Module libp2p::core::connection[][src]


Future that signals the remote that we have closed the connection.

Information about a successfully established connection.

A multiplexed connection to a peer with an associated ConnectionHandler.

Network connection information.

Connection identifier.

Information about a connection limit.

The configurable connection limits.

An established connection in a pool.

An iterator over established connections in a pool.

Borrowed information about an incoming connection currently being negotiated.

The ID of a single listener.

Implementation of futures::Stream that allows listening on multiaddresses.

Borrowed information about an outgoing connection currently being negotiated.

A pending connection in a pool.


The endpoint roles associated with a peer-to-peer connection.

Errors that can occur in the context of an established Connection.

Event produced by a handler.

The endpoint roles associated with a peer-to-peer communication channel.

Event generated by a Connection.

Event that can happen on the ListenersStream.

Errors that can occur in the context of a pending Connection.

Endpoint for a received substream.


The interface of a connection handler.

Prototype for a ConnectionHandler.

Type Definitions

A successfully opened substream.