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This module contains all the traits and types for creating a cross-platform API to query different readouts from various operating systems. For each operating system, there must be an implementation of these traits.


Holds the possible variants for battery status.

The supported package managers whose packages can be extracted.

This enum contains possible error types when doing sensor & variable readouts.

The currently running shell is a program, whose path can be relative, or absolute.

There are two distinct kinds of shells, a so called “current” shell, i.e. the shell the user is currently using. And a default shell, i.e. that the user sets for themselves using the chsh tool.


This trait provides the necessary functions for querying battery statistics from the host computer. A desktop computer might not be able to provide values such as percentage and status, which means a ReadoutError can be returned.

This trait provides the interface for implementing functionality used for querying general information about the running operating system and current user.

This trait is used for implementing common functions for reading kernel properties, such as kernel name and version.

This trait provides common functions for querying the current memory state of the host device, most notably total and used. All other methods exposed by this trait are there in case you’re intending to calculate memory usage on your own.

This trait provides an interface to various networking statistics about the host system.

This trait provides an interface to various functions used to count packages on the host system. Almost all modern operating systems use some kind of package manager.

This trait provides the interface for implementing functionality used for getting product information about the host machine.