Expand description
Powerful, batteries-included Monero library. It is mainly function-oriented, but some structs are also included.
You can get started by adding the “libmonero” crate in your project:
cargo add libmonero
Below list is sorted alphabetically.
§Structs, Functions And All Usable Items
- Blocks
- Crypt
cn_slow_hash(input: &[u8]) -> String
- Keys
derive_address(public_spend_key: String, public_view_key: String, network: i8) -> String
derive_hex_seed(mnemonic_seed: Vec<String>) -> String
derive_priv_keys(hex_seed: String) -> Vec<String>
derive_priv_vk_from_priv_sk(private_spend_key: String) -> String
derive_pub_key(private_key: String) -> String
generate_seed(language: &str, seed_type: &str) -> Vec<String>
- Utils
- Block manipulation functions
- Cryptographic functions
- Key manipulation functions
- Utility functions like address validation