Function libindy_sys::indy_parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn indy_parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response(
    command_handle: indy_handle_t,
    get_revoc_reg_delta_response: *const c_char,
    cb: indy_str_str_long_cb
) -> indy_error_t

Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA response to get Revocation Registry Delta in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

#Params command_handle: command handle to map callback to caller context. get_revoc_reg_response: response of GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request. cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.

#Returns Revocation Registry Definition Id, Revocation Registry Delta json and Timestamp. { "value": Registry-specific data { prevAccum: string - previous accumulator value. accum: string - current accumulator value. issued: array - an array of issued indices. revoked: array an array of revoked indices. }, "ver": string - version revocation registry delta json }

#Errors Common*