Crate libp2p_kad[][src]

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Implementation of the libp2p-specific Kademlia protocol.


pub use protocol::KadConnectionType;
pub use record::store;
pub use record::ProviderRecord;
pub use record::Record;


Implementation of a Kademlia routing table as used by a single peer participating in a Kademlia DHT.

The Kademlia connection protocol upgrade and associated message types.

Records and record storage abstraction of the libp2p Kademlia DHT.


The successful result of publishing a provider record.

A non-empty list of (unique) addresses of a peer in the routing table.

The successful result of Kademlia::bootstrap.

The successful result of Kademlia::get_providers.

The successful result of Kademlia::get_record.

Kademlia is a NetworkBehaviour that implements the libp2p Kademlia protocol.

The configuration for the Kademlia behaviour.

A record either received by the given peer or retrieved from the local record store.

The successful result of Kademlia::put_record.

Unique identifier for an active query.

A mutable reference to a running query.

An immutable reference to a running query.

Execution statistics of a query.


The possible errors when publishing a provider record.

The error result of Kademlia::bootstrap.

Information about a received and handled inbound request.

The configuration for Kademlia “write-back” caching after successful lookups via Kademlia::get_record.

The events produced by the Kademlia behaviour.

The configurable filtering strategies for the acceptance of incoming records.

The context of a QueryInfo::PutRecord query.

The phases of a QueryInfo::PutRecord query.

Information about a running query.

The results of Kademlia queries.

A quorum w.r.t. the configured replication factor specifies the minimum number of distinct nodes that must be successfully contacted in order for a query to succeed.


The α parameter of the Kademlia specification.

The k parameter of the Kademlia specification.

Type Definitions