[−][src]Crate libojo
A library for creating, reading, and manipulating ojo
is a toy implementation of a version control system inspired by the same ideas as
. These ideas, and eventually the implementation of ojo
are documented in some blog posts
. This crate itself is not so
well documented, but doing so is one of my goals.
resolver | This module implements some tools that can be used to create interactive tools for resolving non-linearly-ordered graggles into linearly-ordered files. |
ChainGraggle | A version of a |
Changes | A set of |
Diff | Represents a diff between two |
Edge | This struct represents a directed edge in a graggle graph. |
File | A |
FullGraph | A wrapper around |
Graggle | A graggle is like a file, except that its lines are not necessarily in a linear order (rather, they form a directed graph). |
LiveGraph | A wrapper around |
NodeId | A globally unique ID for identifying a node. |
Patch | A set of changes together with some metadata (author, description, etc.) and a unique id. |
PatchId | A global identifier for a patch. |
Repo | This is the main interface to a |
UnidentifiedPatch | Like a |
Change | A single change. |
EdgeKind | The different kinds of edges. |
Error | |
LineDiff | |
PatchIdError |