[][src]Function liblet::automaton::automaton_with_q0

pub fn automaton_with_q0<T, Q, I, F>(
    transitions: I,
    f: F,
    q0: Q
) -> Automaton<T> where
    T: Eq + Clone + Ord,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = Transition<T>>,
    Q: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
    F: IntoIterator,
    F::Item: IntoIterator<Item = T>, 

Convenience method for creating a an automaton with a specified q0 state.

It returns the automaton directly, as opposed to the Result returned from the automaton with_q0 method.


Panics if trying to construct the automaton returns an error as specified in the automaton with_q0 method.


use liblet::automaton::{automaton_with_q0,Transition};
use liblet::symbol::symbol;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;

let t = Transition::new(vec!["0"], symbol("label"), vec!["1"]);
let q0: BTreeSet<&str> = vec!["0"].into_iter().collect();
let mut f: BTreeSet<BTreeSet<&str>> = BTreeSet::new();

// automaton with starting state {"0"}
// and final state {"1"}
// and transiton "label" from {"0"} to {"1"}
let a = automaton_with_q0(vec![t], f, q0);