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Experimental: Wrapper around netlist, layout and L2N structures that allows undoing of operations.

This is work in progress. Missing things are:

  • Undoing a operation on the hierarchy does not necessarily restore netlist, layout and l2n information.
  • Undoing a netlist operation does not restore l2n information.
  • Undoing a layout operation does not restore l2n information.
  • Undoing does not restore user-defined properties.


Undoing removal of some objects does not preserve the ID of the object. For example if a cell is deleted this can be undone. The restored cell, pins, instances, etc. will have the same properties but different IDs.


Wrapper around netlist, layout and L2N structures that allows undoing of operations.


Undo operation for hierarchy operations.

Undo operation for L2NEdit operations.

Undo operation for LayoutEdit operations.

Undo operations on the netlist.