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libpostal-rust: A high-level, threadsafe wrapper around libpostal

The open source C library libpostal provides support for parsing and normalizing addresses using an external language model trained on addresses around the world. We provide a high-level Rust wrapper around that library, in a way that it can be linked into your main Rust binary.

Note that you will need to use libpostal_data (included with libpostal) to download and install about 2GB of language model data:

sudo libpostal_data download all /usr/local/share/libpostal

Once this is done, you can parse addresses as follows:

use libpostal_rust::{ParseAddressOptions, parse_address};

let addr = "781 Franklin Ave Crown Heights Brooklyn NYC NY 11216 USA";
let opt = ParseAddressOptions::default();
let parsed = parse_address(addr, &opt).unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed.get("state"), Some(&"ny".to_owned()));

You can turn parsed back into a nicely-formatted address (almost anywhere in the world) by using address-formatter’s support for OpenCage address templates.


Options for use with expand_address.

Options for use with parse_address.


A libpostal-related error.


Try to expand any abbreviations in an address.

Parse an address into its component values.

Type Definitions

A Result type which defaults to libpostal_rust::Error.