Expand description

Safe, Rusty driver for the EspoTek Labrador electronics lab board.

This crate provides direct access to the Labrador test board by wrapping the librador driver library in a safe, Rusty API. The primary entry point of the crate is the Labrador struct.

The Labrador multiplexes a variety of peripherals through two data buffers, so before you start to use it, you need to configure the appropriate mode. See the mode module for more details.


Find the Labrador board and get the firmware version

use librador::Labrador;

let mut labrador = match Labrador::find() {
    Err(_) => panic!("Unable to find Labrador..."),
    Ok(l) => l,

let variant = labrador.firmware_variant();
let version = labrador.firmware_version();
println!("Labrador found, variant {}, version {}", variant, version);

Set a digital output pin

use librador::Labrador;

let mut labrador = match Labrador::find() {
    Err(_) => panic!("Unable to find Labrador..."),
    Ok(l) => l,


Get recent digital data from the logic analyzer

use std::time::Duration;
use librador::Labrador;

let mut labrador = match Labrador::find() {
    Err(_) => panic!("Unable to find Labrador..."),
    Ok(l) => l,

let mut labrador = labrador.set_mode::<librador::mode::Mode3>();
let mut logic1 = labrador.logic_analyzer_ch1();
let data = logic1.data();

match data {
    None => println!("Unable to get data!"),
    Some(data) => println!("Data: {:?}", data),


Four channels of digital outputs.

The two channel logic analyzer.

Labrador mode control.

An arbitrary waveform generator.


A Labrador device.

Common configuration of sampling windows.

The specified voltage is not supported by the power supply.


An error arising during initialization.


One of the Labrador’s peripheral channels.