Expand description

Write your own test scripts that look and behave like built-in tests!

This is a simple and small testing framework that mimics the original libtest (used by cargo test/rustc --test). That means: all output looks pretty much like cargo test and most CLI arguments are understood and used. With that plumbing work out of the way, your test runner can concentrate on the actual testing.

The central function of this crate is run_tests.


extern crate libtest_mimic;

use libtest_mimic::{Arguments, Test, Outcome, run_tests};

// Parse command line arguments
let args = Arguments::from_args();

// Create a list of tests (in this case: three dummy tests)
let tests = vec![
    Test {
        name: "long_computation".into(),
        kind: "".into(),
        is_ignored: true,
        is_bench: false,
        data: (),

// Run all tests and exit the application appropriatly (in this case, the
// test runner is a dummy runner which does nothing and says that all tests
// passed).
run_tests(&args, tests, |test| Outcome::Passed).exit();

For more examples, see examples/ in the repository.


Command line arguments.

Contains information about the entire test run. Is returned by run_tests.

Description of a single test.


Possible values for the --color option.

Possible values for the --format option.

The outcome of performing a test.

Event indicating that a given test has started running or has completed.


Runs all given tests with the given test runner.