Module libp2p_kad::protocol

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Provides the KadRequestMsg and KadResponseMsg enums of all the possible messages transmitted with the Kademlia protocol, and the KademliaProtocolConfig connection upgrade.

The upgrade’s output a Sink + Stream of messages.

The Stream component is used to poll the underlying transport, and the Sink component is used to send messages.


Information about a peer, as known by the sender.
Configuration for a Kademlia connection upgrade. When applied to a connection, turns this connection into a Stream + Sink whose items are of type KadRequestMsg and KadResponseMsg.


Status of our connection to a node reported by the Kademlia protocol.
Request that we can send to a peer or that we received from a peer.
Response that we can send to a peer or that we received from a peer.

Type Definitions

Sink of responses and stream of requests.
Sink of requests and stream of responses.