Crate libspinnaker_sys[][src]


pub use self::_spinError as spinError;
pub use self::_spinColorProcessingAlgorithm as spinColorProcessingAlgorithm;
pub use self::_spinStatisticsChannel as spinStatisticsChannel;
pub use self::_spinImageFileFormat as spinImageFileFormat;
pub use self::_spinPixelFormatNamespaceID as spinPixelFormatNamespaceID;
pub use self::_spinImageStatus as spinImageStatus;
pub use self::_spinLogLevel as spinnakerLogLevel;
pub use self::_spinPayloadTypeInfoIDs as spinPayloadTypeInfoIDs;
pub use self::CompressionMethod as spinCompressionMethod;
pub use self::_actionCommandStatus as actionCommandStatus;
pub use self::_spinLUTSelectorEnums as spinLUTSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinExposureModeEnums as spinExposureModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinAcquisitionModeEnums as spinAcquisitionModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTriggerSourceEnums as spinTriggerSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinTriggerActivationEnums as spinTriggerActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinSensorShutterModeEnums as spinSensorShutterModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTriggerModeEnums as spinTriggerModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTriggerOverlapEnums as spinTriggerOverlapEnums;
pub use self::_spinTriggerSelectorEnums as spinTriggerSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinExposureAutoEnums as spinExposureAutoEnums;
pub use self::_spinEventSelectorEnums as spinEventSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinEventNotificationEnums as spinEventNotificationEnums;
pub use self::_spinLogicBlockSelectorEnums as spinLogicBlockSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinLogicBlockLUTInputActivationEnums as spinLogicBlockLUTInputActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinLogicBlockLUTInputSelectorEnums as spinLogicBlockLUTInputSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinLogicBlockLUTInputSourceEnums as spinLogicBlockLUTInputSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinLogicBlockLUTSelectorEnums as spinLogicBlockLUTSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinColorTransformationSelectorEnums as spinColorTransformationSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinRgbTransformLightSourceEnums as spinRgbTransformLightSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums as spinColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums as spinDeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceScanTypeEnums as spinDeviceScanTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceCharacterSetEnums as spinDeviceCharacterSetEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceTLTypeEnums as spinDeviceTLTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDevicePowerSupplySelectorEnums as spinDevicePowerSupplySelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums as spinDeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceIndicatorModeEnums as spinDeviceIndicatorModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinAutoExposureControlPriorityEnums as spinAutoExposureControlPriorityEnums;
pub use self::_spinAutoExposureMeteringModeEnums as spinAutoExposureMeteringModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinBalanceWhiteAutoProfileEnums as spinBalanceWhiteAutoProfileEnums;
pub use self::_spinAutoAlgorithmSelectorEnums as spinAutoAlgorithmSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinAutoExposureTargetGreyValueAutoEnums as spinAutoExposureTargetGreyValueAutoEnums;
pub use self::_spinAutoExposureLightingModeEnums as spinAutoExposureLightingModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevIEEE1588StatusEnums as spinGevIEEE1588StatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevIEEE1588ModeEnums as spinGevIEEE1588ModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevIEEE1588ClockAccuracyEnums as spinGevIEEE1588ClockAccuracyEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevCCPEnums as spinGevCCPEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevSupportedOptionSelectorEnums as spinGevSupportedOptionSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinBlackLevelSelectorEnums as spinBlackLevelSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinBalanceWhiteAutoEnums as spinBalanceWhiteAutoEnums;
pub use self::_spinGainAutoEnums as spinGainAutoEnums;
pub use self::_spinBalanceRatioSelectorEnums as spinBalanceRatioSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinGainSelectorEnums as spinGainSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDefectCorrectionModeEnums as spinDefectCorrectionModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinUserSetSelectorEnums as spinUserSetSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinUserSetDefaultEnums as spinUserSetDefaultEnums;
pub use self::_spinSerialPortBaudRateEnums as spinSerialPortBaudRateEnums;
pub use self::_spinSerialPortParityEnums as spinSerialPortParityEnums;
pub use self::_spinSerialPortSelectorEnums as spinSerialPortSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinSerialPortStopBitsEnums as spinSerialPortStopBitsEnums;
pub use self::_spinSerialPortSourceEnums as spinSerialPortSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerModeEnums as spinSequencerModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerConfigurationValidEnums as spinSequencerConfigurationValidEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerSetValidEnums as spinSequencerSetValidEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerTriggerActivationEnums as spinSequencerTriggerActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerConfigurationModeEnums as spinSequencerConfigurationModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinSequencerTriggerSourceEnums as spinSequencerTriggerSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferQueueModeEnums as spinTransferQueueModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferOperationModeEnums as spinTransferOperationModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferControlModeEnums as spinTransferControlModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkGainSelectorEnums as spinChunkGainSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkSelectorEnums as spinChunkSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkBlackLevelSelectorEnums as spinChunkBlackLevelSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkPixelFormatEnums as spinChunkPixelFormatEnums;
pub use self::_spinFileOperationStatusEnums as spinFileOperationStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinFileOpenModeEnums as spinFileOpenModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinFileOperationSelectorEnums as spinFileOperationSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinFileSelectorEnums as spinFileSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinBinningSelectorEnums as spinBinningSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTestPatternGeneratorSelectorEnums as spinTestPatternGeneratorSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinCompressionSaturationPriorityEnums as spinCompressionSaturationPriorityEnums;
pub use self::_spinTestPatternEnums as spinTestPatternEnums;
pub use self::_spinPixelColorFilterEnums as spinPixelColorFilterEnums;
pub use self::_spinAdcBitDepthEnums as spinAdcBitDepthEnums;
pub use self::_spinDecimationHorizontalModeEnums as spinDecimationHorizontalModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinBinningVerticalModeEnums as spinBinningVerticalModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinPixelSizeEnums as spinPixelSizeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDecimationSelectorEnums as spinDecimationSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinImageCompressionModeEnums as spinImageCompressionModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinBinningHorizontalModeEnums as spinBinningHorizontalModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinPixelFormatEnums as spinPixelFormatEnums;
pub use self::_spinDecimationVerticalModeEnums as spinDecimationVerticalModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinLineModeEnums as spinLineModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinLineSourceEnums as spinLineSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinLineInputFilterSelectorEnums as spinLineInputFilterSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinUserOutputSelectorEnums as spinUserOutputSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinLineFormatEnums as spinLineFormatEnums;
pub use self::_spinLineSelectorEnums as spinLineSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinExposureActiveModeEnums as spinExposureActiveModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterTriggerActivationEnums as spinCounterTriggerActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterSelectorEnums as spinCounterSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterStatusEnums as spinCounterStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterTriggerSourceEnums as spinCounterTriggerSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterResetSourceEnums as spinCounterResetSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterEventSourceEnums as spinCounterEventSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterEventActivationEnums as spinCounterEventActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinCounterResetActivationEnums as spinCounterResetActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceTypeEnums as spinDeviceTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceConnectionStatusEnums as spinDeviceConnectionStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums as spinDeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceLinkHeartbeatModeEnums as spinDeviceLinkHeartbeatModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceStreamChannelTypeEnums as spinDeviceStreamChannelTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceStreamChannelEndiannessEnums as spinDeviceStreamChannelEndiannessEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceClockSelectorEnums as spinDeviceClockSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceSerialPortSelectorEnums as spinDeviceSerialPortSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceSerialPortBaudRateEnums as spinDeviceSerialPortBaudRateEnums;
pub use self::_spinSensorTapsEnums as spinSensorTapsEnums;
pub use self::_spinSensorDigitizationTapsEnums as spinSensorDigitizationTapsEnums;
pub use self::_spinRegionSelectorEnums as spinRegionSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinRegionModeEnums as spinRegionModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinRegionDestinationEnums as spinRegionDestinationEnums;
pub use self::_spinImageComponentSelectorEnums as spinImageComponentSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinPixelFormatInfoSelectorEnums as spinPixelFormatInfoSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeinterlacingEnums as spinDeinterlacingEnums;
pub use self::_spinImageCompressionRateOptionEnums as spinImageCompressionRateOptionEnums;
pub use self::_spinImageCompressionJPEGFormatOptionEnums as spinImageCompressionJPEGFormatOptionEnums;
pub use self::_spinAcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums as spinAcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinExposureTimeModeEnums as spinExposureTimeModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinExposureTimeSelectorEnums as spinExposureTimeSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinGainAutoBalanceEnums as spinGainAutoBalanceEnums;
pub use self::_spinBlackLevelAutoEnums as spinBlackLevelAutoEnums;
pub use self::_spinBlackLevelAutoBalanceEnums as spinBlackLevelAutoBalanceEnums;
pub use self::_spinWhiteClipSelectorEnums as spinWhiteClipSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTimerSelectorEnums as spinTimerSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTimerStatusEnums as spinTimerStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinTimerTriggerSourceEnums as spinTimerTriggerSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinTimerTriggerActivationEnums as spinTimerTriggerActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderSelectorEnums as spinEncoderSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderSourceAEnums as spinEncoderSourceAEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderSourceBEnums as spinEncoderSourceBEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderModeEnums as spinEncoderModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderOutputModeEnums as spinEncoderOutputModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderStatusEnums as spinEncoderStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderResetSourceEnums as spinEncoderResetSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinEncoderResetActivationEnums as spinEncoderResetActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinSoftwareSignalSelectorEnums as spinSoftwareSignalSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinActionUnconditionalModeEnums as spinActionUnconditionalModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinSourceSelectorEnums as spinSourceSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferSelectorEnums as spinTransferSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferTriggerSelectorEnums as spinTransferTriggerSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferTriggerModeEnums as spinTransferTriggerModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferTriggerSourceEnums as spinTransferTriggerSourceEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferTriggerActivationEnums as spinTransferTriggerActivationEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferStatusSelectorEnums as spinTransferStatusSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinTransferComponentSelectorEnums as spinTransferComponentSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dDistanceUnitEnums as spinScan3dDistanceUnitEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dCoordinateSystemEnums as spinScan3dCoordinateSystemEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dOutputModeEnums as spinScan3dOutputModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums as spinScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums as spinScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums as spinScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums as spinScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkImageComponentEnums as spinChunkImageComponentEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkCounterSelectorEnums as spinChunkCounterSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkTimerSelectorEnums as spinChunkTimerSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkEncoderSelectorEnums as spinChunkEncoderSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkEncoderStatusEnums as spinChunkEncoderStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkExposureTimeSelectorEnums as spinChunkExposureTimeSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkSourceIDEnums as spinChunkSourceIDEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkRegionIDEnums as spinChunkRegionIDEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkTransferStreamIDEnums as spinChunkTransferStreamIDEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dDistanceUnitEnums as spinChunkScan3dDistanceUnitEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dOutputModeEnums as spinChunkScan3dOutputModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemEnums as spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums as spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums as spinChunkScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums as spinChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums as spinChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinDeviceTapGeometryEnums as spinDeviceTapGeometryEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums as spinGevPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums as spinGevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevIPConfigurationStatusEnums as spinGevIPConfigurationStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelectorEnums as spinGevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelectorEnums;
pub use self::_spinGevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums as spinGevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinClConfigurationEnums as spinClConfigurationEnums;
pub use self::_spinClTimeSlotsCountEnums as spinClTimeSlotsCountEnums;
pub use self::_spinCxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums as spinCxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinCxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums as spinCxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums;
pub use self::_spinCxpLinkConfigurationEnums as spinCxpLinkConfigurationEnums;
pub use self::_spinCxpConnectionTestModeEnums as spinCxpConnectionTestModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinCxpPoCxpStatusEnums as spinCxpPoCxpStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinNodeType as spinNodeType;
pub use self::_spinSign as spinSign;
pub use self::_spinAccessMode as spinAccessMode;
pub use self::_spinVisibility as spinVisibility;
pub use self::_spinCachingMode as spinCachingMode;
pub use self::_spinRepresentation as spinRepresentation;
pub use self::_spinEndianess as spinEndianess;
pub use self::_spinNameSpace as spinNameSpace;
pub use self::_spinStandardNameSpace as spinStandardNameSpace;
pub use self::_spinYesNo as spinYesNo;
pub use self::_spinSlope as spinSlope;
pub use self::_spinXMLValidation as spinXMLValidation;
pub use self::_spinDisplayNotation as spinDisplayNotation;
pub use self::_spinInterfaceType as spinInterfaceType;
pub use self::_spinLinkType as spinLinkType;
pub use self::_spinIncMode as spinIncMode;
pub use self::_spinInputDirection as spinInputDirection;
pub use self::_spinTLStreamTypeEnums as spinTLStreamTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLStreamBufferCountModeEnums as spinTLStreamBufferCountModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLStreamBufferHandlingModeEnums as spinTLStreamBufferHandlingModeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLDeviceTypeEnums as spinTLDeviceTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLDeviceAccessStatusEnums as spinTLDeviceAccessStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLGevCCPEnums as spinTLGevCCPEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLGUIXMLLocationEnums as spinTLGUIXMLLocationEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLGenICamXMLLocationEnums as spinTLGenICamXMLLocationEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLDeviceEndianessMechanismEnums as spinTLDeviceEndianessMechanismEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLDeviceCurrentSpeedEnums as spinTLDeviceCurrentSpeedEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLInterfaceTypeEnums as spinTLInterfaceTypeEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLPOEStatusEnums as spinTLPOEStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLFilterDriverStatusEnums as spinTLFilterDriverStatusEnums;
pub use self::_spinTLTLTypeEnums as spinTLTLTypeEnums;


Action Command Result.

Options for saving uncompressed videos. Used in saving AVI videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenUncompressed().

Options for saving BMP images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveBmp().

@brief The type of information that can be obtained from image chunk data.

Options for saving H264 videos. Used in saving H264 videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenH264().

Options for saving JPEG images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveJpeg().

Options for saving JPEG 2000 images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveJpg2().

Provides easier access to the current version of Spinnaker.

Options for saving MJPG videos. Used in saving MJPG videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenMJPG().

Options for saving PGM images.

Options for saving PNG images. Used in saving PNG images with a call to spinImageSavePng().

Options for saving PPM images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSavePpm().

Options for saving TIFF images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveTiff().


The device acknowledged the command.

The device acknowledged the command.

The device acknowledged the command.

The device acknowledged the command.

The device acknowledged the command.




< Device is currently doing an acquisition of one or many frames.

< Device is currently transferring an acquisition of one or many frames.

< Device is currently waiting for a trigger for the capture of one or many frames.

< Device is doing the exposure of a frame.

< Device is currently doing the capture of a frame.

< Device is currently waiting for a frame start trigger.

< Unconditional mode is disabled.

< Unconditional mode is enabled.





< Selects the Auto Exposure algorithm.

< Selects the Auto White Balance algorithm.












< Target grey value is constantly adapted by the device to maximize the dynamic range.

< Target grey value is manually controlled

< Selects the blue balance ratio control for adjustment. The blue balance ratio is relative to the green channel.

< Selects the red balance ratio control for adjustment. The red balance ratio is relative to the green channel.

< Sets operation mode to continuous. Continuous automatically adjusts values if the colors are imbalanced.

< Sets operation mode to Off, which is manual control.

< Sets operation mode to once. Once runs for a number of iterations and then sets White Balance Auto to Off.

< Indoor auto white balance Profile. Can be used to compensate for artificial lighting.

< Outdoor auto white balance profile. Designed for scenes with natural lighting.

< The response from the combined horizontal cells is averaged, resulting in increased signal/noise ratio. Not all sensors support average binning.

< The response from the combined horizontal cells is added, resulting in increased sensitivity (a brighter image).

< The total amount of binning to be performed on the captured sensor data.

< The portion of binning to be performed by the image signal processing engine (ISP) outside of the sensor. Note: the ISP can be disabled.

< The portion of binning to be performed on the sensor directly.

< The response from the combined vertical cells is averaged, resulting in increased signal/noise ratio. Not all sensors support average binning.

< The response from the combined vertical cells is added, resulting in increased sensitivity (a brighter image).

< Black level tap balancing is constantly adjusted by the device.

< Black level tap balancing is user controlled using BlackLevel.

< Black level tap balancing is automatically adjusted once by the device. Once it has converged, it automatically returns to the Off state.

< Analog black level is constantly adjusted by the device.

< Analog black level is user controlled using BlackLevel.

< Analog black level is automatically adjusted once by the device. Once it has converged, it automatically returns to the Off state.





< Selects the counter 0.

< Selects the counter 1.

< Selects the counter 2.

< Selects the first Encoder.

< Selects the first Encoder.

< Selects the second Encoder.

< The encoder counter last decremented.

< The encoder is not active.

< No motion within the EncoderTimeout time.

< The encoder counter last incremented.

< Selects the blue ExposureTime.

< Selects the common ExposureTime.

< Selects the cyan common ExposureTime..

< Selects the green ExposureTime.

< Selects the infrared ExposureTime.

< Selects the magenta ExposureTime..

< Selects the red common ExposureTime.

< Selects the first stage ExposureTime.

< Selects the second stage ExposureTime.

< Selects the ultraviolet ExposureTime.

< Selects the yellow ExposureTime..





< The image data is color component.

< The image data is the confidence map component.

< The image data is the disparity component.

< The image data is infrared component.

< The image data is the intensity component.

< The image data is the range (distance) component.

< The image data is the scatter component.

< The image data is the ultraviolet component.











< Image comes from the Region 0.

< Image comes from the Region 1.

< Image comes from the Region 2.

< Rotation around X axis.

< Rotation around Y axis.

< Rotation around Z axis.

< X axis translation.

< Y axis translation.

< Z axis translation.

< The first (X or Theta) coordinate

< The second (Y or Phi) coordinate

< The third (Z or Rho) coordinate.

< Default value. 3-axis orthogonal, right-hand X-Y-Z.

< A Theta-Y-Rho coordinate system.

< A Theta-Phi-Rho coordinate system.

< Default value. Original fixed reference. The coordinate system fixed relative the camera reference point marker is used.

< Transformed reference system. The transformed coordinate system is used according to the definition in the rotation and translation matrices.

< Rotation around X axis.

< Rotation around Y axis.

< Rotation around Z axis.

< Translation along X axis.

< Translation along Y axis.

< Translation along Z axis.

< Distance values are in inch units.

< Default value. Distance values are in millimeter units.

< 3 Coordinates in grid organization. The full 3 coordinate data with the grid array organization from the sensor kept.

< 3 Coordinates without organization. The full 3 coordinate data without any organization of data points. Typically only valid points transmitted giving varying image size.

< 2 Coordinates with fixed B sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis uses the scale and offset parameters for the B axis.

< 2 Coordinates with varying sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Calibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. No information on X-Y axes available.

< Depth Map with varying B sampling. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Disparity 2.5D Depth map. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value.

< Disparity 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Rectified 2.5D Depth map. The distance data has been rectified to a uniform sampling pattern in the X and Y direction. The data is a 2.5D range map only. If a complete 3D point cloud is rectified but transmitted as explicit coordinates it should be transmitted as one of the “CalibratedABC” formats.

< Rectified 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The data is sent as rectified 1D profiles using Coord3D_C pixels. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Uncalibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data does not represent a physical unit and may be non-linear. The data is a 2.5D range map only.
















< Image comes from the Source 0.

< Image comes from the Source 1.

< Image comes from the Source 2.

< Selects the first Timer.

< Selects the first Timer.

< Selects the second Timer.

< Data comes from Stream0.

< Data comes from Stream1.

< Data comes from Stream2.

< Data comes from Stream3.

< Standard base configuration described by the Camera Link standard.

< The camera streams the data from multiple taps (that do not fit in the standard base configuration) through two Camera Link base ports. It is responsibility of the application or frame grabber to reconstruct the full image. Only one of the ports (fixed) serves as the “master” for serial communication and triggering.

< Standard 80-bit configuration with 10 taps of 8 bits or 8 taps of 10 bits, as described by the Camera Link standard.

< Standard full configuration described by the Camera Link standard.

< Standard medium configuration described by the Camera Link standard.

< One

< Three

< Two

Weighted average of surrounding 4 pixels in a 2x2 neighborhood.

Default method.

Best quality but much faster than rigorous.

Weights surrounding pixels based on localized edge orientation.

Well-balanced speed and quality.

Multi-threaded with similar results to edge sensing.

Fastest but lowest quality. Equivalent to FLYCAPTURE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR_FAST in FlyCapture.

Nearest Neighbor with averaged green pixels. Higher quality but slower compared to nearest neighbor without averaging.

No color processing.

Slowest but produces good results.

Weighted pixel average from different directions.















< Frames which will cause the MaxDatarateThreshold to be exceeded will not be transmitted. Requires FrameRateEnable to be True

< AcquisitionFrameRate is dynamically adjusted to the highest possible value without exceeding the MaxDatarateThreshold.






< Counter0End

< Counter0Start

< Counter1End

< Counter1Start

< ExposureEnd

< ExposureStart

< FrameTriggerWait

< Line0

< Line1

< Line2

< Line3

< LogicBlock0

< LogicBlock1

< MHzTick

< Off

< UserOutput0

< UserOutput1

< UserOutput2

< UserOutput3






< Counter0End

< Counter0Start

< Counter1End

< Counter1Start

< ExposureEnd

< ExposureStart

< FrameTriggerWait

< Line0

< Line1

< Line2

< Line3

< LogicBlock0

< LogicBlock1

< Off

< UserOutput0

< UserOutput1

< UserOutput2

< UserOutput3



< The counter is counting for the specified duration.

< The counter reached the CounterDuration count.

< The counter is idle.

< The counter reached its maximum possible count.

< The counter is waiting for a start trigger.






< Counter0End

< Counter0Start

< Counter1End

< Counter1Start

< ExposureEnd

< ExposureStart

< FrameTriggerWait

< Line0

< Line1

< Line2

< Line3

< LogicBlock0

< LogicBlock1

< Off

< UserOutput0

< UserOutput1

< UserOutput2

< UserOutput3

< Mode 1

< Off

< Sets Automatic discovery for the Link Configuration.

< Force the Link to 1 Connection operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 2 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 4 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 5 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 6 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 1 Connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 2 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 4 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 5 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 6 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 1 Connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 2 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 4 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 5 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 6 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 1 Connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 2 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 4 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 5 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 6 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 1 Connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 3 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 4 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 5 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< Force the Link to 6 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-4 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-1 speed (1.25 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.50 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 2 Connections operating at CXP-4 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5.00 Gbps).

< 1 Connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-5 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 3 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 4 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 5 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< 6 Connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps).

< The Link configuration of the Device is unknown. Either the configuration operation has failed or there is nothing connected.

< The Device is in the process of configuring the Link. The Link cannot be used yet.

< Normal automatic PoCXP operation.

< PoCXP is forced off.

< The Link has shut down because of an over-current trip.

< The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded.

< The total amount of decimation to be performed on the captured image data.

< The portion of decimation to be performed on the sensor directly. Currently this is the only decimation layer available and hence is identical to the “All” layer. All decimation modification should therefore be done via the “All” layer only.

< The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded.

< Pixels are replaced with the average of their neighbours. This is the normal mode of operation.

< Pixels are replaced with the maximum pixel value (i.e., 255 for 8-bit images). Can be used for debugging the table.

< Pixels are replaced by the value zero. Can be used for testing the table.

< The device performs de-interlacing by outputting each line of each field twice.

< The device doesn’t perform de-interlacing.

< The device performs de-interlacing by interleaving the lines of all fields.



< Frequency of the Camera Link clock.

< Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera.

< Clock frequency of the camera A/D conversion stage.

< Connection is in use.

< Connection is not in use.




< Disables the Link heartbeat.

< Enables the Link heartbeat.

< Disables the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit feature.

< Enables the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit feature.





< Serial port speed of 9600 baud.

< Serial port speed of 19200 baud.

< Serial port speed of 38400 baud.

< Serial port speed of 57600 baud.

< Serial port speed of 115200 baud.

< Serial port speed of 230400 baud.

< Serial port speed of 460800 baud.

< Serial port speed of 921600 baud.

< Serial port associated to the Camera link connection.

< Stream channel data is big Endian.

< Stream channel data is little Endian.

< Data stream receiver channel.

< Data stream transmitter channel.







< Geometry_1X

< Geometry_1X2

< Geometry_1X2_1Y

< Geometry_1X2_1Y2

< Geometry_1X2_2YE

< Geometry_1X3

< Geometry_1X3_1Y

< Geometry_1X4

< Geometry_1X4_1Y

< Geometry_1X8

< Geometry_1X8_1Y

< Geometry_1X10

< Geometry_1X10_1Y

< Geometry_1X_1Y

< Geometry_1X_1Y2

< Geometry_1X_2YE

< Geometry_2X

< Geometry_2X2

< Geometry_2X2E

< Geometry_2X2E_1YGeometry_2X2M_1Y

< Geometry_2X2E_2YE

< Geometry_2X2M

< Geometry_2X2_1Y

< Geometry_2XE

< Geometry_2XE_1Y2

< Geometry_2XE_2YE

< Geometry_2XM

< Geometry_2XM_1Y

< Geometry_2XM_1Y2

< Geometry_2XM_2YE

< Geometry_2X_1Y

< Geometry_2X_1Y2Geometry_2XE_1Y

< Geometry_2X_2YE

< Geometry_3X

< Geometry_3X_1Y

< Geometry_4X

< Geometry_4X2

< Geometry_4X2E

< Geometry_4X2E_1Y

< Geometry_4X2_1Y

< Geometry_4X_1Y

< Geometry_8X

< Geometry_8X_1Y

< Geometry_10X

< Geometry_10X_1Y


< Controllable device (with no data stream handling).

< Data stream receiver device.

< Data stream receiver and transmitter device.

< Data stream transmitter device.

!< Object is not yet initialized

!> the notation if either scientific or fixed depending on what is shorter

!> the notation is fixed, e.g. 123.4

< The counter increments or decrements 1 for every full quadrature cycle with jitter filtering.

< The counter increments or decrements every quadrature phase for high resolution counting, but without jitter filtering.

< Output pulses are generated at all position increments in the negative direction while ignoring positive direction motion.

< Output pulses are generated at all position increments in the positive direction while ignoring negative direction motion.

< Output pulses are generated at all motion increments in both directions.

< No output pulse are generated.

< Output pulses are generated at all new positions in the negative direction. If the encoder reverses no output pulse are generated until it has again passed the position where the reversal started.

< Output pulses are generated at all new positions in the positive direction. If the encoder reverses no output pulse are generated until it has again passed the position where the reversal started.

< Resets the Encoder on the Falling or rising Edge of the selected signal.

< Resets the Encoder on the Falling Edge of the signal.

< Resets the Encoder as long as the selected signal level is High.

< Resets the Encoder as long as the selected signal level is Low.

< Resets the Encoder on the Rising Edge of the signal.

< Resets with the reception of the Acquisition End.

< Resets with the reception of the Acquisition Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Acquisition Trigger.

< Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).

< Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).

< Resets on assertions of the chosen action signal (Broadcasted signal on the transport layer).

< Resets with the reception of the Counter End.

< Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Counter End.

< Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Counter End.

< Resets with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Exposure End.

< Resets with the reception of the Exposure Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Frame End.

< Resets with the reception of the Frame Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Frame Start Trigger.

< Resets by the chosen I/O Line.

< Resets by the chosen I/O Line.

< Resets by the chosen I/O Line.

< Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).

< Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).

< Resets on the reception of the chosen Link Trigger (received from the transport layer).

< Disable the Encoder Reset trigger.

< Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Resets on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer End.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer End.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer End.

< Resets with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Resets by the chosen User Output bit.

< Resets by the chosen User Output bit.

< Resets by the chosen User Output bit.

< Selects Encoder 0.

< Selects Encoder 1.

< Selects Encoder 2.

< Encoder Forward input is taken from the chosen I/O Line.

< Encoder Forward input is taken from the chosen I/O Line.

< Encoder Forward input is taken from the chosen I/O Line.

< Counter is stopped.

< Encoder Reverse input is taken from the chosen I/O Line..

< Encoder Reverse input is taken from the chosen I/O Line..

< Encoder Reverse input is taken from the chosen I/O Line..

< Counter is stopped.

< The encoder counter last decremented.

< The encoder is not active.

< No motion within the EncoderTimeout time.

< The encoder counter last incremented.

!< Register is big endian

!< Register is little endian

!< Object is not yet initialized

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for Gen API related errors.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

Error codes less than -10000 are reserved for user-defined custom errors.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.

An error code of 0 means that the function has run without error.

The error codes in the range of -1000 to -1999 are reserved for Spinnaker exceptions.









< Exposure time is constantly adapted by the device to maximize the dynamic range.

< Exposure time is manually controlled using ExposureTime

< Exposure time is adapted once by the device. Once it has converged, it returns to the Off state.

< Timed exposure. The exposure time is set using the ExposureTime or ExposureAuto features and the exposure starts with the FrameStart or LineStart.

< Uses the width of the current Frame trigger signal pulse to control the exposure time.

< The exposure time is common to all the color components. The common ExposureTime value to use can be set selecting it with ExposureTimeSelector[Common].

< The exposure time is individual for each color component. Each individual ExposureTime values to use can be set by selecting them with ExposureTimeSelector.

< Selects the blue ExposureTime.

< Selects the common ExposureTime.

< Selects the cyan common ExposureTime.

< Selects the green ExposureTime.

< Selects the infrared ExposureTime.

< Selects the magenta ExposureTime.

< Selects the red common ExposureTime.

< Selects the first stage ExposureTime.

< Selects the second stage ExposureTime.

< Selects the ultraviolet ExposureTime.

< Selects the yellow ExposureTime.









< File Operation failed.

< An overflow occurred while executing the File Operation.

< File Operation was sucessful.






< Gain tap balancing is constantly adjusted by the device.

< Gain tap balancing is user controlled using Gain .

< Gain tap balancing is automatically adjusted once by the device. Once it has converged, it automatically returns to the Off state.

< Gain is constantly adapted by the device to maximize the dynamic range.

< Gain is manually controlled

< Gain is adapted once by the device. Once it has converged, it returns to the Off state.





< Dynamic LAG

< Multi Link

< Single Link

< Static LAG

< Version 1 1

< Version 2 0

< Off

< On

< Unknown Accuracy

< Automatic

< Slave Only

< Disabled

< Faulty

< Initializing

< Listening

< Master

< Passive

< Pre Master

< Slave

< Uncalibrated


< Force IP


< None

< Persistent IP

< Dynamic LAG

< Multi Link

< Single Link

< Static LAG























< The acquisition of color of the reflected light is controlled

< The acquisition of confidence map of the acquired image is controlled. Confidence data may be binary (0 - invalid) or an integer where 0 is invalid and increasing value is increased confidence in the data in the corresponding pixel. If floating point representation is used the confidence image is normalized to the range [0,1], for integer representation the maximum possible integer represents maximum confidence.

< The acquisition of stereo camera disparity data is controlled. Disparity is a more specific range format approximately inversely proportional to distance. Disparity is typically given in pixel units.

< The acquisition of non-visible infrared light is controlled.

< The acquisition of intensity of the reflected light is controlled.

< The acquisition of range (distance) data is controlled. The data produced may be only range (2.5D) or a point cloud 3D coordinates depending on the Scan3dControl.

< The acquisition of data measuring how much light is scattered around the reflected light. In processing this is used as an additional intensity image, often together with the standard intensity.

< The acquisition of non-visible ultraviolet light is controlled.

< Provides optimized color and slightly better compression than baseline standard by using custom Huffman tables optimized after statistical analysis of the image content.

< Indicates this is a baseline sequential (single-scan) DCT-based JPEG.

< Selects lossless JPEG compression based on a predictive coding model.

< Indicates this is a progressive (multi-scan) DCT-based JPEG.



< Output stream follows a constant bit rate. Allows easy bandwidth management on the link.

< Output stream has a constant image quality. Can be used when image processing algorithms are sensitive to image degradation caused by excessive data compression.

< Bitmap.

< Determine file format from file extension.


< JPEG 2000.

< Portable gray map.

< Portable network graphics.

< Portable pixmap.

< Raw data.

< Tagged image file format.

< Image chunk data is invalid

< Image failed CRC check.

< Image data is incomplete. Could be caused by missing packet(s). See link above.

< Received more data than the size of the image.

< Image info is corrupted. Could be caused by missing packet(s). See link above.

< Image leader is missing. Could be caused by missing packet(s). See link above.

< Image trailer is missing. Could be caused by missing packet(s). See link above.

< Image is returned from GetNextImage() call without any errors.

< Image cannot be processed due to lack of system resources.

< Image has an unknown error.

!> Indicates a swiss knife that it is used as worker for a converter computing TO

!> Indicates a swiss knife that it is used as worker for a converter computing FROM

!> IValue interface

!> IInteger interface

!> IRegister interface

!> IBoolean interface

!> IEnumeration interface

!> ICategory interface

!> ICommand interface

!> IBase interface

!> IEnumEntry interface

!> IString interface

!> IFloat interface

< This LUT is for re-mapping pixels of all formats (mono, Bayer, red, green and blue).



































!> All nodes which will be invalidated if this node becomes invalid

!> All child nodes which may be written to

!> All terminal nodes which may be written to by this node

!> List of references to nodes which may invalidate this node

!> All child nodes which influence this node’s AccessMode










< AcquisitionActive

< Counter0End

< Counter0Start

< Counter1End

< Counter1Start

< ExposureEnd

< ExposureStart

< FrameTriggerWait

< Line0

< Line1

< Line2

< Line3

< LogicBlock0

< LogicBlock1

< UserOutput0

< UserOutput1

< UserOutput2

< UserOutput3

< Zero





!< name resides in custom namespace

!< name resides in one of the standard namespaces

!< Object is not yet initialized

< Bayer Blue Green filter.

< Bayer Green Blue filter.

< Bayer Green Red filter.

< Bayer Red Green filter.

< No color filter.

< Blue 8-bit

< Blue 10-bit

< Blue 12-bit

< Blue 12-bit packed JPEG.

< Blue 16-bit


< Blue-Green-Red 10-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 10-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red 12-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 12-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red 14-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 16-bit

< Blue-Green-Red 5/6/5-bit packed


< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 10-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 10-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 12-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 12-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 14-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 16-bit


< Bayer Blue-Green 10-bit unpacked



< Bayer Blue-Green 12-bit unpacked





< Bayer Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked



< Bayer Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked





< Bayer Green-Red 10-bit unpacked



< Bayer Green-Red 12-bit unpacked





< Bayer Red-Green 10-bit unpacked



< Bayer Red-Green 12-bit unpacked




< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 8-bit

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 10-bit packed

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 12-bit packed

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 16-bit

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 8-bit

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 10-bit packed

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 12-bit packed

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 8-bit

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 10-bit packed

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 12-bit packed

< Confidence 1-bit unpacked

< Confidence 1-bit packed

< Confidence 8-bit

< Confidence 16-bit

< Confidence 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 8-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 10-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 12-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 16-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 32-bit floating point planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A-C 8-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-C 10-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-C 12-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A-C 16-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-C 32-bit floating point planar

< 3D coordinate B 8-bit

< 3D coordinate B 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate B 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate B 16-bit

< 3D coordinate B 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate C 32-bit floating point

< Green 8-bit

< Green 10-bit

< Green 12-bit

< Green 16-bit

< Green Blue 12-bit JPEG.

< Green Red 12-bit JPEG.

< JPEG Color 8-bit

< JPEG Monochrome 8-bit

< Lossless Compression Bayer Red Green filter 8-bit

< Lossless Compression Monochrome 8-bit

< Monochrome 1-bit packed

< Monochrome 2-bit packed

< Monochrome 4-bit packed


< Monochrome 8-bit signed

< Monochrome 10-bit unpacked



< Monochrome 12-bit unpacked



< Monochrome 14-bit unpacked


< Monochrome 16-bit signed

< Monochrome 32-bit float

< Monochrome Polarized 8-bit

< Monochrome Polarized 10-bit packed

< Monochrome Polarized 12-bit packed

< Monochrome Polarized 16-bit

< Red 8-bit

< Red 10-bit

< Red 12-bit

< Red 12-bit JPEG.

< Red 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 8-bit


< Red-Green-Blue 8-bit planar

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked planar

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit packed into 32-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked planar

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue 14-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit planar

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit signed

< Red-Green-Blue 32-bit float

< Red-Green-Blue 5/6/5-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 8-bit

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 10-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 10-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 12-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 12-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 14-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 32-bit float

< Raw bit.

< Raw 16 bit.

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 16-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 16-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 16-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 16-bit


< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed


< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit


< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.709

< YUV 4:4:4 8-bit


< YUV 4:1:1 8-bit


< YUV 4:2:2 8-bit

< YUV 4:2:2 8-bit


< Blue 8-bit

< Blue 10-bit

< Blue 12-bit

< Blue 16-bit

< Blue-Green-Red 8-bit

< Blue-Green-Red 10-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 10-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red 12-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 12-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red 14-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red 16-bit

< Blue-Green-Red 5/6/5-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 8-bit

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 10-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 10-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 12-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 12-bit packed

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 14-bit unpacked

< Blue-Green-Red-alpha 16-bit

< Bayer Blue-Green 8-bit

< Bayer Blue-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bayer Blue-Green 10-bit packed

< Bayer Blue-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bayer Blue-Green 12-bit packed

< Bayer Blue-Green 16-bit

< Bayer Green-Blue 8-bit

< Bayer Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked

< Bayer Green-Blue 10-bit packed

< Bayer Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked

< Bayer Green-Blue 12-bit packed

< Bayer Green-Blue 16-bit

< Bayer Green-Red 8-bit

< Bayer Green-Red 10-bit unpacked

< Bayer Green-Red 10-bit packed

< Bayer Green-Red 12-bit unpacked

< Bayer Green-Red 12-bit packed

< Bayer Green-Red 16-bit

< Bayer Red-Green 8-bit

< Bayer Red-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bayer Red-Green 10-bit packed

< Bayer Red-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bayer Red-Green 12-bit packed

< Bayer Red-Green 16-bit

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 8-bit

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 10-bit packed

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 12-bit packed

< Polarized Bayer Red Green filter 16-bit

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 8-bit

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 10-bit packed

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Blue/Green - Red/Green 12-bit packed

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 8-bit

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 10-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 10-bit packed

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 12-bit unpacked

< Bi-color Red/Green - Blue/Green 12-bit packed

< Confidence 1-bit unpacked

< Confidence 1-bit packed

< Confidence 8-bit

< Confidence 16-bit

< Confidence 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 8-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 10-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 12-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 16-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-B-C 32-bit floating point planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate A-C 8-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-C 10-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate A-C 12-bit packed planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate A-C 16-bit planar

< 3D coordinate A-C 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate A-C 32-bit floating point planar

< 3D coordinate B 8-bit

< 3D coordinate B 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate B 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate B 16-bit

< 3D coordinate B 32-bit floating point

< 3D coordinate C 8-bit

< 3D coordinate C 10-bit packed

< 3D coordinate C 12-bit packed

< 3D coordinate C 16-bit

< 3D coordinate C 32-bit floating point

< Green 8-bit

< Green 10-bit

< Green 12-bit

< Green 16-bit

< JPEG Color 8-bit

< JPEG Monochrome 8-bit

< Lossless Compression Bayer Red Green filter 8-bit

< Lossless Compression Monochrome 8-bit

< Monochrome 1-bit packed

< Monochrome 2-bit packed

< Monochrome 4-bit packed

< Monochrome 8-bit

< Monochrome 8-bit signed

< Monochrome 10-bit unpacked

< Monochrome 10-bit packed

< Monochrome 12-bit unpacked

< Monochrome 12-bit packed

< Monochrome 14-bit unpacked

< Monochrome 16-bit

< Monochrome 16-bit signed

< Monochrome 32-bit float

< Monochrome Polarized 8-bit

< Monochrome Polarized 10-bit packed

< Monochrome Polarized 12-bit packed

< Monochrome Polarized 16-bit

< Red 8-bit

< Red 10-bit

< Red 12-bit

< Red 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 8-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 8-bit planar

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit unpacked planar

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue 10-bit packed into 32-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit unpacked planar

< Red-Green-Blue 12-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue 14-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit planar

< Red-Green-Blue 16-bit signed

< Red-Green-Blue 32-bit float

< Red-Green-Blue 5/6/5-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 8-bit

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 10-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 10-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 12-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 12-bit packed

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 14-bit unpacked

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 16-bit

< Red-Green-Blue-alpha 32-bit float

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Blue-White-Green 16-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Blue 16-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Green-White-Red 16-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 8-bit

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 10-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 10-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 12-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 12-bit packed

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 14-bit unpacked

< Sparse Color Filter #1 White-Red-White-Green 16-bit

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.601

< YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:4:4 12-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit unpacked BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.709

< YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit packed BT.709

< YUV 4:4:4 8-bit

< YUV 4:1:1 8-bit

< YUV 4:2:2 8-bit

< YUV 4:2:2 8-bit

< 1 bit per pixel.

< 2 bits per pixel.

< 4 bits per pixel.

< 8 bits per pixel.

< 10 bits per pixel.

< 12 bits per pixel.

< 14 bits per pixel.

< 16 bits per pixel.

< 20 bits per pixel.

< 24 bits per pixel.

< 30 bits per pixel.

< 32 bits per pixel.

< 36 bits per pixel.

< 48 bits per pixel.

< 64 bits per pixel.

< 96 bits per pixel.

< The destination of the region is the data stream 0.

< The destination of the region is the data stream 1.

< The destination of the region is the data stream 2.

< Disable the usage of the Region.

< Enable the usage of the Region.

< Selected features will control all the regions at the same time.

< Selected feature will control the region 0.

< Selected feature will control the region 1.

< Selected feature will control the region 2.

!< Check box

!< Hex number in an edit control

!< IP-Address

!< Slider with linear behavior

!< Slider with logarithmic behaviour

!< MAC-Address

!< Decimal number in an edit control

< Uses a matrix optimized for a cloudy sky with color temperature 6500K.

< Uses a matrix optimized for a typical cool fluoresecent light with color temperature 4000K.

< Uses a custom matrix set by the user through the ColorTransformationValueSelector and ColorTransformationValue controls.

< Uses a matrix optimized for noon Daylight with color temperature 5000K.

< Uses a matrix calibrated for a wide range of light sources.

< Uses a matrix optimized for shade with color temperature 8000K.

< Uses a matrix optimized for tungsten/incandescent light with color temperature 2800K.

< Uses a matrix optimized for a typical warm fluoresecent light with color temperature 3000K.

< Rotation around X axis.

< Rotation around Y axis.

< Rotation around Z axis.

< X axis translation.

< Y axis translation.

< Z axis translation.

< The first (X or Theta) coordinate

< The second (Y or Phi) coordinate

< The third (Z or Rho) coordinate.

< Default value. 3-axis orthogonal, right-hand X-Y-Z.

< A Theta-Y-Rho coordinate system.

< A Theta-Phi-Rho coordinate system.

< Default value. Original fixed reference. The coordinate system fixed relative the camera reference point marker is used.

< Transformed reference system. The transformed coordinate system is used according to the definition in the rotation and translation matrices.

< Rotation around X axis.

< Rotation around Y axis.

< Rotation around Z axis.

< Translation along X axis.

< Translation along Y axis.

< Translation along Z axis.

< Distance values are in inch units.

< Distance values are in millimeter units (default).

< 3 Coordinates in grid organization. The full 3 coordinate data with the grid array organization from the sensor kept.

< 3 Coordinates without organization. The full 3 coordinate data without any organization of data points. Typically only valid points transmitted giving varying image size.

< 2 Coordinates with fixed B sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis uses the scale and offset parameters for the B axis.

< 2 Coordinates with varying sampling. The data is sent as a A and C coordinates (X,Z or Theta,Rho). The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Calibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. No information on X-Y axes available.

< Depth Map with varying B sampling. The distance data is expressed in the chosen distance unit. The data is a 2.5D range map. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Disparity 2.5D Depth map. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value.

< Disparity 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The distance is inversely proportional to the pixel (disparity) value. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Rectified 2.5D Depth map. The distance data has been rectified to a uniform sampling pattern in the X and Y direction. The data is a 2.5D range map only. If a complete 3D point cloud is rectified but transmitted as explicit coordinates it should be transmitted as one of the “CalibratedABC” formats.

< Rectified 2.5D Depth map with varying B sampling. The data is sent as rectified 1D profiles using Coord3D_C pixels. The B (Y) axis comes from the encoder chunk value.

< Uncalibrated 2.5D Depth map. The distance data does not represent a physical unit and may be non-linear. The data is a 2.5D range map only.

< 8 taps.

< 4 taps.

< 1 tap.

< 10 taps.

< 3 taps.

< 2 taps.

< The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels. All the pixels are exposed for the same length of time at the same time.

< The shutter opens at the same time for all pixels but ends in a sequential manner. The pixels are exposed for different lengths of time.

< The shutter opens and closes sequentially for groups (typically lines) of pixels. All the pixels are exposed for the same length of time but not at the same time.

< 8 taps.

< 4 taps.

< 1 tap.

< 10 taps.

< 3 taps.

< 2 taps.












































!> slope changes, e.g. at run-time

!> strictly monotonous increasing

!> strictly monotonous decreasing

!< Object is not yet initialized

< Selects the software generated signal to control.

< Selects the software generated signal to control.

< Selects the software generated signal to control.

< Selects all the data sources.

< Selects the data source 0.

< Selects the data source 1.

< Selects the data source 2.

!< name resides in camera link namespace

!< name resides in GigE Vision namespace

!< name resides in 1394 IIDC namespace

!< name resides in custom namespace

!< name resides in USB namespace

!< Object is not yet initialized

< The device is already opened by another entity

< Not available to connect

< Open in Read access mode by this GenTL host

< Open in Read/Write mode by this GenTL host

< Read-only access

< Full access

< Not known to producer.

< Full-Speed.

< High-Speed.

< Low-Speed.

< Super-Speed.

< Unknown-Speed.

< Handling the device endianness according to GenICam Schema 1.0

< Handling the device endianness according to GenICam Schema 1.1 and later

< Camera Link

< Camera Link High Speed

< CoaXPress

< Custom transport layer

< GigE Vision

< USB3 Vision

< FLIR Light Weight Filter Driver is disabled

< FLIR Light Weight Filter Driver is enabled

< Not Supported

< Load XML from device

< Load XML from host

< Load GenICam XML from device

< Load GenICam XML from host

< Control access privilege.

< Exclusive access privilege.

< Open access privilege.

< Camera Link

< Camera Link High Speed

< CoaXPress

< Custom transport layer

< GigE Vision

< USB3 Vision

< Not Supported

< Power is Off

< Power is On

< DEPRECATED. The number of buffers used for the stream is automatically calculated based on the device frame rate.

< The number of buffers used for the stream are set by the user.

< The application always gets the buffer from the tail of the output buffer queue (thus, the newest available one). If the output buffer queue is empty, the application waits for a newly acquired buffer until the timeout expires.

< The application always gets the latest completed buffer (the newest one). If the Output Buffer Queue is empty, the application waits for a newly acquired buffer until the timeout expires. This buffer handling mode is typically used in a live display GUI where it is important that there is no lag between camera and display.

< The application always gets the buffer from the head of the output buffer queue (thus, the oldest available one). If the output buffer queue is empty, the application waits for a newly acquired buffer until the timeout expires.

< The application always gets the buffer from the head of the output buffer queue (thus, the oldest available one). If the output buffer queue is empty, the application waits for a newly acquired buffer until the timeout expires. If a new buffer arrives it will overwrite the existing buffer from the head of the queue (behaves like a circular buffer).

< Camera Link

< Camera Link High Speed

< CoaXPress

< Custom transport layer

< GigE Vision

< USB3 Vision

< Camera Link

< Camera Link High Speed

< CoaXPress

< Custom transport layer

< GigE Vision

< Different Interface modules of the GenTL Producer are of different types

< USB3 Vision

< Pixel value increments by 1 for each pixel.

< Test pattern is disabled.

< A test pattern generated by the image sensor. The pattern varies for different sensor models.

< TestPattern feature controls the test pattern inserted at the start of the image pipeline.

< TestPattern feature controls the sensor`s test pattern generator.

< Selects the Timer 0.

< Selects the Timer 1.

< Selects the Timer 2.

< The Timer is counting for the specified duration.

< The Timer reached the TimerDuration count.

< The Timer is idle.

< The Timer is waiting for a start trigger.

< Starts counting on the Falling or Rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.

< Starts counting on the Falling Edge of the selected trigger signal.

< Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is High.

< Counts as long as the selected trigger signal level is Low.

< Starts counting on the Rising Edge of the selected trigger signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Acquisition End.

< Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Acquisition Trigger.

< Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.

< Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.

< Starts with the assertion of the chosen action signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter End.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter End.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter End.

< Starts with the reception of the Counter Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Encoder output signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Exposure End.

< Starts with the reception of the Exposure Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst End.

< Starts with the reception of the Frame Burst Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Frame End.

< Starts with the reception of the Frame Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Frame Start Trigger.

< Starts when the specidfied TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.

< Starts when the specidfied TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.

< Starts when the specidfied TimerTriggerActivation condition is met on the chosen I/O Line.

< Starts with the reception of the Line End.

< Starts with the reception of the Line Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Line Start Trigger.

< Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.

< Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.

< Starts with the reception of the chosen Link Trigger.

< Disables the Timer trigger.

< Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Starts on the reception of the Software Signal.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer End. Note that a timer can retrigger itself to achieve a free running Timer.

< Starts with the reception of the Timer Start.

< Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.

< Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.

< Specifies which User Output bit signal to use as internal source for the trigger.

< The TransferStreamChannel feature controls the index of the stream channel for the streaming of all the planes of the planar pixel formats simultaneously or non planar pixel formats.

< The TransferStreamChannel feature controls the index of the stream channel for the streaming of blue plane of the planar pixel formats.

< The TransferStreamChannel feature controls the index of the stream channel for the streaming of the green plane of the planar pixel formats.

< The TransferStreamChannel feature controls the index of the stream channel for the streaming of the red plane of the planar pixel formats.

< Automatic

< Basic

< User Controlled

< Continuous

< Multi Block

< Blocks first In are transferred Out first.

< The transfer features control all the data streams simulateneously.

< The transfer features control the data stream 0.

< The transfer features control the data stream 1.

< The transfer features control the data stream 2.

< Data blocks transmission is suspended immediately.

< Data blocks queue is in overflow state.

< Data blocks transmission is stopped.

< Data blocks transmission is stopping. The current block transmission will be completed and the transfer state will stop.

< Data blocks are transmitted when enough data is available.

< Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the falling or rising edge of the source signal.

< Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the falling edge of the source signal.

< Specifies that the trigger is considered valid as long as the level of the source signal is high. This can apply to TransferActive and TransferPause trigger.

< Specifies that the trigger is considered valid as long as the level of the source signal is low. This can apply to TransferActive and TransferPause trigger.

< Specifies that the trigger is considered valid on the rising edge of the source signal.

< Disables the selected trigger.

< Enable the selected trigger.

< Selects a trigger to abort the transfers.

< Selects a trigger to Activate the transfers. This trigger type is used when TriggerActivation is set LevelHigh or levelLow.

< Selects a trigger to start the transfer of a burst of frames specified by TransferBurstCount.

< Selects a trigger to end the transfer of a burst of frames.

< Selects a trigger to pause the transfers.

< Selects a trigger to Resume the transfers.

< Selects a trigger to start the transfers.

< Selects a trigger to stop the transfers.

< Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Action command to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which of the Counter signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which physical line (or pin) and associated I/O control block to use as external source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Software Signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Software Signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Software Signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.

< Specifies which Timer signal to use as internal source for the transfer control trigger signal.


































< Factory default set.

< User configurable set 0.

< User configurable set 1.

< Factory default set.

< User configurable set 0.

< User configurable set 1.

< White Clip will be applied to all channels or taps.

< White Clip will be applied to the blue channel.

< White Clip will be applied to the green channel.

< White Clip will be applied to the red channel.

< White Clip will be applied to Tap 1.

< White Clip will be applied to Tap 2.

< White Clip will be applied to U channel.

< White Clip will be applied to V channel.

< White Clip will be applied to Y channel.

!< Object is not yet initialized

!> checks performed if nothing else is said

!> Creates a dummy node map

!> checks for conformance with the standard feature naming convention (SFNC)

!> checks for write and dependency cycles (implies xvLoad)

!< no

!< yes

!< Object is not yet initialized


Retrieves the value of a boolean node; boolean values are represented by ‘True’ (which equals ‘0’) and ‘False’ (which equals ‘1’) @see spinError

Sets the value of a boolean node; boolean values are represented by ‘True’ (which equals ‘0’) and ‘False’ (which equals ‘1’) @see spinError

Has a camera start acquiring images @see spinError

Deinitializes a camera, greatly reducing functionality @see spinError

Returns the largest packet size that can be safely used on the interface that device is connected to. @see spinError

Has a camera stop acquiring images @see spinError

Forces the camera to be on the same subnet as its corresponding interface.

Retrieves the access mode of a camera (as an enum, spinAccessMode) @see spinError @see spinAccessMode

Retrieves the GUI XML from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves an image from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves an image from a camera; manually set the timeout in milliseconds @see spinError

Retrieves the GenICam nodemap from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves the transport layer device nodemap from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves the transport layer stream nodemap from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves a unique identifier for a camera @see spinError

Initializes a camera, allowing for much more interaction @see spinError

Checks whether a camera is currently initialized @see spinError

Checks whether a camera is currently acquiring images @see spinError

Checks whether a camera is still valid for use @see spinError

Appends all the cameras from one camera list to another @see spinError

Clears a camera list @see spinError

Creates an empty camera list (camera lists created this way must be destroyed) @see spinError

Destroys a camera list @see spinError

Retrieves a camera from a camera list using an index. This function will return a SPINNAKER_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER error if the input index is out of range. @see spinError

Retrieves a camera from a camera list using its serial number. This function will return a NULL spinCamera pointer if no matching camera serial is found. @see spinError

Retrieves the number of cameras on a camera list @see spinError

Removes a camera from a camera list using its index @see spinError

Removes a camera from a camera list using its serial number @see spinError

Registers a universal device event handler (every device event type) to a camera @see spinError

Registers a specific device event handler (only one device event type) to a camera @see spinError

Registers an image event handler to a camera @see spinError

Releases a camera @see spinError

Unregisters a device event handler from a camera @see spinError

Unregisters an image event handler from a camera @see spinError

Retrieves a node from a category node using an index @see spinError

Retrieves the number of a features (or child nodes) or a category node @see spinError

Releases the feature node from the category node. Make sure node handle is cleaned up properly by setting it to NULL after the node is released If this function is not explicitly called, the handle will be released upon the release of the camera handle. @see spinCameraRelease @see spinError

Executes the action associated to a command node @see spinError

Retrieves whether or not the action of a command node has completed @see spinError

Creates a device arrival event handler @see spinError

Destroys a device arrival event handler @see spinError

Retrieves the event ID of a device event @see spinError

Retrieves the event name of a device event @see spinError

Retrieves the payload data of a device event @see spinError

Retrieves the payload data size of a device event @see spinError

Creates a device event handler @see spinError

Destroys a device event handler @see spinError

Creates a device removal event handler @see spinError

Destroys a device removal event handler @see spinError

Retrieves the enum value (as an integer) of an entry node; note that enumeraiton entry int and enum values are different - int values defined on camera, enum values found in SpinnakerDefsC.h @see spinEnumerationSetEnumValue() @see spinError

Retrieves the integer value of an entry node; note that enumeration entry int and enum values are different - int values defined on camera, enum values found in SpinnakerDefsC.h @see spinEnumerationSetIntValue() @see spinError

Retrieves the symbolic of an entry node as a c-string @see spinError

Retrieves the currently selected entry node from an enum node @see spinError

Retrieves an entry node from an enum node using an index @see spinError

Retrieves an entry node from an enum node using the entry’s symbolic @see spinError

Retrieves the number of entries of an enum node @see spinError

Releases the entry node from the enum node handle. Make sure node handle is cleaned up properly by setting it to NULL after the node is released If this function is not explicitly called, the handle will be released upon the release of the camera handle. @see spinCameraRelease @see spinError

Sets a new entry using its enum; note that enumeration entry int and enum values are different - int values defined on camera, enum values found in SpinnakerDefsC.h @see spinEnumerationEntryGetEnumValue() @see spinError

Sets a new entry using its integer value retrieved from a call to spinEnumerationEntryGetIntValue(); note that enumeration entry int and enum values are different - int values defined on camera, enum values found in SpinnakerDefsC.h @see spinEnumerationEntryGetIntValue() @see spinError

Retrieves the error code of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the build date of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the build time of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the filename of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the full error message of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the function name of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the line number of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the error message of the last error @see spinError

Retrieves the maximum value of a float node; all potential values must be lesser than or equal to the maximum @see spinError

Retrieves the minimum value of a float node; all potential values must be greater than or equal to the minimum @see spinError

Retrieves the numerical representation of the value of a node; i.e. linear, logarithmic, hexidecimal, MAC address, etc. @see spinError

Retrieves the units of the float node value @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a float node @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a float node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Sets the value of a float node @see spinError

Sets the value of a float node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Calculates the image statistics of an image @see spinError

Checks whether the CRC of an image is correct @see spinError

Converts the pixel format of one image into a new image @see spinError

Converts the pixel format and color processing algorithm of one image into a new image @see spinError

Creates an image from another; images created this way must be destroyed

Creates an empty image; images created this way must be destroyed

Creates an image with some set properties; images created this way must be destroyed

Creates an image with some set properties; images created this way must be destroyed

Creates a deep copy of an image (the destination image must be created as an empty image prior to the deep copy) @see spinError

Destroys an image @see spinError

Creates an image event handler @see spinError

Destroys an image event handler @see spinError

Retrieves the number of bits per pixel of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the buffer size of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the chunk layout ID of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the color processing algorithm of a specific image @see spinError

Retrieves the image data of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the default color processing algorithm @see spinError

Retrieves the frame ID of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the height of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the ID of an image @see spinError

Gets the number of threads used for image decompression during Convert().

Retrieves the offset of an image along its X axis @see spinError

Retrieves the offset of an image along its Y axis @see spinError

Retrieves the padding of an image along its X axis @see spinError

Retrieves the padding of an image along its Y axis @see spinError

Retrieves the payload type of an image (as an enum, spinPayloadTypeInfoIds) @see spinError @see spinPayloadTypeInfoIds

Retrieves the pixel format of an image (as an enum, spinPixelFormatEnums) @see spinError @see spinPixelFormatEnums

Retrieves the pixel format of an image (as a symbolic) @see spinError

Retrieves the private data of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the size of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the image status of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the description of image status @see spinError

Retrieves the stride of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the transport layer payload type of an image (as an enum, spinPayloadTypeInfoIds) @see spinError @see spinPayloadTypeInfoIds

Retrieves the transport layer pixel format of an image (as an unsigned integer) @see spinError

Retrieves the transport layer pixel format namespace of an image (as an enum, spinPixelFormatNamespaceID) @see spinError @see spinPixelFormatNamespaceID

Retrieves the timestamp of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the valid payload size of an image @see spinError

Retrieves the width of an image @see spinError

Checks whether an image has CRC @see spinError

Checks whether an image is incomplete @see spinError

Releases an image @see spinError

Resets an image with some set properties @see spinError

Resets an image with some set properties and image data @see spinError

Saves an image using a specified file format (using an enum, spinImageFileFormat) @see spinError @see spinImageFileFormat

Saves an image as a BMP image @see spinError

Saves an image using a specified file format (using the extension of the filename) @see spinError

Saves an image as a JPEG image @see spinError

Saves an image as a JPEG 2000 image @see spinError

Saves an image as an PGM image @see spinError

Saves an image as a PNG image @see spinError

Saves an image as a PPM image @see spinError

Saves an image as a TIFF image @see spinError

Sets the default color processing algorithm of all images (if not otherwise set) @see spinError

Sets the default number of threads used for image decompression during spinImageConvert(). The number of threads used is defaulted to be equal to one less than the number of concurrent threads supported by the system.

Creates an image statistics context

Destroys an image statistics context @see spinError

Disables all channels of an image statistics context @see spinError

Enables all channels of an image statistics context @see spinError

Disables all channels of an image statistics context except grey-scale @see spinError

Disables all channels of an image statistics context except hue, saturation, and lightness @see spinError

Disables all channels of an image statistics context except red, blue, and green @see spinError

Retrieves all available information of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Checks whether an image statistics context is enabled @see spinError

Retrieves a histogram of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Retrieves the mean of pixel values of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Retrieves the number of pixel values of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Retrieves the pixel value range of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Retrieves the range of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Sets the status of an image statistics channel @see spinError

Retrieves the increment of an integer node; all possible values must be divisible by the increment @see spinError

Retrieves the maximum value of an integer node; all potential values must be lesser than or equal to the maximum @see spinError

Retrieves the minimum value of an integer node; all potential values must be greater than or equal to the minimum @see spinError

Retrieves the numerical representation of the value of a node; i.e. linear, logarithmic, hexidecimal, MAC address, etc. @see spinError

Retrieves the value of an integer node @see spinError

Retrieves the value of an integer node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Sets the value of an integer node @see spinError

Sets the value of an integer node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Creates an interface event handler (both device arrival and device removal) @see spinError

Destroys an interface event handler (both device arrival and device removal) @see spinError

Retrieves a camera list from an interface; camera lists must be created and destroy

Retrieves a camera list from an interface; manually set whether to update the cameras; camera lists must be created and destroyed

Retrieves the transport layer nodemap from an interface @see spinError

Checks whether an interface is in use @see spinError

Clears an interface list @see spinError

Creates an empty interface list (interface lists created this way must be destroyed) @see spinError

Destroys an interface list @see spinError

Retrieves an interface from an interface list using an index (interfaces retrieved this way must be released) @see spinError

Retrieves the number of interfaces in an interface list @see spinError

Registers a device arrival event handler on an interface (event handlers registered in this way must be unregistered) @see spinError

Registers a device removal event handler on an interface (event handlers registered in this way must be unregistered) @see spinError

Registers an interface event handler (both device arrival and device removal) on an interface @see spinError

Releases an interface @see spinError

Broadcast an Action Command to all devices on interface @see spinError

Unregisters a device arrival event handler from an interface @see spinError

Unregisters a device removal event handler from an interface @see spinError

Unregisters an interface event handler from an interface @see spinError

Checks whether any cameras have been connected or disconnected on an interface @see spinError

Retrieves the category name of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the log message of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the NDC of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the priority of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the priority name of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the thread name of a log event @see spinError

Retrieves the timestamp of a log event @see spinError

Creates a log event handler @see spinError

Destroys a log event handler @see spinError

Unregisters a callback from a node @see spinError

Sets the value of any node type from a c-string; it is important to ensure that the value of the c-string is appropriate to the node type @see spinError

Sets the value of any node type from a c-string; manually set whether to verify the node; ensure the value of the c-string is appropriate to the node type @see spinError

Retrieves the access mode of a node (as an enum, spinAccessMode) @see spinError @see spinAccessMode

Retrieves the caching mode of a node (as an enum, spinCachingMode) @see spinError @see spinCachingMode

Retrieves a longer description of a node @see spinError

Retrieves the display name of a node (whitespace possible) @see spinError

Retrieves the imposed access mode of a node @see spinError

Retrieves the imposed visibility of a node @see spinError

Retrieves the name of a node (no whitespace) @see spinError

Retrieve the namespace of a node (as an enum, spinNameSpace) @see spinError @see spinNameSpace

Retrieve the polling time of a node @see spinError

Retrieves a short description of a node @see spinError

Retrieves the type of a node (as an enum, spinNodeType) @see spinError @see spinNodeType

Retrieves the recommended visibility of a node (as an enum, spinVisibility) @see spinError @see spinVisibility

Invalidates a node in case its values may have changed, rendering it no longer valid @see spinError

Checks whether a node is available @see spinError

Checks whether two nodes are equal

Checks whether a node is implemented @see spinError

Checks whether a node is readable @see spinError

Checks whether a node is writable @see spinError

Retrieves a node from the nodemap by name @see spinError

Retrieves a node from the nodemap by index @see spinError

Gets the number of nodes in the map @see spinError

Fires nodes which have a polling time @see spinError

Releases the entry node handle. Make sure node handle is cleaned up properly by setting it to NULL after the node is released. If this function is not explicitly called, the handle will be released upon the release of the camera handle. @see spinCameraRelease @see spinError

Registers a callback to a node @see spinError

Retrieves the value of any node type as a c-string @see spinError

Retrieves the value of any node type as a c-string; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a register node @see spinError

Retrieves the address of a register node @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a register node; manually set whether to verify the node and whether to ignore the cache @see spinError

Retrieves the length (in bytes) of the value of a register node @see spinError

Sets the value of a register node @see spinError

Sets the value of a register node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Uses a second node as a reference for a register node @see spinError

Retrieves the maximum length of the c-string to be returned @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a string node as a c-string @see spinError

Retrieves the value of a string node as a cstring; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Sets the value of a string node @see spinError

Sets the value of a string node; manually set whether to verify the node @see spinError

Retrieves a list of detected (and enumerable) cameras on the system; camera lists must be created and destroyed

Retrieves a list of detected (and enumerable) cameras on the system; manually set whether to update the current interface and camera lists; camera lists must be created and destroyed

Retrieves an instance of the system object; the system is a singleton, so there will only ever be one instance; system instance must be destroyed by calling spinSystemReleaseInstance

Retrieves a list of detected (and enumerable) interfaces on the system; interface lists must be created and destroyed

Get current library version of Spinnaker.

Retrieves the logging level for all logging events on the system @see spinError

Retrieves the transport layer nodemap from the system. @see spinError

Checks whether a system is currently in use @see spinError

Registers a device arrival event handler to every interface on the system (event handlers registered this way must be unregistered) @see spinError

Registers a device removal event handler to the system to every interface on the system (event handlers registered this way must be unregistered) @see spinError

Registers an interface event handler (device arrival and device removal) to every interface on the system (interface events registered this way must be unregistered) If new interfaces are detected by the system after spinSystemRegisterInterfaceEventHandler() is called, those interfaces will be automatically registered with this event. @see spinError @see spinInterfaceEventHandler

Registers a logging event handler to the system (event handlers registered in this way must be unregistered) @see spinError

Releases the system; make sure handle is cleaned up properly by setting it to NULL after system is released; the handle can only be used again after calling spinSystemGetInstance

Broadcast an Action Command to all devices on system @see spinError

Sets the logging level for all logging events on the system @see spinError

Unregisters all logging event handlers from the system @see spinError

Unregisters a device arrival event handler from the system @see spinError @see spinDeviceArrivalEventHandler

Unregisters a device removal event handler from the system @see spinError @see spinDeviceRemovalEventHandler

Unregisters an interface event handler from the system @see spinError @see spinInterfaceEventHandler

Unregisters a selected logging event handler from the system @see spinError

Updates the list of cameras on the system, informing whether there has been any changes @see spinError

Updates the list of cameras on the system, informing whether there has been any changes; manually set whether to update the current interface lists @see spinError

Type Definitions

Compression method used in saving TIFF images in the spinTIFFOption struct.

Possible Status Codes Returned from Action Command.

Color processing algorithms. Please refer to our knowledge base at article at for complete details for each algorithm.

! typedef for float notation

! Endianess of a value in a register

The error codes in the range of -2000 to -2999 are reserved for GenICam related errors. The error codes in the range of -3000 to -3999 are reserved for image processing related errors.

File formats to be used for saving images to disk.

Status of images returned from spinImageGetStatus() call.

! typedef for increment mode

! typedef for link type

! typedef for interface type

@brief The enum definitions for camera nodes.

! typedef for link type

log levels

! Defines if a node name is standard or custom

This enum represents the namespace in which the TL specific pixel format resides. This enum is returned from a captured image when calling spinImageGetTLPixelFormatNamespace(). It can be used to interpret the raw pixel format returned from spinImageGetTLPixelFormat().

! recommended representation of a node value

! typedef for fomula type

! Defines from which standard namespace a node name comes from

Channels that allow statistics to be calculated.

@brief The enumeration definitions for transport layer nodes.

! typedef describing the different validity checks which can be performed on an XML file *! The enum values for a bitfield of lenght uint32_t */

! Defines the chices of a Yes/No alternaitve

Action Command Result.

Options for saving uncompressed videos. Used in saving AVI videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenUncompressed().

Options for saving BMP images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveBmp().

Handle for camera functionality. Created by calling spinCameraListGet(), which requires a call to spinCameraRelease() to release.

Handle for interface functionality. Created by calling spinSystemGetCameras() or spinInterfaceGetCameras(), which require a call to spinCameraListClear() to clear, or spinCameraListCreateEmpty(), which requires a call to spinCameraListDestroy() to destroy.

@brief The type of information that can be obtained from image chunk data.

Handle for arrival event handler functionality. Created by calling spinArrivalEventCreate(), which requires a call to spinDeviceArrivalEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for device event data functionality. Received in device event function. No need to release, clear, or destroy.

Function signatures are used to create and trigger callbacks and events.

Handle for device event handler functionality. Created by calling spinDeviceEventHandlerCreate(), which requires a call to spinDeviceEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for removal event handler functionality. Created by calling spinDeviceRemovalEventHandlerCreate(), which requires a call to spinDeviceRemovalEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Options for saving H264 videos. Used in saving H264 videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenH264().

Handle for image functionality. Created by calling spinCameraGetNextImage() or spinCameraGetNextImageEx(), which require a call to spinImageRelease() to remove from buffer, or spinImageCreateEmpty(), spinImageCreateEx(), or spinImageCreate(), which require a call to spinImageDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for image event handler functionality. Created by calling spinImageEventHandlerCreate(), which requires a call to spinImageEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for image statistics functionality. Created by calling spinImageStatisticsCreate(), which requires a call to spinImageStatisticsDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for interface functionality. Created by calling spinInterfaceListGet(), which requires a call to spinInterfaceRelease() to release.

Handle for interface event handler functionality. Created by calling spinInterfaceEventHandlerCreate(), which requires a call to spinInterfaceEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Handle for interface list functionality. Created by calling spinSystemGetInterfaces(), which requires a call to spinInterfaceListClear() to clear, or spinInterfaceListCreateEmpty(), which requires a call to spinInterfaceListDestroy() to destroy.

Options for saving JPEG images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveJpeg().

Options for saving JPEG 2000 images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveJpg2().

Provides easier access to the current version of Spinnaker.

Handle for logging event data functionality. Received in log event function. No need to release, clear, or destroy.

Handle for logging event handler functionality. Created by calling spinLogEventHandlerCreate(), which requires a call to spinLogEventHandlerDestroy() to destroy.

Options for saving MJPG videos. Used in saving MJPG videos with a call to spinAVIRecorderOpenMJPG().

Function signatures are used to create and trigger callbacks and events.

Handle for callback functionality. Created by calling spinNodeRegisterCallback(), which requires a call to spinNodeUnregisterCallback() destroy.

Handle for node functionality. Created by calling spinNodeMapGetNode(). No need to release, clear, or destroy.

Handle for nodemap functionality. Created by calling spinCameraGetNodemap(), spinCameraGetTLDeviceNodeMap(), spinCameraGetTLStreamNodeMap() or spinInterfaceGetTLNodeMap(). No need to release, clear, or destroy.

Options for saving PGM images.

Options for saving PNG images. Used in saving PNG images with a call to spinImageSavePng().

Options for saving PPM images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSavePpm().

Handle for system functionality. Created by calling spinSystemGetInstance(), which requires a call to spinSystemReleaseInstance() to release.

Options for saving TIFF images. Used in saving PPM images with a call to spinImageSaveTiff().

Handle for video recording functionality. Created by calling spinVideoOpenUncompressed(), spinVideoOpenMJPG(), and spinVideoOpenH264(), which require a call to spinVideoClose() to destroy.