Expand description

The notcurses widgets.


A handy builder for NcSelector.

Type Definitions

menus on the top or bottom rows
Options struct for NcMenu.
Section for NcMenu.
high-level widget for selecting items from a set
A histogram, bound to an NcPlane (uses non-negative f64s)
Options struct for NcPlotF64 or NcPlotU64
A histogram, bound to an NcPlane (uses u64s)
Progress bars. They proceed linearly in any of four directions.
Options struct for NcProgBar
Provides a freeform input in a (possibly multiline) region
Options struct for NcReader
A wheel with NcTablets on the outside.
Options struct for NcReel
High-level widget for selecting one item from a set.
Item structure for NcSelector.
Options structure for NcSelector.
A tab for NcTabbed.
Tabbed widgets.
Visual tablet for NcReel
High-level hierarchical line-based data.
An NcTreeItem callback function.
An NcTreeItem callback function (unsafe).
Options struct for NcTree.