Module libreda_logic::truth_table

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Traits and implementations of truth-tables.


  • Exact NPN (negation-permutation-negation) canonization of truth tables based on brute-force search. Boolean functions can be categorized in equivalence classes such that members of a class can be transformed into eachother by applying negations on the inputs, permuting the inputs and possibly negating the output. Each NPN class has the same combinational complexity, i.e. its members share the same size-optimal implementation as a boolean network.
  • Represent boolean functions with few inputs and one output as truth tables which are compactly stored in the bits of machine-type integers.


  • Abstraction for accessing and evaluating a partially defined truth-table.
  • Abstraction for accessing and evaluating a truth-table.
  • Abstraction for modifying a truth-table.