[][src]Module libnv::libnv

FreeBSD implementation of Name/value pairs library. All insert operation clone values using dup(2) system call. So you don't have to worry about the lifetime of the value. Unless you leak NvList yourself using unsafe you don't have to worry about anything. Once list goes out of scope it will call to C library to free all resources associated with it. nvlist_take_* and nvlist_move_* operations are not supported for this very reason.

It's missing a few features:

  • Sending to socket
  • Receiving from socket
  • Insert/Remove file descriptors
  • Insert/Remove binary
  • Take operations
  • Iterator interface



A list of name/value pairs.



Options available for creation of an nvlist


Enumeration of available data types that the API supports.



This allows usage of insert method with basic types. Implement this for your own types if you don't want to convert to primitive types every time.