Trait libmacchina::traits::GeneralReadout[][src]

pub trait GeneralReadout {
Show 19 methods fn new() -> Self; fn backlight(&self) -> Result<usize, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn resolution(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn username(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn hostname(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn distribution(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn local_ip(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn desktop_environment(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn window_manager(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn terminal(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn shell(
        _shorthand: ShellFormat,
        kind: ShellKind
    ) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn cpu_model_name(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn cpu_usage(&self) -> Result<usize, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn cpu_physical_cores(&self) -> Result<usize, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn cpu_cores(&self) -> Result<usize, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn uptime(&self) -> Result<usize, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn machine(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn os_name(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> { ... }
fn disk_space(&self) -> Result<(AdjustedByte, AdjustedByte), ReadoutError> { ... }
Expand description

This trait provides the interface for implementing functionality used for querying general information about the running operating system and current user.


use libmacchina::traits::GeneralReadout;
use libmacchina::traits::ReadoutError;

pub struct MacOSGeneralReadout;

impl GeneralReadout for MacOSGeneralReadout {

    fn new() -> Self {
        MacOSGeneralReadout {}

    fn username(&self) -> Result<String, ReadoutError> {
        //let username = NSUserName();

    // Implement other trait functions...

Required methods

Creates a new instance of the structure which implements this trait.

Provided methods

This function should return the backlight (brightness) value of the machine.

e.g. 100

This function should return the display resolution of the machine.

_e.g. 1920x1080

This function should return the username of the currently logged on user.

e.g. johndoe

This function should return the hostname of the host’s computer.

e.g. supercomputer

This function should return the name of the distribution of the operating system.

e.g. Arch Linux

This function should return the user’s local ip address


This function should return the name of the used desktop environment.

e.g. Plasma

This function should return the name of the used window manager.

e.g. KWin

This function should return the name of the used terminal emulator.

e.g. kitty

This function should return the currently running shell depending on the _shorthand value.

  • If _shorthand is ShellFormat::Relative the basename of the shell will be returned.

e.g. bash, zsh, etc.

  • If _shorthand is ShellFormat::Absolute the absolute path of the shell will be returned.

e.g. /bin/bash, /bin/zsh, etc.

This function should return the model name of the CPU

e.g. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz

This function should return the average CPU usage over the last minute.

This function should return the number of physical cores of the host’s processor.

This function should return the number of logical cores of the host’s processor.

This function should return the uptime of the OS in seconds.

This function should return the name of the physical machine.

e.g. MacBookPro11,5

This function should return the name of the OS in a pretty format.

e.g. macOS 11.2.2 Big Sur

This function should return the used disk space in a human-readable and desirable format.

e.g. ‘1.2TB / 2TB’
