_FAILED: Some other fatal failure, error->message should explain.
  • GSpawnFlags: @G_SPAWN_DEFAULT: no flags, default behaviour @G_SPAWN_LEAVE_DESCRIPTORS_OPEN: the parent’s open file descriptors will be inherited by the child; otherwise all descriptors except stdin, stdout and stderr will be closed before calling exec() in the child. @G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD: the child will not be automatically reaped; you must use g_child_watch_add() yourself (or call waitpid() or handle SIGCHLD yourself), or the child will become a zombie. @G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH: argv[0] need not be an absolute path, it will be looked for in the user’s PATH. @G_SPAWN_STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL: the child’s standard output will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent’s standard output. @G_SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL: the child’s standard error will be discarded. @G_SPAWN_CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN: the child will inherit the parent’s standard input (by default, the child’s standard input is attached to /dev/null). @G_SPAWN_FILE_AND_ARGV_ZERO: the first element of argv is the file to execute, while the remaining elements are the actual argument vector to pass to the file. Normally g_spawn_async_with_pipes() uses argv[0] as the file to execute, and passes all of argv to the child. @G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH_FROM_ENVP: if argv[0] is not an absolute path, it will be looked for in the PATH from the passed child environment. Since: 2.34 @G_SPAWN_CLOEXEC_PIPES: create all pipes with the O_CLOEXEC flag set. Since: 2.40 @G_SPAWN_CHILD_INHERITS_STDOUT: the child will inherit the parent’s standard output. Since: 2.74 @G_SPAWN_CHILD_INHERITS_STDERR: the child will inherit the parent’s standard error. Since: 2.74 @G_SPAWN_STDIN_FROM_DEV_NULL: the child’s standard input is attached to /dev/null. Since: 2.74
  • GStrvBuilder:
  • GSubprocess:
  • GSubprocessFlags: @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_NONE: No flags. @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDIN_PIPE: create a pipe for the stdin of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe(). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDIN_INHERIT: stdin is inherited from the calling process. @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_PIPE: create a pipe for the stdout of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdout_pipe(). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_SILENCE: silence the stdout of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_PIPE: create a pipe for the stderr of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stderr_pipe(). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_SILENCE: silence the stderr of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_MERGE: merge the stderr of the spawned process with whatever the stdout happens to be. This is a good way of directing both streams to a common log file, for example. @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_INHERIT_FDS: spawned processes will inherit the file descriptors of their parent, unless those descriptors have been explicitly marked as close-on-exec. This flag has no effect over the “standard” file descriptors (stdin, stdout, stderr). @G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_SEARCH_PATH_FROM_ENVP: if path searching is needed when spawning the subprocess, use the PATH in the launcher environment. (Since: 2.72)
  • GSubprocessLauncher:
  • GTcpConnection:
  • GTestDBusFlags: @G_TEST_DBUS_NONE: No flags.
  • GTestLogFatalFunc: @log_domain: the log domain of the message @log_level: the log level of the message (including the fatal and recursion flags) @message: the message to process @user_data: user data, set in g_test_log_set_fatal_handler()
  • GTestTrapFlags: @G_TEST_TRAP_DEFAULT: Default behaviour. Since: 2.74 @G_TEST_TRAP_SILENCE_STDOUT: Redirect stdout of the test child to /dev/null so it cannot be observed on the console during test runs. The actual output is still captured though to allow later tests with g_test_trap_assert_stdout(). @G_TEST_TRAP_SILENCE_STDERR: Redirect stderr of the test child to /dev/null so it cannot be observed on the console during test runs. The actual output is still captured though to allow later tests with g_test_trap_assert_stderr(). @G_TEST_TRAP_INHERIT_STDIN: If this flag is given, stdin of the child process is shared with stdin of its parent process. It is redirected to /dev/null otherwise.
  • GThemedIcon:
  • GThreadedSocketService:
  • GTimeSpan:
  • GTimeType: @G_TIME_TYPE_STANDARD: the time is in local standard time @G_TIME_TYPE_DAYLIGHT: the time is in local daylight time @G_TIME_TYPE_UNIVERSAL: the time is in UTC
  • GTlsAuthenticationMode: @G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_NONE: client authentication not required @G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED: client authentication is requested @G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: client authentication is required
  • GTlsBackendInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @supports_tls: returns whether the backend supports TLS. @supports_dtls: returns whether the backend supports DTLS @get_default_database: returns a default #GTlsDatabase instance. @get_certificate_type: returns the #GTlsCertificate implementation type @get_client_connection_type: returns the #GTlsClientConnection implementation type @get_server_connection_type: returns the #GTlsServerConnection implementation type @get_file_database_type: returns the #GTlsFileDatabase implementation type. @get_dtls_client_connection_type: returns the #GDtlsClientConnection implementation type @get_dtls_server_connection_type: returns the #GDtlsServerConnection implementation type
  • GTlsCertificateFlags: @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_NO_FLAGS: No flags set. Since: 2.74 @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_CA: The signing certificate authority is not known. @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY: The certificate does not match the expected identity of the site that it was retrieved from. @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_ACTIVATED: The certificate’s activation time is still in the future @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED: The certificate has expired @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED: The certificate has been revoked according to the #GTlsConnection’s certificate revocation list. @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_INSECURE: The certificate’s algorithm is considered insecure. @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_GENERIC_ERROR: Some other error occurred validating the certificate @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATE_ALL: the combination of all of the above flags
  • GTlsCertificateRequestFlags: @G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_NONE: No flags
  • GTlsChannelBindingError: @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Either entire binding retrieval facility or specific binding type is not implemented in the TLS backend. @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR_INVALID_STATE: The handshake is not yet complete on the connection which is a strong requirement for any existing binding type. @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Handshake is complete but binding data is not available. That normally indicates the TLS implementation failed to provide the binding data. For example, some implementations do not provide a peer certificate for resumed connections. @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Binding type is not supported on the current connection. This error could be triggered when requesting tls-server-end-point binding data for a certificate which has no hash function or uses multiple hash functions. @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR: Any other backend error preventing binding data retrieval.
  • GTlsChannelBindingType: @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_UNIQUE: tls-unique binding type @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_SERVER_END_POINT: tls-server-end-point binding type @G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_EXPORTER: tls-exporter binding type. Since: 2.74
  • GTlsClientConnectionInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @copy_session_state: Copies session state from one #GTlsClientConnection to another.
  • GTlsConnectionClass: @parent_class: The parent class. @accept_certificate: Check whether to accept a certificate. @handshake: Perform a handshake operation. @handshake_async: Start an asynchronous handshake operation. @handshake_finish: Finish an asynchronous handshake operation. @get_binding_data: Retrieve TLS channel binding data (Since: 2.66) @get_negotiated_protocol: Get ALPN-negotiated protocol (Since: 2.70)
  • GTlsDatabaseLookupFlags: @G_TLS_DATABASE_LOOKUP_NONE: No lookup flags @G_TLS_DATABASE_LOOKUP_KEYPAIR: Restrict lookup to certificates that have a private key.
  • GTlsDatabaseVerifyFlags: @G_TLS_DATABASE_VERIFY_NONE: No verification flags
  • GTlsError: @G_TLS_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE: No TLS provider is available @G_TLS_ERROR_MISC: Miscellaneous TLS error @G_TLS_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE: The certificate presented could not be parsed or failed validation. @G_TLS_ERROR_NOT_TLS: The TLS handshake failed because the peer does not seem to be a TLS server. @G_TLS_ERROR_HANDSHAKE: The TLS handshake failed because the peer’s certificate was not acceptable. @G_TLS_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED: The TLS handshake failed because the server requested a client-side certificate, but none was provided. See g_tls_connection_set_certificate(). @G_TLS_ERROR_EOF: The TLS connection was closed without proper notice, which may indicate an attack. See g_tls_connection_set_require_close_notify(). @G_TLS_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK: The TLS handshake failed because the client sent the fallback SCSV, indicating a protocol downgrade attack. Since: 2.60 @G_TLS_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD: The certificate failed to load because a password was incorrect. Since: 2.72
  • GTlsFileDatabaseInterface: @g_iface: The parent interface.
  • GTlsInteractionResult: @G_TLS_INTERACTION_UNHANDLED: The interaction was unhandled (i.e. not implemented). @G_TLS_INTERACTION_HANDLED: The interaction completed, and resulting data is available. @G_TLS_INTERACTION_FAILED: The interaction has failed, or was cancelled. and the operation should be aborted.
  • GTlsPasswordClass: @get_value: virtual method for g_tls_password_get_value() @set_value: virtual method for g_tls_password_set_value() @get_default_warning: virtual method for g_tls_password_get_warning() if no value has been set using g_tls_password_set_warning()
  • GTlsProtocolVersion: @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_UNKNOWN: No protocol version or unknown protocol version @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_SSL_3_0: SSL 3.0, which is insecure and should not be used @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_TLS_1_0: TLS 1.0, which is insecure and should not be used @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_TLS_1_1: TLS 1.1, which is insecure and should not be used @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_TLS_1_2: TLS 1.2, defined by RFC 5246 @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_TLS_1_3: TLS 1.3, defined by RFC 8446 @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_DTLS_1_0: DTLS 1.0, which is insecure and should not be used @G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_DTLS_1_2: DTLS 1.2, defined by RFC 6347
  • GTlsRehandshakeMode: @G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_NEVER: Never allow rehandshaking @G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_SAFELY: Allow safe rehandshaking only @G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_UNSAFELY: Allow unsafe rehandshaking
  • GTlsServerConnection:
  • GToggleNotify: @data: Callback data passed to g_object_add_toggle_ref() @object: The object on which g_object_add_toggle_ref() was called. @is_last_ref: %TRUE if the toggle reference is now the last reference to the object. %FALSE if the toggle reference was the last reference and there are now other references.
  • GTranslateFunc: @str: the untranslated string @data: user data specified when installing the function, e.g. in g_option_group_set_translate_func()
  • GTraverseNodeFunc: @node: a #GTreeNode @data: user data passed to g_tree_foreach_node()
  • GTreeNode:
  • GTypeClass:
  • GTypeClassCacheFunc: @cache_data: data that was given to the g_type_add_class_cache_func() call @g_class: (type GObject.TypeClass): The #GTypeClass structure which is unreferenced
  • GTypeDebugFlags: @G_TYPE_DEBUG_NONE: Print no messages @G_TYPE_DEBUG_OBJECTS: Print messages about object bookkeeping @G_TYPE_DEBUG_SIGNALS: Print messages about signal emissions @G_TYPE_DEBUG_MASK: Mask covering all debug flags @G_TYPE_DEBUG_INSTANCE_COUNT: Keep a count of instances of each type
  • GTypeFlags: @G_TYPE_FLAG_NONE: No special flags. Since: 2.74 @G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT: Indicates an abstract type. No instances can be created for an abstract type @G_TYPE_FLAG_VALUE_ABSTRACT: Indicates an abstract value type, i.e. a type that introduces a value table, but can’t be used for g_value_init() @G_TYPE_FLAG_FINAL: Indicates a final type. A final type is a non-derivable leaf node in a deep derivable type hierarchy tree. Since: 2.70 @G_TYPE_FLAG_DEPRECATED: The type is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. A warning will be emitted if it is instantiated while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.76
  • GTypeFundamentalFlags: @G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED: Indicates a classed type @G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE: Indicates an instantiatable type (implies classed) @G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE: Indicates a flat derivable type @G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE: Indicates a deep derivable type (implies derivable)
  • GTypeFundamentalInfo: @type_flags: #GTypeFundamentalFlags describing the characteristics of the fundamental type
  • GTypeInfo: @class_size: Size of the class structure (required for interface, classed and instantiatable types) @base_init: Location of the base initialization function (optional) @base_finalize: Location of the base finalization function (optional) @class_init: Location of the class initialization function for classed and instantiatable types. Location of the default vtable inititalization function for interface types. (optional) This function is used both to fill in virtual functions in the class or default vtable, and to do type-specific setup such as registering signals and object properties. @class_finalize: Location of the class finalization function for classed and instantiatable types. Location of the default vtable finalization function for interface types. (optional) @class_data: User-supplied data passed to the class init/finalize functions @instance_size: Size of the instance (object) structure (required for instantiatable types only) @n_preallocs: Prior to GLib 2.10, it specified the number of pre-allocated (cached) instances to reserve memory for (0 indicates no caching). Since GLib 2.10 this field is ignored. @instance_init: Location of the instance initialization function (optional, for instantiatable types only) @value_table: A #GTypeValueTable function table for generic handling of GValues of this type (usually only useful for fundamental types)
  • GTypeInstance:
  • GTypeInterface:
  • GTypeInterfaceCheckFunc: @check_data: data passed to g_type_add_interface_check() @g_iface: (type GObject.TypeInterface): the interface that has been initialized
  • GTypeModule: @name: the name of the module
  • GTypeModuleClass: @parent_class: the parent class @load: loads the module and registers one or more types using g_type_module_register_type(). @unload: unloads the module
  • GTypePlugin:
  • GTypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo: @plugin: the #GTypePlugin @instance_type: the #GType of an instantiatable type to which the interface is added @interface_type: the #GType of the interface whose info is completed @info: the #GInterfaceInfo to fill in
  • GTypePluginCompleteTypeInfo: @plugin: the #GTypePlugin @g_type: the #GType whose info is completed @info: the #GTypeInfo struct to fill in @value_table: the #GTypeValueTable to fill in
  • GTypePluginUnuse: @plugin: the #GTypePlugin whose use count should be decreased
  • GTypePluginUse: @plugin: the #GTypePlugin whose use count should be increased
  • GTypeQuery: @type: the #GType value of the type @type_name: the name of the type @class_size: the size of the class structure @instance_size: the size of the instance structure
  • GTypeValueCollectFunc: @value: the value to initialize @n_collect_values: the number of collected values @collect_values: (array length=n_collect_values): the collected values @collect_flags: optional flags
  • GTypeValueCopyFunc: @src_value: the value to copy @dest_value: (out): the location of the copy
  • GTypeValueFreeFunc: @value: the value to free
  • GTypeValueInitFunc: @value: the value to initialize
  • GTypeValueLCopyFunc: @value: the value to lcopy @n_collect_values: the number of collected values @collect_values: (array length=n_collect_values): the collected locations for storage @collect_flags: optional flags
  • GTypeValuePeekPointerFunc: @value: the value to peek
  • GTypeValueTable: @value_init: Function to initialize a GValue @value_free: Function to free a GValue @value_copy: Function to copy a GValue @value_peek_pointer: Function to peek the contents of a GValue if they fit into a pointer @collect_format: A string format describing how to collect the contents of this value bit-by-bit. Each character in the format represents an argument to be collected, and the characters themselves indicate the type of the argument. Currently supported arguments are:
  • GUnicodeBreakType: @G_UNICODE_BREAK_MANDATORY: Mandatory Break (BK) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CARRIAGE_RETURN: Carriage Return (CR) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_LINE_FEED: Line Feed (LF) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_COMBINING_MARK: Attached Characters and Combining Marks (CM) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_SURROGATE: Surrogates (SG) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE: Zero Width Space (ZW) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_INSEPARABLE: Inseparable (IN) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_NON_BREAKING_GLUE: Non-breaking (“Glue”) (GL) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CONTINGENT: Contingent Break Opportunity (CB) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_SPACE: Space (SP) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_AFTER: Break Opportunity After (BA) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_BEFORE: Break Opportunity Before (BB) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_BEFORE_AND_AFTER: Break Opportunity Before and After (B2) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HYPHEN: Hyphen (HY) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_NON_STARTER: Nonstarter (NS) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_OPEN_PUNCTUATION: Opening Punctuation (OP) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION: Closing Punctuation (CL) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_QUOTATION: Ambiguous Quotation (QU) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_EXCLAMATION: Exclamation/Interrogation (EX) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_IDEOGRAPHIC: Ideographic (ID) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_NUMERIC: Numeric (NU) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_INFIX_SEPARATOR: Infix Separator (Numeric) (IS) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_SYMBOL: Symbols Allowing Break After (SY) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_ALPHABETIC: Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters (AL) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_PREFIX: Prefix (Numeric) (PR) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_POSTFIX: Postfix (Numeric) (PO) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_COMPLEX_CONTEXT: Complex Content Dependent (South East Asian) (SA) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_AMBIGUOUS: Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic) (AI) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_UNKNOWN: Unknown (XX) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_NEXT_LINE: Next Line (NL) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_WORD_JOINER: Word Joiner (WJ) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HANGUL_L_JAMO: Hangul L Jamo (JL) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HANGUL_V_JAMO: Hangul V Jamo (JV) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HANGUL_T_JAMO: Hangul T Jamo (JT) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HANGUL_LV_SYLLABLE: Hangul LV Syllable (H2) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HANGUL_LVT_SYLLABLE: Hangul LVT Syllable (H3) @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CLOSE_PARANTHESIS: Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.28. Deprecated: 2.70: Use %G_UNICODE_BREAK_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS instead. @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS: Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.70 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_CONDITIONAL_JAPANESE_STARTER: Conditional Japanese Starter (CJ). Since: 2.32 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_HEBREW_LETTER: Hebrew Letter (HL). Since: 2.32 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_REGIONAL_INDICATOR: Regional Indicator (RI). Since: 2.36 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_EMOJI_BASE: Emoji Base (EB). Since: 2.50 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_EMOJI_MODIFIER: Emoji Modifier (EM). Since: 2.50 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER: Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ). Since: 2.50
  • GUnicodeType: @G_UNICODE_CONTROL: General category “Other, Control” (Cc) @G_UNICODE_FORMAT: General category “Other, Format” (Cf) @G_UNICODE_UNASSIGNED: General category “Other, Not Assigned” (Cn) @G_UNICODE_PRIVATE_USE: General category “Other, Private Use” (Co) @G_UNICODE_SURROGATE: General category “Other, Surrogate” (Cs) @G_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER: General category “Letter, Lowercase” (Ll) @G_UNICODE_MODIFIER_LETTER: General category “Letter, Modifier” (Lm) @G_UNICODE_OTHER_LETTER: General category “Letter, Other” (Lo) @G_UNICODE_TITLECASE_LETTER: General category “Letter, Titlecase” (Lt) @G_UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER: General category “Letter, Uppercase” (Lu) @G_UNICODE_SPACING_MARK: General category “Mark, Spacing” (Mc) @G_UNICODE_ENCLOSING_MARK: General category “Mark, Enclosing” (Me) @G_UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK: General category “Mark, Nonspacing” (Mn) @G_UNICODE_DECIMAL_NUMBER: General category “Number, Decimal Digit” (Nd) @G_UNICODE_LETTER_NUMBER: General category “Number, Letter” (Nl) @G_UNICODE_OTHER_NUMBER: General category “Number, Other” (No) @G_UNICODE_CONNECT_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Connector” (Pc) @G_UNICODE_DASH_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Dash” (Pd) @G_UNICODE_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Close” (Pe) @G_UNICODE_FINAL_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Final quote” (Pf) @G_UNICODE_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Initial quote” (Pi) @G_UNICODE_OTHER_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Other” (Po) @G_UNICODE_OPEN_PUNCTUATION: General category “Punctuation, Open” (Ps) @G_UNICODE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL: General category “Symbol, Currency” (Sc) @G_UNICODE_MODIFIER_SYMBOL: General category “Symbol, Modifier” (Sk) @G_UNICODE_MATH_SYMBOL: General category “Symbol, Math” (Sm) @G_UNICODE_OTHER_SYMBOL: General category “Symbol, Other” (So) @G_UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR: General category “Separator, Line” (Zl) @G_UNICODE_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: General category “Separator, Paragraph” (Zp) @G_UNICODE_SPACE_SEPARATOR: General category “Separator, Space” (Zs)
  • GUnixCredentialsMessage:
  • GUnixCredentialsMessageClass:
  • GUnixSocketAddressType: @G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_INVALID: invalid @G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ANONYMOUS: anonymous @G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH: a filesystem path @G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT: an abstract name @G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT_PADDED: an abstract name, 0-padded to the full length of a unix socket name
  • GUriError: @G_URI_ERROR_FAILED: Generic error if no more specific error is available. See the error message for details. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_SCHEME: The scheme of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_USER: The user/userinfo of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD: The password of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_AUTH_PARAMS: The authentication parameters of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_HOST: The host of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_PORT: The port of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_PATH: The path of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_QUERY: The query of a URI could not be parsed. @G_URI_ERROR_BAD_FRAGMENT: The fragment of a URI could not be parsed.
  • GUriFlags: @G_URI_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set. @G_URI_FLAGS_PARSE_RELAXED: Parse the URI more relaxedly than the RFC 3986 grammar specifies, fixing up or ignoring common mistakes in URIs coming from external sources. This is also needed for some obscure URI schemes where ; separates the host from the path. Don’t use this flag unless you need to. @G_URI_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD: The userinfo field may contain a password, which will be separated from the username by :. @G_URI_FLAGS_HAS_AUTH_PARAMS: The userinfo may contain additional authentication-related parameters, which will be separated from the username and/or password by ;. @G_URI_FLAGS_NON_DNS: The host component should not be assumed to be a DNS hostname or IP address (for example, for smb URIs with NetBIOS hostnames). @G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED: When parsing a URI, this indicates that %-encoded characters in the userinfo, path, query, and fragment fields should not be decoded. (And likewise the host field if %G_URI_FLAGS_NON_DNS is also set.) When building a URI, it indicates that you have already %-encoded the components, and so #GUri should not do any encoding itself. @G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED_QUERY: Same as %G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED, for the query field only. @G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED_PATH: Same as %G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED, for the path only. @G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED_FRAGMENT: Same as %G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED, for the fragment only. @G_URI_FLAGS_SCHEME_NORMALIZE: A scheme-based normalization will be applied. For example, when parsing an HTTP URI changing omitted path to / and omitted port to 80; and when building a URI, changing empty path to / and default port 80). This only supports a subset of known schemes. (Since: 2.68)
  • GUriHideFlags: @G_URI_HIDE_NONE: No flags set. @G_URI_HIDE_USERINFO: Hide the userinfo. @G_URI_HIDE_PASSWORD: Hide the password. @G_URI_HIDE_AUTH_PARAMS: Hide the auth_params. @G_URI_HIDE_QUERY: Hide the query. @G_URI_HIDE_FRAGMENT: Hide the fragment.
  • GUriParamsFlags: @G_URI_PARAMS_NONE: No flags set. @G_URI_PARAMS_CASE_INSENSITIVE: Parameter names are case insensitive. @G_URI_PARAMS_WWW_FORM: Replace + with space character. Only useful for URLs on the web, using the https or http schemas. @G_URI_PARAMS_PARSE_RELAXED: See %G_URI_FLAGS_PARSE_RELAXED.
  • GUserDirectory: @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DESKTOP: the user’s Desktop directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS: the user’s Documents directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD: the user’s Downloads directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_MUSIC: the user’s Music directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES: the user’s Pictures directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_PUBLIC_SHARE: the user’s shared directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATES: the user’s Templates directory @G_USER_DIRECTORY_VIDEOS: the user’s Movies directory @G_USER_N_DIRECTORIES: the number of enum values
  • GVaClosureMarshal: @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs @return_value: (nullable): a #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL if the callback of @closure doesn’t return a value. @instance: (type GObject.TypeInstance): the instance on which the closure is invoked. @args: va_list of arguments to be passed to the closure. @marshal_data: (nullable): additional data specified when registering the marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and g_closure_set_meta_marshal() @n_params: the length of the @param_types array @param_types: (array length=n_params): the #GType of each argument from @args.
  • GValue:
  • GValueArray: @n_values: number of values contained in the array @values: array of values
  • GValueTransform: @src_value: Source value. @dest_value: Target value.
  • GVariantType:
  • GVfs:
  • GVfsFileLookupFunc: @vfs: a #GVfs @identifier: the identifier to look up a #GFile for. This can either be an URI or a parse name as returned by g_file_get_parse_name() @user_data: user data passed to the function
  • GVoidFunc:
  • GVolume:
  • GVolumeIface: @g_iface: The parent interface. @changed: Changed signal that is emitted when the volume’s state has changed. @removed: The removed signal that is emitted when the #GVolume have been removed. If the recipient is holding references to the object they should release them so the object can be finalized. @get_name: Gets a string containing the name of the #GVolume. @get_icon: Gets a #GIcon for the #GVolume. @get_uuid: Gets the UUID for the #GVolume. The reference is typically based on the file system UUID for the mount in question and should be considered an opaque string. Returns %NULL if there is no UUID available. @get_drive: Gets a #GDrive the volume is located on. Returns %NULL if the #GVolume is not associated with a #GDrive. @get_mount: Gets a #GMount representing the mounted volume. Returns %NULL if the #GVolume is not mounted. @can_mount: Returns %TRUE if the #GVolume can be mounted. @can_eject: Checks if a #GVolume can be ejected. @mount_fn: Mounts a given #GVolume. #GVolume implementations must emit the #GMountOperation::aborted signal before completing a mount operation that is aborted while awaiting input from the user through a #GMountOperation instance. @mount_finish: Finishes a mount operation. @eject: Ejects a given #GVolume. @eject_finish: Finishes an eject operation. @get_identifier: Returns the [identifier][volume-identifier] of the given kind, or %NULL if the #GVolume doesn’t have one. @enumerate_identifiers: Returns an array strings listing the kinds of [identifiers][volume-identifier] which the #GVolume has. @should_automount: Returns %TRUE if the #GVolume should be automatically mounted. @get_activation_root: Returns the activation root for the #GVolume if it is known in advance or %NULL if it is not known. @eject_with_operation: Starts ejecting a #GVolume using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @eject_with_operation_finish: Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22. @get_sort_key: Gets a key used for sorting #GVolume instance or %NULL if no such key exists. Since 2.32. @get_symbolic_icon: Gets a symbolic #GIcon for the #GVolume. Since 2.34.
  • GVolumeMonitor:
  • GWeakNotify: @data: data that was provided when the weak reference was established @where_the_object_was: the object being disposed
  • GZlibCompressorFormat: @G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_ZLIB: deflate compression with zlib header @G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_GZIP: gzip file format @G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_RAW: deflate compression with no header
  • VipsFailOn: @VIPS_FAIL_ON_NONE: never stop @VIPS_FAIL_ON_TRUNCATED: stop on image truncated, nothing else @VIPS_FAIL_ON_ERROR: stop on serious error or truncation @VIPS_FAIL_ON_WARNING: stop on anything, even warnings
  • VipsForeignDzContainer: @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_CONTAINER_FS: write tiles to the filesystem @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_CONTAINER_ZIP: write tiles to a zip file @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_CONTAINER_SZI: write to a szi file
  • VipsForeignDzDepth: @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_DEPTH_ONEPIXEL: create layers down to 1x1 pixel @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_DEPTH_ONETILE: create layers down to 1x1 tile @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_DEPTH_ONE: only create a single layer
  • VipsForeignDzLayout: @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_LAYOUT_DZ: use DeepZoom directory layout @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_LAYOUT_ZOOMIFY: use Zoomify directory layout @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_LAYOUT_GOOGLE: use Google maps directory layout @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_LAYOUT_IIIF: use IIIF v2 directory layout @VIPS_FOREIGN_DZ_LAYOUT_IIIF3: use IIIF v3 directory layout
  • VipsForeignJpegSubsample: @VIPS_FOREIGN_JPEG_SUBSAMPLE_AUTO: default preset @VIPS_FOREIGN_JPEG_SUBSAMPLE_ON: always perform subsampling @VIPS_FOREIGN_JPEG_SUBSAMPLE_OFF: never perform subsampling
  • VipsForeignKeep: @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_NONE: don’t attach metadata @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_EXIF: keep Exif metadata @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_XMP: keep XMP metadata @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_IPTC: keep IPTC metadata @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_ICC: keep ICC metadata @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_OTHER: keep other metadata (e.g. PNG comments and some TIFF tags) @VIPS_FOREIGN_KEEP_ALL: keep all metadata
  • VipsForeignPngFilter: @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_NONE: no filtering @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_SUB: difference to the left @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_UP: difference up @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_AVG: average of left and up @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_PAETH: pick best neighbor predictor automatically @VIPS_FOREIGN_PNG_FILTER_ALL: adaptive
  • VipsForeignPpmFormat: @VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PBM: portable bitmap @VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PGM: portable greymap @VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PPM: portable pixmap @VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PFM: portable float map @VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PNM: portable anymap
  • VipsForeignSubsample: @VIPS_FOREIGN_SUBSAMPLE_AUTO: prevent subsampling when quality >= 90 @VIPS_FOREIGN_SUBSAMPLE_ON: always perform subsampling @VIPS_FOREIGN_SUBSAMPLE_OFF: never perform subsampling
  • VipsForeignTiffPredictor: @VIPS_FOREIGN_TIFF_PREDICTOR_NONE: no prediction @VIPS_FOREIGN_TIFF_PREDICTOR_HORIZONTAL: horizontal differencing @VIPS_FOREIGN_TIFF_PREDICTOR_FLOAT: float predictor
  • VipsForeignTiffResunit: @VIPS_FOREIGN_TIFF_RESUNIT_CM: use centimeters @VIPS_FOREIGN_TIFF_RESUNIT_INCH: use inches
  • VipsForeignWebpPreset: @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT: default preset @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE: digital picture, like portrait, inner shot @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO: outdoor photograph, with natural lighting @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_DRAWING: hand or line drawing, with high-contrast details @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_ICON: small-sized colorful images @VIPS_FOREIGN_WEBP_PRESET_TEXT: text-like
  • VipsOperationComplex: @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_POLAR: convert to polar coordinates @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_RECT: convert to rectangular coordinates @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_CONJ: complex conjugate
  • VipsOperationComplex2: @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX2_CROSS_PHASE: convert to polar coordinates
  • VipsOperationComplexget: @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_REAL: get real component @VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_IMAG: get imaginary component
  • VipsOperationMath: @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SIN: sin(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_COS: cos(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_TAN: tan(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ASIN: asin(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ACOS: acos(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ATAN: atan(), angles in degrees @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG: log base e @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG10: log base 10 @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP: e to the something @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP10: 10 to the something @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SINH: sinh(), angles in radians @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_COSH: cosh(), angles in radians @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_TANH: tanh(), angles in radians @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ASINH: asinh(), angles in radians @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ACOSH: acosh(), angles in radians @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ATANH: atanh(), angles in radians
  • VipsOperationMath2: @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_POW: pow(left, right) @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_WOP: pow(right, left) @VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_ATAN2: atan2(left, right)
  • VipsOperationRound: @VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_RINT: round to nearest @VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_FLOOR: largest integral value not greater than @VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_CEIL: the smallest integral value not less than
  • VipsPel:
  • VipsRegionShrink: @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_MEAN: use the average @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_MEDIAN: use the median @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_MODE: use the mode @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_MAX: use the maximum @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_MIN: use the minimum @VIPS_REGION_SHRINK_NEAREST: use the top-left pixel
  • VipsSaveable: @VIPS_SAVEABLE_MONO: 1 band (eg. CSV) @VIPS_SAVEABLE_RGB: 1 or 3 bands (eg. PPM) @VIPS_SAVEABLE_RGBA: 1, 2, 3 or 4 bands (eg. PNG) @VIPS_SAVEABLE_RGBA_ONLY: 3 or 4 bands (eg. WEBP) @VIPS_SAVEABLE_RGB_CMYK: 1, 3 or 4 bands (eg. JPEG) @VIPS_SAVEABLE_ANY: any number of bands (eg. TIFF)
  • VipsToken: @VIPS_TOKEN_LEFT: left bracket @VIPS_TOKEN_RIGHT: right bracket @VIPS_TOKEN_STRING: string constant @VIPS_TOKEN_EQUALS: equals sign @VIPS_TOKEN_COMMA: comma
  • GTlsPasswordFlags: @G_TLS_PASSWORD_NONE: No flags @G_TLS_PASSWORD_RETRY: The password was wrong, and the user should retry. @G_TLS_PASSWORD_MANY_TRIES: Hint to the user that the password has been wrong many times, and the user may not have many chances left. @G_TLS_PASSWORD_FINAL_TRY: Hint to the user that this is the last try to get this password right. @G_TLS_PASSWORD_PKCS11_USER: For PKCS #11, the user PIN is required. Since: 2.70. @G_TLS_PASSWORD_PKCS11_SECURITY_OFFICER: For PKCS #11, the security officer PIN is required. Since: 2.70. @G_TLS_PASSWORD_PKCS11_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC: For PKCS #11, the context-specific PIN is required. Since: 2.70.
  • gchararray:
  • gunichar:
  • gunichar2:
