Crate libreda_oasis[][src]

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Library for reading and writing OASIS files.

OASIS is a binary format for storing two-dimensional geometrical data as it is commonly used for silicon chip layouts. Its purpose is very similar to the older GDS2 format.


Read a layout from OASIS

use std::fs::File;
use libreda_oasis::OASISStreamReader;
// Import the `LayoutStreamReader` trait.
use libreda_db::prelude::*;

let filename = "./tests/data/INVX1_no_compression.oas";
// Open the OASIS file for reading.
let mut f = File::open(filename).unwrap();

// Create an empty layout that will be populated by the OASIS reader.
let mut layout = Chip::new();

// Create a default OASIS reader and parse the data from the file.
let result = OASISStreamReader::default()
    .read_layout(&mut f, &mut layout);

// Assert that there was no error.

Write a layout to OASIS

use std::fs::File;
use libreda_oasis::OASISStreamWriter;
// Import the `LayoutStreamReader` trait.
use libreda_db::prelude::*;

// Create an empty layout.
let layout = Chip::new();

let mut f = File::create("./tests/data/empty_layout_out.oas").unwrap();

let writer = OASISStreamWriter::default();

// Write the (empty) layout to the file.
let write_result = writer.write_layout(&mut f, &layout);

// Assert that there was no error.


pub use libreda_db;


Reader for the OASIS file format.

Writer for the OASIS file format.

Configuration for the output stream format.


Most basic trait of a layout.

Trait for layouts that support editing.

Trait for reading a layout from a byte stream.

Trait for writing a layout to a byte stream.